
Chapter 86 86: Kidnapping An Immortal Cultivator

"Defend!" Dreyer yelled out an order causing the three mushroom soldiers to protect him and Tiki.

However, after waiting for the mysterious enemy to come out they discovered that their attacks didn\'t even damage the enemy. The melted floor quickly froze into black rock nearly making Tiki instinctively launch another attack but she held herself back since she knew this was a trick to draw her to attack.

Yoze meanwhile watched as the blue ball of spiritual energy had long left the area it had attacked from and instead retreated to the corner of the room. Noticing their trick hadn\'t worked, the blue ball of spiritual energy sneaked below Tiki and Dreyer\'s feet.

Yoze drew closer to the blue ball of spiritual energy ready to intervene if things began to get too dangerous. He was even two steps ahead and was preparing to capture the enemy to throw a talent mark on them in the morning.

Unfortunately to Yoze\'s disappointment, Tiki and Dreyer suddenly called out to their enemy. Secretly throwing each a glance at each other, Tiki and Dreyer prepared their trick to reverse their situation.

"We are not hunters, we are just trying to find a place to stay. And we will get out of your way as long as you let us go." Tiki said.

The blue ball of spiritual energy seemed to hesitate for a few seconds to consider if it was worth it to fight this battle. After its consideration, the blue ball of spiritual energy suddenly moved away from below Tiki and Dreyer\'s feet narrowly avoiding getting stabbed by the three mushroom men\'s feet.


The room filled with a bitter cold as the ice began to spread with the blue ball of spiritual energy as the epicenter. The ice rapidly spread across the floor as it touched the three mushroom soldiers\' legs turning them into ice popsicles in a blink of an eye. 

Watching the ice coming towards them Tiki took out a foot-long knife she kept tied to her arm. The moment her hands grabbed the knife it turned red hot as it even began to melt under the heat. Tiki threw the melting knife below her feet causing a wave of heat to spread and counter the ice\'s expansion.

Witnessing his precious mushroom soldiers be destroyed, Dreyer wanted to sigh but he knew this wasn\'t the time and he took out two blood-stained potatoes and tossed them to the ground.

The potatoes landed with a solid thud as a splash of blood leaked out. A pungent bloody smell filled the room as two giant potato plant soldiers grew.

Yoze\'s eyes widened with shock as he witnessed Dreyer so easily create two plant soldiers with Blood Master combat ability. Just like the previous three mushroom soldiers, these two Blood Master potato soldiers lack any spiritual energy and their movements couldn\'t compare to the fluidity and speed of a true Blood Master 

However, in most cases, this was enough to deal with any threat. Even when they faced other Blood Master realm martial artists they just needed to use numbers to make up for their lack of quality. 

A Blood Master could handle two or maybe three of these Blood Master Potato Plant Soldiers but how about four or five? They would be overwhelmed and killed through sheer numbers.

Yoze couldn\'t help but want to learn Dreyer\'s skills and special witchcraft. He already got a grade 2 talent in witchcraft from Dreyer and was ready and willing to learn the art of plant soldiers.

Yoze\'s attention snapped back into the battle as he noticed the blue ball of spiritual energy retreating from the building. It had already begun to leave the moment it sensed that things weren\'t going its way.

With the great teamwork between Tiki and Dreyer, an immortal cultivator and a witch, this rogue immortal cultivator recognized its position and started its escape.

As the blue ball of spiritual energy made its escape Yoze\'s eyes glittered with colorful light as he made his way to capture the retreating rogue immortal cultivator. If this blue ball of spiritual energy had attacked him Yoze might have allowed it to leave but it had attacked his family. Meaning that its fate was sealed and Yoze was going to capture it for the night to check out its talents first.

Once Yoze arrived at the back of the building that the blue ball of spiritual energy had retreated to he grabbed at the rogue immortal cultivator through the walls. Sticking his hand through a solid cement wall was a piece of cake for someone with Yoze\'s strength and he grabbed onto the immortal cultivator\'s neck before pulling him out.

"What! Please let me go, I\'ll help you kill other rogue immortal cultivators!" The rogue immortal cultivator screamed in fright at being pulled out of his hiding place.

Yoze looked at the middle-aged man that was covered in dust and a strange slick liquid and wondered how he was able to crawl through the walls and floor without making a sound. As for the middle-aged man\'s mistake of him being one of the crazy and strong rogue immortals cultivators, Yoze didn\'t bother to correct him. He was going to be dead either tomorrow or in a few days if his talents are good.

"Don\'t move," Yoze looked at the man\'s spiritual energy as he uttered two words that terrified the middle-aged man.

These two words changed the rogue immortal cultivator\'s view of Yoze from him being a fellow rogue immortal cultivator that could be reasoned with to that of an unreasonable demon. With two single words, the middle-aged man felt his mind being crushed by a heavy and oppressive yet illusory force.

Looking at the results of unleashing all his spiritual energy to suppress another person\'s spiritual energy, Yoze was quite satisfied with the results. The middle-aged man couldn\'t move a muscle and even couldn\'t move his eyes. As for his blue ball of spiritual energy, it was squashed into a flat pancake by Yoze\'s spiritual energies.

After making sure that the middle-aged man couldn\'t use any of his immortal powers or tricks, Yoze frisked his body for anything valuable. Eventually, he found 100 silver needles and two weird-looking rocks.

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