
Chapter 136 136: Ancient Immortal Cultivators

"With the Masked immortal cultivator spreading this news to everyone, war is coming. All we need to do is wait for the most desperate rogue cultivators to make the first move and take advantage of the situation." The man holding the wooden doll, eyes flashed with a cold light.

Even while standing in the middle of a public street with hundreds of people passing by, the young man seemed to be invisible as people ignored his crazy rants.

"Brother, it can\'t be that easy. We are not dealing with mortals. We are dealing with other rogue immortal cultivators. There are bound to be others with the same plan as us."

"They might even be stronger than us. Just the fact that the Masked immortal cultivator has been spreading out the news using his puppets all over the city means he is interested in the situation."

"That means that we are not just competing with the crazy immortal cultivators and the new immortal cultivators but also the ancient immortal cultivators who are extremely strong." The wooden doll wearing a suit warned the young man and didn\'t seem as confident with their chances.

The young man wasn\'t perturbed by the wooden doll\'s doubts. He simply looked around for any immortal cultivators.

"Drax, you\'re right as usual but you\'re forgetting the fact that in front of immortals all of us immortal cultivators are desperate. We are desperate ourselves which is why even though I know this is dangerous we still showed up."

"But that also means that the Masked immortal cultivator is also desperate. He and the other ancient immortal cultivators are the most desperate since their life spans are nearly all gone."

"They are the ones that need to get the method to cultivate the Crystal Brain stage. If they miss their chance to join an immortal sect then they will just be waiting to die."

"The Masked immortal cultivator should know his chances are slim are low if he attempts this on his own but he definitely can\'t resist the temptation."

"He is waiting by the sidelines for an opportunity to occur but knowing this means that we can take advantage of the situation ourselves."

"If we can find where all the immortal cultivators are hidden then we can deal with those threats ahead of time and bide our time." The young man smiled with confidence as he asked the wooden doll a question.

"How is the progress of finding the immortal cultivators?" 

"So far, I found 10 immortal cultivators around the inn but it seems most of them decided to wait and see since they are incredibly far from the inn."

"With 1 immortal cultivation inside the inn. This immortal cultivator has a high chance of being the target that the immortals want us to capture." The wooden doll speaking with a young boy\'s voice answered when suddenly it shook and reported the situation.

"One of the detected immortal cultivators had made a move. It seems to be

the ancient immortal cultivator, Spice." The wooden doll reported.

The young man didn\'t look surprised and took a step away from the inn, planning to lie low until his time arrived. Before he took a single step his wooden doll reported a drastic change in the situation.

"Four more immortal cultivators jumped out of the hiding spots and are running towards the inn at full speed. The Spice immortal cultivator suddenly gave up and escaped, even giving up his current body."

"Spice immortal cultivator\'s will to abandon his body seemed to have inspired more crazy immortal cultivators to join in as three more immortal cultivators have left their spots and are running directly to the inn." The wooden doll reported to the young man in a quick and emotionless manner as if it was just a radio broadcast of the news.

"Drax, continue to keep an eye out for the Masked immortal cultivator. Also, give me a list of the immortal cultivators who are making a move." The young man said as he retreated inside a cafe he had chosen earlier.

"The list of immortal cultivators is the Dragon, Swampy, Stench, Fire Stick, Eternal Lake, Berserk, and War God." 

"Four ancient immortal cultivators couldn\'t wait huh? " The young man couldn\'t help but click his tongue in astonishment as he was impressed that four ancient immortal cultivators were willing to be in the first round of this war.

As ancient immortal cultivators, they had all reached the limit of what rogue immortal cultivators are allowed to reach, each one being at the peak of the Crystal Skull realm. While they were the strongest rogue immortal cultivators, they are also extremely old and near the end of their lifespans due to the poor quality of their crystal nerves.

The young man had expected that these ancient immortal cultivators would show up due to their desperate situation but he didn\'t expect that four ancient immortal cultivators would make a move so soon. Since they were the strongest and had the most to lose, none of them wanted to be in the first wave as that jeopardized their chances of success.

Just taking the Spice immortal cultivator, who was an ancient immortal cultivator, as an example of what these ancient immortal cultivators would have to do to survive the war if they entered too early. But if they joined in the war too late then they would lose their only chance of surviving.

That was why the young man and the wooden doll didn\'t flinch when they heard that the Spice immortal cultivator gave up his body. What surprised them more was how he made this mistake and if this was all part of a secret plan.

But the young man wasn\'t given enough time to consider whether it was the Spice Immortal cultivator\'s plan. He had to focus on trying to find an opportunity between the other immortal cultivators who had made a move.

He was particularly interested in the War God immortal cultivator and Berserk immortal cultivator as they were both famous crazy immortal cultivators. They had only entered the city for at most 2 years yet they had killed more than 20 immortal cultivators each.

It was also rumored that they were as strong as the ancient immortal cultivators such as Swampy, Fire Stick, and Dragon. From how fearlessly they charged forward it seemed that they also thought the same.

He was almost looking forward to seeing the battle between these strong immortal cultivators. But the young man\'s heart suddenly froze as he heard the strange report that came out of his wooden doll.

"Dragon, Swampy, Stench, Fire Stick, Eternal Lake, Berserk, and War God have all dropped dead." 

"Drax, what are you saying?" The young man asked his wooden doll with confusion and concern.

"Sorry, brother, I made a mistake." The wooden doll suddenly regains his personality before apologizing to his brother.

"That\'s okay just be..." Before the young man could continue speaking his wooden doll continued.

"All the immortal cultivators that I had reported have all dropped dead simultaneously, except for two. Those two are, the immortal cultivator that is inside the inn and the second Spice immortal cultivator who had abandoned his body to escape." The wooden doll looked at his brother with worry.

"Brother, I recommend that we leave this place immediately. For this kind of mass death to happen simultaneously could only be caused by a real immortal."

"The situation is too dangerous if the immortals are willing to get involved in the test. The only result is our death if we try to get close to the inn." The wooden doll that went by Drax shivered with fear and clenched his brother\'s suit with fear.

"You\'re right, this is too dangerous. This is definitely what the Masked immortal cultivator wanted to happen. He wanted to use the immortals themselves to cut down on his competition." The young man gritted his teeth in anger and felt ashamed at how he had so easily trusted the Masked immortal cultivator\'s message.

But he didn\'t dwell on it for long and got rid of any shame and anger he had in his heart as that would only lead to future mistakes. Right now, he had to get as far away from the immortal\'s inn without triggering the immortal\'s attack.

The young man held his brother tight and looked around his pocket for a few items. After looking around for a while he eventually pulled out a long recorder made out of green crystal which had beautiful patterns of flowers and trees etched into the instrument. 

The young man placed the recorder on the cafe table and searched his pockets for a bundle of black string that was also made out of crystals. Once the young man placed the bundle of black sting on the table he picked the recorder back up.

After taking a deep breath the young man placed the recorder in his mouth ready to play his way out of this terrible situation he found himself in.

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