
Chapter 93 93: Grimoire!

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Lauryn, on the other hand, had a different idea of how to occupy her time while waiting. She decided to wear some provocative attire, which caused Alex\'s dick to twitch in excitement. Before leaving the room, she teased him by saying that perhaps the next time she wants him inside her, she would wear the same outfit.

As Lauryn left, Alex couldn\'t help but think about the upcoming meeting and what it would entail. He knew that he had to be prepared and focused, but at the same time, he couldn\'t shake off the excitement that came with being in the presence of such powerful individuals. He wondered what the Rulers of Sin would think of him and if he could live up to their expectations as the Lord Of Lust.

Alex had been informed by Asmodea that the Grimoire was available to him anytime he needed it, and he made a mental note to search for a spell that would allow him to conjure the book whenever he required assistance in directing the flow of his power. He realized that until he learned this spell, it was essential to always have the book on him.

As he walked over to the section of his room designated for reading and analyzing texts, Alex pondered on the importance of the Grimoire. This ancient book contained a wealth of knowledge about magic, spells, and incantations, and he knew that it would be an invaluable tool for him as he continued to explore his abilities.

Alex had always been fascinated by magic and the supernatural, and now that he had discovered that he was a wielder of magic, he felt even more drawn to the mysterious and mystical world that surrounded him. He knew that he had a lot to learn, and that the Grimoire would be his guide on this journey.

As Alex entered the designated section of his room, he spotted the Grimoire sitting on top of a desk, waiting for him whenever he was ready. It had been delivered to his room by Asmodea, and he knew that it was a powerful tool that he could use to enhance his magic abilities.

As he reached for the book, he couldn\'t help but feel a sense of curiosity and intrigue. The Grimoire was an ancient text that had been passed down through generations of magic users, and he wondered what secrets it held within its pages.

As he opened the book and began to read from its magical text, Alex felt a strange sensation wash over him. It was as if he was communicating with the memory or essence of the person who had previously owned the book. He wasn\'t sure if it was a spell or a fragment of the demon\'s soul, but the experience was both eerie and fascinating.

Despite the mystery surrounding the Grimoire, Alex felt drawn to its pages. He turned to the first page of the book, which contained strange and unfamiliar characters that he knew only he could decipher. As he began to read, he felt a surge of power flow through him, and he knew that he was on the path to discovering the secrets of magic that had been hidden for centuries.

"It appears that some time has passed since the last communication. Have you checked to see how things are going at my private villa? I am curious about the current status of the cities and regions that are dedicated to my personal lust, as well as the well-being of my personal butlers and bodyguards."

"I must admit that I am beginning to long for the comforts and pleasures of my former abode. However, my feelings are somewhat mixed, as I also remember the annoyance and frustration that I experienced while living there."

"When you refer to my personal Lust, are you speaking of the brothel that was located on Arhs Street in Lutelia? If so, I have no particular attachment to that establishment and am not concerned with its current state. My interests lie elsewhere, and I would appreciate an update on those matters if possible."

Upon entering the establishment, the Voice remarks, "At first glance, particularly from the exterior, it appears to be alluring and appealing; yet, \'whoa! If you take even one step inside, you won\'t be able to leave until you\'ve experienced all your money bought you. Hello there! Why am I the only one who seems to be talking?\'"

The Voice then addresses the book in their possession, "C\'mon, talk to me man to man... To speak frankly, man to book... In any case, the incubus to the magic spell in the book. However, how are things going?"

It is unclear what specific matters the Voice is referring to, but they seem to be seeking guidance or reassurance from the book. They are curious about the state of the world around them or perhaps their own personal affairs.

The Voice\'s tone is one of curiosity and perhaps even apprehension, as they describe the alluring yet dangerous nature of the establishment. They are eager to hear from the book and continue the dialogue.

Alex found it strange to talk to a book, but he attempted to communicate with it regardless. He responded to the question posed to him, saying, "Um... Well, I guess that\'s good," though he wasn\'t quite sure how to proceed from there.

The book seemed to respond to him, expressing surprise at his lackluster answer. "Reaaaaaalllly? Just good? That\'s not a problem at all," it said. The book went on to suggest that Alex inject some vigor into his physique, as he would soon be engaged in some major fighting.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is also enough we just have to increase fan value, so 1 power stone is enough, but if you like the novel I won\'t mind if you send more stones, and plz don\'t forget the gifts.)

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