
Chapter 13: What the hell is Nano?

Chapter 13: What the hell is Nano?

Instructor let out a sigh and peered at the crystal ball.

He confirmed it was in working order.

I tried again, but still, nothing happened.

-"Looks like we\'ve got a dud in the class"

Another voice chimed in,"That\'s strange... "

The taunts continued.

- "Wow, I\'ve never seen someone fail to activate a mana crystal before. Does he perhaps not have mana?"

In the background, I could discern the sound of some female students giggling.

I looked back to see Freya among the group of students.

It was clear that they weren\'t going to leave this chance to mock me.


- "That\'s strange, it worked for me just fine."

- "Ugh, why is he even here if he don\'t even have an affinity?" a girl\'s voice interjected.


- "This is a waste of my time."

- "I can\'t believe we have to put up with this incompetence."

I refused to falter or show any signs of being affected by what they said.

Without wasting any more time there, I left the room with a frown etched on my face.

It wasn\'t because of what they said, but because of what had happened. It only meant one thing.

"I have no mana core"




In this world filled with monsters and magic it\'s impossible to survive without a mana core.

If it was somebody else in my place they would have certainly been depressed.

After pondering for sometime I came up with two answers-

1→ I must acquire a mana circuit tattoo; but, the challenge lies in the nonexistence of the mana circuit tatto.

\'It was only introduced in the later half of the novel. This circuit functions as a converter that absorbs and augments atmospheric mana.\'

Waiting for its development is not an option as time is of the essence.

Therefore, I must take the initiative to create it myself.

2→I need to learn Aura and get my hands on more mysteries.

As I pondering the plan of action I should be taking..


"Hey, watch where you\'re going."

Turning my head, I saw two boys - one with orange hair and blue eyes, and the other with black hair and violet eyes.

I immediately recognized Luke Armstone, one of Takahasi\'s layckeys, who was likely ranked F.

I was easily able to memorize his character due to his orange hair.

The other boy was unknown to me.

"Isn\'t he that weakling from the affinity test?" Luke asked, pointing at me.

"And now he\'s walking around like he owns the place."

"I think we need to teach him a lesson and put him back in his place."

Before I could react, Luke kicked me in the groin, causing me to fall to the ground in pain.

In frustration, I thought to myself, \'Fuck this.\'

Luke raised his fist, and I could feel mana radiating from it, glowing with a slight blue hue.

I tried to dodge, but my body gave out on me.

While a normal human might have survived the blow, I knew I couldn\'t. I didn\'t even had a manacore.

[Sensing danger from hostile entity]

[Initiating healing process. Numbing sensory nerves for instant pain relief.]

[Activating augmented reality on user\'s field of vision to deal with the threat.]

[Activate battle mode? To enter battle mode, initiate command "Let\'s go."]

Without thinking too much I replied with,

"Let\'s go".

As the fist came at me, my body reacted on its own.

My knees bent as if they had their own brain, and moved out of the way, avoiding the punch while my arms covered my face in a boxing stance .

It was a downward movement—a duck . It was a quick and swift movement. Luke completely missed his punch

A smile formed on my lips out of amazement.

Seeing me smile seemed to infuriate him, and he followed up with another punch.

As Luke\'s fist flew towards my face, my body seemed to move of its own accord.

My body leaped away from his incoming punch, in a rotating motion.

My right fist clenched, a surge of energy coursing through my arm as it flew swiftly towards his torso.

As my left foot turned, my wrist twisted with the punch, delivering a sharp impact to the center of his sternum.

The satisfying thud reverberated through my body as I quickly followed up with three more punches, each landing with precision within a single second.

The movement was fluid, each limb working in perfect harmony as I executed the combination flawlessly.

My hands swiftly pulled back from the punch they had just thrown, deftly catching hold of the collar of Luke\'s shirt in one fluid motion.

Drawing him closer, the coordinated movement of my left fist followed, connecting solidly with the bridge of his nose.

Luke passed out.

"You freak!" exclaimed the other one with black hair and violet eyes. He lifted his foot up in a swift motion, aiming to kick me.

Without hesitation, my leg moved on its own and stepped on his leg before he could even kick.

I then jumped and used his leg as footing to wrap both of my legs around his neck in a triangle shape. At the same time, I pressed both of my arms onto his head.

[Releasing Adrenaline]

The stength in my hands increased with a sudden surge of energy and my heart rate quickend. *Krk* I could hear a sound coming from his neck.


[Ending Battle sequence]

My pupils were shaking probably from excitement.

*BUDUMP BUDUMP* my heart ..

Before my eyes Luke was passed out on the ground with blood dripping out of his nose and the other one went to sleep.

Seeing the scene infront of me only one thought came to my mind,\'What the hell is Nano?\'


Emily Reed\'s Pov(Point of view):

The cascading droplets kissed down my flesh.

With a soft touch, I silenced the shower and wrapped myself in a plush towel, stepping out.

Through the hazy veil of steam, I caught a glimpse of myself in the wall-to-wall mirror.

As the steam parted before my gaze, I couldn\'t help but admire the way my curves looked.

Tilting to the side, I caught a glimpse of a tantalizing curve, tracing the arch of my lower back until my smile grew into something sultry and seductive.

Truly, there were few who could deny the allure of her breathtaking physique.

Currently she was in A-1, Hostel Building.

*Knock- Knock*

"Excuse me, m\'lady. Sir Reed is on the line," informed the maid.

My countenance seized up, but I took a deep breath and loosened my tension.

With a measured tone, I replied, "I shall be with him shortly. Kindly instruct Father to hold off for a moment."

Stepping out of the bathroom, I prepared myself for what awaited.


With a clicking sound I brought the smart phone near my right ear.

"Good day, dear father. May I inquire as to what great fortune has bestowed upon me the pleasure of your call today?"

"I am your father, Emily. It\'s only natural for me to keep in touch with you."

I could feel the seriousness in his voice.

I quickly fixed my elocution and answered in a more earnest tone,"Oh, of course. Sorry if my words sounded ungrateful, that wasn\'t my intentio-."

"No worries. Now, tell me about your core"

I clicked my tounge. He wasn\'t even playful like before.


"During the ritual, the crystal emitted a bright green glow."

In a serene tone I continued "Teacher commented that my mana core has a wind affinity."


I detected a shift in his tone.

Perhaps he held some pride for me.

Unintentionally, a sad smile gradually appeared on my face.

"I\'m aware it\'s - EXPLOSION *Sir, they\'re assaulting*. - My apologies, Emily, I need to leave." *Click*

Before I could even reply, he terminated the call.

I stared at the phone silently for a few seconds.

He is a busy man, and with emergencies growing more prevalent these days, he has become busier than ever before.

However, it hurts to see that as time passes, father and I are growing farther apart.

I clenched my fist.

That\'s why I must become stronger so that I can soon assist him.


A pale boy was currently doing push ups on the floor.

His dark hair and dark eye complexion gave him a mysterious look.

A shinning red bracelete, which appeared to be made of stone could be seen in his left arm.

He slowly sat up as he , panted heavily.





│ S t a t u s W i n d o w ?


Name: Noah Grey

Age: 16 (+23?)(=39?)

Class: None

Rank: G-



│ Health: G- │ 100/ 100

│ Mana: G- │ 100/ 100

│ Strength: G- │ 110/ 110

│ Dexterity: F+ │ ( )

│ Intelligence: ??? │ ( )

│ Mana Capacity: │ 0




│Armor: G- │ 1

│Resistance: G- │ 1.2

│Stamina: G- │ ( )

│Charm: E- │ ( )

│Durability: G- │ 1

│Flexibility: B │ ( )



- None





Propensity: None


[Mystery of Teleportation]


[Legendary Achievment! Acquired the mystery of Teleportation!]


"It should be about time, I should get going"

I took a glance at the room\'s simple decor, and its practicality made sense for a single occupant.

The comfortable twin sized bed was made up with fresh white sheets, and the standard-sized desk with a lamp and a comfortable chair made a cosy working area.

The walls were plain, and the wooden floor-boards were scuffed and well-worn.

A small closet, complete with hangers and shelves on one side, was tucked away next to the entrance.

I knew that other students from the academy were also staying at this same hostel, but everyone was given their own private room.

It wasn\'t quite as glamorous as the living spaces for students who ranked higher up, but I was grateful to have my own space to focus, as a first-year student.

I was in A3 hostel of Arcanum Academy.

Ofcourse this place was for the bugs of 1st year. Bugs which include me.

Your average Joe is sent to A2 hostel with much better facility.

And those who are ranked 100 and above are sent to A1 hostel. Ofcourse, I don\'t need to mention but A1 hostel is a luxury resort with state of the art tech instilled in it compared to A3 hostel.

"It\'s about time I got going," I said to no one in particular while taking one last look at the room.

"I hope they are not dead yet-"

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