
Chapter 344 344: Forming A Mighty Army

After seeing their poor state, Yoze sighed as he was glad he didn\'t stall this visit any later, or he might have found ten dried corpses instead of baby slug demons. 

"Come with me; I have some food for you to eat and regain strength." Yoze uses his spiritual speech to communicate with the baby slug demons, but from the blank looks in their eyes, he guessed it didn\'t translate.

Since that method was a dud, Yoze grabbed the ten baby slug demons by their tails and dragged them to the surface. After making it to the surface, he watched the ten baby slug demons sluggishly adapt to the sunlight and fresh air, ensuring they didn\'t die from sudden exposure.

Luckily, even though the baby slug demons had been starved ever since they were born, their bodies were much stronger than most animals and humans, so their immune system was still quite hearty, which was good because if their bodies had grown too weak, the process of recovery would have taken much longer and more care on his end.

Even though Yoze joked around and thought about taking responsibility for the ten baby slug demons\' future, he mainly just wanted to copy their talents, especially when it came to spiritual energy manipulation due to the fact he struggled to form his spiritual energy in any other shape than claws and basic shapes.

In addition, he wanted to use his Bloody Beast Clone body cultivation method on them and transform them into his clones. After recruiting the family of Three-Eyed Crows, White Tiger, Little Serpent, and the Lily the Wasp Monster, he formed a mini beast army that could overrun all his enemies.

With the addition of these ten baby slug demons into his beast army, he would have increased their size to 23 beasts. All of which were capable of fighting and beating Blood Masters. 

Just from the power of his beast army, Yoze could destroy any medium-sized sect and town with ease. Even the mighty New Swamp Town would be destroyed without much effort.

Any City would have been willing to pay a heavy price if they could make their own beast army as strong and capable as his own. It was not only because they were Blood Beasts and were comparable to Blood Masters, but their loyalty would never be questioned.

All they would have to do was feed them and provide them with a safe and loving home, and they could get great protection for many years. The Cities would even be willing to kill to obtain the Bloody Beast Clone body cultivation method.

Unfortunately for the Cities, Yoze was not interested in giving up his custom body cultivation method. 

"Come eat. This meat should be quite good for you. A few bites, and you will be filled with energy." Yoze said with a gentle smile as he fed the baby with meat from his giant meatballs.

Famished, the ten baby slug demons quickly devoured all the meat Yoze had on hand and stared at him with desire. The amount of food they could eat was not even enough to fill their stomach, but the meat tasted delicious.

Even though the meat was not cooked, due to the hot spiritual energy that is inside every piece of meat, it was edible. Every bit was the perfect temperature where it still tasted hot and fresh but was hot enough to burn their mouths and tongues.

As the first things the baby slug demons had eaten since their birth, they couldn\'t help but want more of this delicious meat. Yoze was willing to oblige to their requests and guided them to the cave where he had hidden the giant meatballs of demon meat. 

Though he had mentally distributed the meatballs to whom he would give them, after seeing the weak state of the baby demon slugs, he sliced off 500 pounds from New Swampscott City\'s portion to fill the baby slug demons up. He needed them to quickly regain their strength so they could endure the process of having the blood drained out repeatedly and undergoing the intense process of creating inner vigor.

After ensuring that all the baby slug demons had eaten their fill and were glowing with energy, Yoze once again suppressed them with his green, spiritual energy and began converting them into powerful Blood Demons.

A few hours flew by in a flash, and Yoze stood up from the cold ground and smiled as he noticed that the cave was filled with a thick blood fog. The fog was so thick that if someone didn\'t wear a mask to cover their nose and mouth, their lungs would be quickly filled with blood, and they would drown.

"Congratulations! Even without you releasing your full power, the blood fog formed from you simply standing together is almost as thick and lethal as my own." Yoze said with full praise.

Standing before him was his minibeast army, which had grown to a population of 23 Blood Beasts. With ten of them being demons, it might have been better to call this a mini-demon army that would cause any army to want to surrender.

"Even if another martial artist has formed his own beast army, it is nothing like ours! None of them have a beating heart that is as powerful and synchronized as ours!"

"The moment the sound of war drums enters the battlefield, our enemies will feel a cold chill run through their bodies, and their feet will turn colder than ice from fear! The sounds of our heartbeats will become the deepest fear of our enemies!" 

Having completed his miniature demon army, Yoze felt his heart swell with pride as he spontaneously gave a heartfelt speech. Even though he had never given a speech before, his various talents related to speech and public speaking helped him find the words he was looking for.

"Listen up from now on, puff out your chests, and allow the work to hear our blood hearts! From today forth, we will start our journey to become the most feared existence in this world!"

"So feared that even our greatest and boldest enemies will not even think about attacking our family, friends, and anyone linked to us! From now on, we will become the Demon Heart Army!"

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