
Chapter 303 303: Tentacle Tumors

The Eternal Justice demon shook its head with disapproval at Yoze\'s suggestion. Even though it hated his guts and was going to tear Yoze\'s limbs off his body one by one to continue the pain, it wasn\'t stupid enough to accept his proposal.

It didn\'t believe that Yoze would simply allow it to send the majority of its spiritual energy into his body without having a backup plan. As it thought about the look of confidence in Yoze\'s eyes, it felt a cold chill run along its long thick body.

"Could it be that he is one of those demons with a second body?" The Eternal Justice demon ordered a few of its eyes to watch its surroundings carefully to prevent any sneak attacks.

Even though it had a partner, it would be a fool if it trusted a human to be capable enough to stop a hidden demon from attacking. Even if its partner was a witch, in its eyes, only creatures who have become immortals were qualified to have its respect and full trust.

With its guard up, the Eternal Justice demon mobilized the remaining two-thirds of its red spiritual energy and caused the pillars of fire to fuse. With all of its spiritual energy fused, the mere heat from its spiritual energy began to cause the very ground of Gospel Peak to melt.

The remaining plants that survived the eruption of its glorious entrance spontaneously combusted into the bright red fire. Literal black pillars of smoke rose into the night sky, becoming support pillars for the laughing Ghost net in the sky.

"Hohoho! Hohohoho! Hohohoho!"

As the Eternal Justice demon quickly transformed the original peaceful and serene graveyard of Gospel into a hellscape, it groaned with relief as it felt everything becoming more comfortable. It was a being that preferred the heat, and living underground at the peak of the mountain didn\'t satisfy its cravings. 

If it wasn\'t for its witch assistance mentioning that humans bred faster when they stayed in these environments, it would have moved towards a warmer location a long time ago. Now that it had to fight against a fellow demon, it couldn\'t risk not being able to control its body properly due to the cold.

After raising the temperature on Gospel Peak ten degrees, it stopped as it knew that if it kept going, it would cause irreversible damage to the mountain and thus harm the delicate humans he had tried too hard to farm. With the temperature reaching a decent level, it manipulated its fused spiritual energy into a large, tight-knit net that even bugs would find difficult to get through.

After creating this death net, it sent it directly toward Yoze with a plan to slice him into tiny cubes. With a single thought, the speed of this red-hot net reached speeds of thousands of miles per hour. 

If it was any other human, they would have had their body sliced before their brains could even comprehend it. However, Yoze simply took a deep breath and slammed his foot into the ground, causing a loud bang but no damage.

As soon as his foot touched the hard ground, Yoze disappeared into the eyes of the Slug demon. 

"What?" Surprised that Yoze could move so fast that even his twenty eyes temporarily lost track of him, the Slug demon\'s eyes combusted into flames as it enhanced its eyesight.

After enhancing its eyesight, it again saw Yoze\'s blurry figure rushing directly toward his death. Feeling as if Yoze was trying to humiliate them by showing he didn\'t fear his net, the Eternal Justice demon swiftly caused its net to vibrate at high speeds.I think you should take a look at

It no longer wanted to simply slice Yoze into tiny cubes; it wanted him to feel the pain of being burned to death while watching his body cut into thin pieces. And the realization that with his body sliced into such thin slices of meat, there would be no chance of his spiritual energy reviving him, even if it didn\'t eat his body.

Not aware that his actions had caused the Slug demon\'s hatred of him to deepen, Yoze used his Skipper movement technique at its fullest potential and ran head-first into the death net. Just as he and the vibrating death net were about to collide, he manipulated his spiritual energies to form two long colorful, sharp claws on his hands.

The moment he formed his spiritual energy claws, he swiftly forced the oppressive nature of the serpent demon\'s green spiritual energy, the heaviness of the Armor Elephant demon\'s dark blue spiritual energy, and the Swamp Leopard demon\'s brown spiritual energy to form a tough exterior while making the Three-Headed Fox demon\'s spiritual energy the foundation.


With the combined power of his spiritual energies and his maxed-out Armored Swordsman Slash technique to enhance the power of his strike, he was able to cut through the vibrating death net with ease. Unfortunately, it wasn\'t without losing a few strands of his spiritual energy simply due to the immense heat burning the strands away before being devoured.

Though he faced some loss, he was able to cut a hole wide enough to allow his entire body to slip through the net without worrying about becoming charcoal. Even then, the heat coming from the net was more than four times hotter than what he was prepared for.

If it wasn\'t for having decades of years worth of spiritual energy covering his entire body underneath his blood armor, he wouldn\'t have tried such a risky move. Having made it past the first obstacle, Yoze didn\'t relax for even a split second as he noticed that the Slug demon\'s face only showed anger but not a single ounce of fear.

With his many years of battle experience, Yoze knew that the Slug demon must have prepared a trap for him, but he didn\'t back down and continued charging straight for it. Even if he was forced to escape, it would be worth it if he could land one hit; even if he failed, he could gather more information about the Slug demon\'s capabilities.

Having cut the distance between them to less than a foot, Yoze felt slightly in awe at how massive the Slug demon was. Even with his body being more than ten feet tall, he still felt small as he looked at the Slug demon staring at him from above. Its body alone was double his height, and when he included its flaming eyes, it was nearly 30 feet tall.

"Roar! Die and become part of my flesh!"

Seeing that Yoze had finally gotten close enough, the Slug demon let out a loud demonic roar that shook the mountain. As hundreds of little bumps appeared on its skin, they rapidly grew like tumors.

In less than a second, these hundreds of tumor-like bumps grew twenty feet long and three feet wide, each covered in large red balls that were releasing piping-hot steam. The hundreds of tentacle-like appendages locked on Yoze and released a ton of steam before rushing straight for him.

Yoze\'s pupils shrunk as he saw the steam coming from the large red balls instantly turn a large rock into red lava. And from the fact that each of the yellow tentacles was radiating so much heat that they raised the air\'s temperature by several more degrees, he knew that they were just as deadly as the steam.

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