
Chapter 384 383: Quick Drink This

Chapter 384 Chapter 383: Quick Drink This

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The guards\' footsteps rushing toward them cause Gilan to sigh with relief as she feels much safer. As an ordinary person, I thought guards and soldiers who belonged to towns and cities were reliable and engraved into her bones.

Even though she was hired to serve a private organization as a servant, she still felt that criminals would immediately run away as long as guards came to a crime scene. Unfortunately, Suzanne didn\'t have the same level of confidence. Instead, she felt they were liabilities that would get them killed.

An ordinary Blood Master could slaughter villages and everyone in the Martial Artist realm. Only monsters like Yoze and those talented martial artists from top sects could cross realms.

"Those fools will only become fuel to supply Jilque with healing material and strengthen him. We need to move the battlefield outside of town." Suzanne said with a worried look on her face.

Meanwhile, Yoze found himself in deep thought as he couldn\'t help but be attracted to obtaining Jilque\'s regeneration body cultivation method. He had longed for this body cultivation method for a long time but had not even discovered a hint of it.

After raiding two martial arts sects of all their possessions, he found numerous martial arts techniques and body cultivation methods, but healing-type methods were simply too rare.

Who wouldn\'t want to be capable of healing from deathly wounds in seconds and surviving dangers that easily killed others much stronger than them? Yoze certainly wanted it, and he even had a few talents that might allow him to quickly increase his healing factor abilities.

All he needed was a guide. A body cultivation method or technique, and now he found it.

"I need to obtain that body cultivation method no matter what! If I am going to continue fighting against immortals, demons, witches, and abnormalities, my current natural regeneration capabilities are simply too insufficient." Yoze\'s eyes glittered as he stared at Jilque like a treasure.

Noticing the look in Yoze\'s eyes, Jilque shivered as he knew that he couldn\'t allow himself to fall under Yoze\'s control of his life. While others would be terrified by Yoze\'s stature and power, Jilque instead felt excited.

Even his broken ribs couldn\'t stop the twisted smile on his face from rapidly growing on his face. As if he couldn\'t feel any pain, Jilque heavily slammed his palm on his chest, causing a terrifying crunching sound.

"A few broken ribs, some of which penetrated my lungs and stomach. Not bad for a first strike. The rumors of you being a strong Blood Master are not false."

"I might even be able to use my full power for a bit," Jilqie said calmly as he licked his red lips.

Seeing how calm Jilque was about his injuries, Yoze\'s, Gilan\'s, and Suzanne\'s eyes twitched. They couldn\'t help but think that a good chunk of the damage caused was from Jilque\'s reckless actions.

"From the power of that one punch alone, he must practice a body cultivation method that focuses on increasing the power of his attacks with the heaviness of weight. It could be the Elephant God body cultivation method, Iron Mountain, or the Corrupt God body cultivation method. Each is quite powerful and is capable of supporting someone in the Martial Grandmaster realm."

"A Blood Master whose weight can be measured in tons is not someone I can easily handle at close range. I should maintain a safe distance and freeze him to death before sucking his blood." Jilque calmly muttered, not caring if the others heard his strategy.

With a trickle of blood following from the corners of his mouth, Jilque took a deep breath before letting out a long line of white mist. The sound of his bones quickly snapping back together and Jilque\'s slightly pale face regaining its color was evident that he had activated his body cultivation method.

Within less than a second, his dented chest popped back to normal like rubber, completing his healing.

"That\'s better. I\'ll give you a little hint. I have a regeneration-type body cultivation method, but I\'ll spare you the details out of respect for the dead. Hahaha!" Jilque\'s eyes flash a bloody light as an intense smell of blood covers his body.

Suddenly, Jilque\'s body disappeared as the sound of screaming ghosts filled the hallway. This sound attack instantly caused Gilan to cover her ears with her hands to block out the nauseating and terrifying screams.

"Kaah! Kaah!"

While Gilan was suffering, Suzanne frowned as the intense screams caused her to feel pain in her ear drums. If it wasn\'t for her Blood Master realm body, she wouldn\'t have been able to handle it either.

"Frightful Ghosts Step, damn, he didn\'t even bother to use this against me. By following a certain pattern, each of his steps will create a harsh gust of wind that will sound like screams, capable of inducing headaches, nausea, and even nose bleeds." Suzanne explained quickly to Yoze as she activated her blood armor to block out the screams.

Seeing that her effort was effective, Suzanne breathed a sigh of relief before grabbing Gilan\'s hand, covering her in a blood cocoon. As soon as the blood covered Gilan\'s head, she suddenly found that the dreadful screams became muffled before quickly disappearing. Confused about what was happening, Gilan opened her closed eyes to find herself surrounded by red with a calm Suzanne.

Before Gilan could ask her what was happening and why they were surrounded by blood, Suzanne took the initiative and pointed to her back.

"Gilan, climb on my back. Things are about to get bumpy."

While she didn\'t understand what was happening, Gilan was smart enough to know that things were far beyond what she imagined and chose to follow her friend\'s request. Luckily, when she climbed on, Suzanne didn\'t even frown as she easily lifted Gilan like she was made out of paper.

"Suzanne, I am going to need your help. I don\'t think I can defeat Jilque alone, so I will need your help." Seeing that Suzanne had chosen to protect Gilan, Yoze nodded before making his face grave as if he were making a tough decision.

After briefly pausing, Yoze reached into his suit and pulled out a small clear jar filled to the brim with dark blood. The small jar\'s mouth was strangely wide, nearly half the size of the jar itself. Noticing the strange jar Yoze pulled out, Suzanne squinted as she saw a large round object floating within the blood.

"Suzanne, pardon my words, but right now, you are more of a liability than help, especially now that you must also protect Gilan. So you\'ll need a boost in strength to help us defeat this monster." Yoze tried to explain further, but the ghosts\' screams rapidly increased as they both felt a gust of wind heading straight for them.

"There is no time! Drink this!" Yoze screamed as he quickly activated his blood armor and tossed the blood jar to Suzanne.

"This pill! Did you make another in secret? Forget it. How many do you have?"

As soon as Suzanne caught the jar, she instantly realized it was the strange blood pill. At the same time, she wanted to know when Yoze had created another one. She ignored her doubts and drank the entire jar along with the pill. Almost immediately, she felt a deep power come from her stomach. She felt as if she had taken ten shots of adrenaline.

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