
Chapter 106 106: Become Martial Artists

Tiki stepped into the room filled with bags of meat and felt excited. After so many years she had finally created her third set of Crystal Nerves. She could feel her mind rapidly processing information and her new innovative ideas and thoughts popped into her mind.

"Congratulations on your breakthrough," Yoze said earnestly.

"Thanks, having money makes things so much easier. If we met 6 years ago I\'ll most likely be in the fifth level of Nerve Accumulation." Tiki smiled as she imagined what would have happened if they had this family reunion sooner.

The only outcome she could think of was that she would be in a much better situation. The resources that Yoze was providing were making everything easier to achieve.

If she and Dreyer had met Yoze earlier she could have reached the second level of Nerve Accumulation in less than 2 years and the third level in the fourth year and the fourth level in the sixth year. That was her prediction if they had met but only used Yoze\'s money. 

However, that certainly wouldn\'t have been the case so she might have gotten better resources that could improve her cultivation speed. As for Yoze\'s battle prowess, Tiki felt that she had a deeper understanding of how strong he was and how lucky they were to have gained his protection.

"I heard you guys talking about demon meat," Tiki asked.

"Yoze is still insisting that the meat is coming from demons, but as we know that is impossible," Dreyer told his sister, expecting she would agree with his sentiment.

"I wouldn\'t lie to my family. That\'s why I\'m telling you directly that this is high-quality and fresh demon meat. If you insist that it\'s impossible I can show you that even the city government has demon meat." Yoze said calmly and logically.

He was trying his best to convince them that what they were eating was demon meat so he could tell them the benefits without them not taking it to heart. He wanted to tell them all the benefits and for them to acknowledge his advice on the best way to take advantage of it.

Such as eating demon meat increases their spiritual energy, extends their lifespans, and makes it easier to train in martial arts. Yoze wanted to convince them to start practicing martial arts as that would allow them to be much stronger than they were right now. 

Just take Jewel for example she had previously been stuck as a third-rate martial artist for years. But within a year of eating demon meat regularly, she had been making rapid progress.

Martial Arts isn\'t just about having talent but also how many resources the martial artist can consume to further their training. For Yoze he had less of a need to consume large amounts of resources since he could just simply become more talented and reduce the bottlenecks in his path.

However regular people and beings only have a limited amount of talent in a certain field and once they became aware of all their talents then that was it.

They can\'t reduce their future bottlenecks by becoming more talented. For them having high-quality resources in large enough quantities becomes even more important.

For Jewel it was no longer a question of whether she could become a Blood Master but when she would reach it. And in the future, Yoze would help her become a Martial Grandmaster and even help her break past that limit once he figures out how to do it.

Yoze wanted to have Tiki and Dreyer also become martial artists so they could fully use the benefits of demon meat and the resources that Yoze provides for them. He could also put his teaching talent to good use and help Tiki and Dreyer progress even faster.

"Dreyer after thinking about it, Yoze is right, he doesn\'t get any benefits from lying to us so he is probably telling the truth. And there must be a reason why you keep insisting this is demon meat, right?" Unlike what Dreyer expected from her, Tiki thought that Yoze\'s logic was sound.

"Sis?" Dreyer said with a surprised voice, he didn\'t expect that Tiki would change her mind about this matter so quickly.

"Tiki you\'re right, I\'m trying so hard to convince you so you can better understand and value that demon meat will have on you. For example, demon meat is great for the body and will make practicing martial arts easier."

"You want us to practice martial arts?" Tiki\'s eyebrows frowned. She had a feeling that he was going to bring up something similar but she didn\'t expect to hear the words martial arts.

"Yeah, you\'re not very strong in my opinion, and are too easy to kill. How long is it going to take for you to reach the next level of Nerve Accumulation? How long is it going to take you to become immortal even with my support?"

"At least by practicing martial arts you will be able to have better self-defense capabilities and maybe become a formidable force like me. Just think about it." Yoze said.

He knew that Tiki and Dreyer looked down on martial artists and they had a good reason to because they were a strong force on their own. With Dreyer\'s witchcraft he could form plant soldiers, and in theory, create his own personal army of Blood Masters level plant soldiers. As for Tiki, her magic techniques could cut through a Blood Master\'s defenses and melt their bones. However, there were clear limitations on what they could do with their current abilities. 

Dreyer could become a strong force if he created a plant soldier army however that takes a large number of resources and time to accomplish at that scale. Something that Dreyer didn\'t have before he had met Yoze and was able to enjoy the benefits of having a rich scholar as family 

Dreyer and Tiki are also restricted by how much crystal energy they could utilize for their attacks. Dreyer needs to use crystal energy to manipulate his plant soldiers and Tiki needed crystal energy to use her magic.

Once they ran out of crystal energy they would be helpless against even third-rate martial artists. Even when they haven\'t run out of crystal energy they both were limited by their physical abilities.

If Tiki can\'t hit her target then how powerful her attacks were didn\'t matter. If Dreyer can\'t react to his opponent\'s speed or trap them then his army of plant soldiers becomes less useful.

In Yoze\'s mind, Dreyer and Tiki were simply glass canons that could be killed if a martial artist is powerful enough. However, they still had the attitude of an immortal without the strength of one. 

In a few words, they were arrogant. When someone is arrogant then the likelihood of them underestimating their enemies and ending up killed is much higher.

Yoze knew he couldn\'t always be there to protect them so he wanted to help them as best as he could to make them stronger.

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