
Chapter 111 111: The Armored Giant

"By not publicizing it, it not only saves the City from embarrassment but also helps cover up the martial art sects involved not having to worry about getting attacked by other martial art sects."

"Second, by painting a target the city will launch an attack on the Blood Crossbow gang instead of the martial art sects. Even if the Blood Crossbow gang was destroyed it wouldn\'t do much to harm the martial art sects."

"Lastly, if the city did announce that the martial art sects did steal the legendary demon corpse, it would increase the fame and appeal of martial art sects to the martial artist that hasn\'t yet joined a martial art sect." River finished her thought process.

Yoze felt that River\'s and the City\'s thought process of the situation made sense. It also explained why the martial art sects didn\'t feel an urgency to kill every last person to stop information leaking. 

He also thought that it was also because the martial art sects believed that even if there was no evidence that they were involved they would have been the City\'s main suspects. They would have to face the City\'s attacks regardless and with no possibility of getting any of the demon bones and meat back the City wouldn\'t have anything to lose so they would publicize it without a doubt.

When news breaks that a legendary demon corpse was involved then the martial sects that weren\'t involved in the ambush would try to find who stole it. There was a much higher possibility that the martial art sects would find out the sects involved.

Once the identity of the martial art sects is found out, they will either have to face the coordinated attacks of dozens of martial art sects or they would leak the information to the City. In the end, they would have to face the attack of the City\'s army directly if they decided to hide their identity.

"Okay, I understand now. Let\'s go before we are too late." 

After understanding the thoughts of the city and the martial art sects Yoze was ready to fight against this powerful group of ambushers. As he went over to put on the armor that he had forcefully expanded when he was training, Yoze remembered that River was heavily injured and most likely didn\'t have the strength to travel at her top speed.

"Are you able to walk yourself or do you need me to carry you?" Yoze asked.

"I can walk and even run but I run at my fastest speed or I\'ll reopen my wounds. So you\'re going to have to carry me if you don\'t mind." River said politely.

"That is not a problem, you\'re just going to have to deal with motion sickness and sharing some space with Jewel. You can come in." Yoze turned toward his door and could see Jewel\'s orange spiritual energy cloud standing outside it so he beckoned her to come inside.

River didn\'t look surprised to see Jewel since she had also sensed Jewel\'s presence at the door when she sat down. But she didn\'t mind that Jewel was spying on them since Jewel was already involved in the case.

"If you already knew I was listening, why didn\'t you let me in?" Jewel opened the door and mumbled to herself.

"I\'m ready to go when you are," Jewel said aloud to inform Yoze and River.

She had already gotten ready after she heard the knocks on Yoze\'s door so she was wearing her leather armor and ready to go. Yoze nodded his head in appreciation at her readiness and quickly got ready himself.

After putting on his armor and taking his sword, Yoze picked up both Jewel and River and quickly left in the direction River pointed at. 

After 15 minutes of jumping at his fastest speed, Yoze was able to see a giant blood mist had formed. For a blood mist to be this large meant that the number of Blood Masters activating using their full strength was astonishing.

"That Blood cloud is definitely where we were ambushed. I don\'t want to be a burden so drop me off here so you can focus on fighting." 

"You can also drop me off here." 

After dropping off River and Jewel a few miles away from the blood mist, Yoze rushed directly into battle. He was planning to attack the first enemy he found and make it known that reinforcements had arrived.

Within seconds Yoze arrived in front of the Blood mist attracting the attention of the martial artists inside. Even with the thick blood mist blocking his vision Yoze noticed that many martial artists inside the blood mist weren\'t fighting 

Instead, they were waiting on stand-by while at the center was a battle between five Blood Masters. Yoze recognized two of the five to be people he knew, Timothy and another Blood Master they traveled with when they fought the Elephant demon.

Noticing the arrival of a large man in armor sent the remaining ambushers on high alert causing them to draw out their weapons. Many of them cursed under their breath as they had just finished fighting for their lives and now needed to deal with a random person.

However, Yoze was not interested in fighting these injured Blood Masters as they wouldn\'t give him much of a challenge. He didn\'t even draw out his sword since he wanted to rescue Timothy and the other soldier first before anything else.

He simply activated all his inner vigors and stormed straight through the crowd of Blood Masters. Yoze was planning on forcefully creating a path forward by using his immense body weight and speed.

The Blood Masters that watched Yoze approaching them at high speeds felt a chill run down their spines as they noticed he didn\'t draw out his sword and continued charging at them. What made it worse was in Yoze\'s excitement his aura, which was created by having four different spiritual body cultivations, ran rampant. 

Before all the martial artists\' eyes they watched as Yoze transformed from a human-sized armored giant to a three-storied armored demon that stared at them as if they were ants.

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