
Chapter 260 Sins Of The Past: Helia's Exile

For Lia, this was the first time she had ever cried so deeply for anyone. She loved Rio with all her heart and the idea of him being in danger shattered her. All she could do now was hope and pray that he was safe, wherever he was.

After Lia wiped away her tears, she tried to calm herself down.

She sat alone in her bedroom, lost in thought about Rio and longing to talk to him but suddenly, she heard his voice resonating in her mind once again, causing a smile to spread across her face.

"Hey, Wifey. I have a question for you. How would you feel if something happened to Lioness?" he asked.

Lia\'s icy voice sounded through Rio\'s mind, filled with coldness and worry, "What are you talking about? Don\'t play games with me. Helia has been by my side since childhood. She\'s my sister, and if anything happened to her, it would break my heart. So, why are you asking about her in this way, Husband?"

Even though Rio asked about Helia, But deep down, Lia\'s heart was filled with anguish at the bare idea of something terrible things happening to her boy that she was thinking about all this time after he had left.

She thought to herself, "The mere thought of something happening to Husband makes my heart ache. I don\'t know how I could go on living without you."

However, after not receiving any reply from him, Lia\'s thoughts raced as she tried to understand Rio\'s strange behavior. She couldn\'t shake off the feeling that something was off. She wanted to ask him what was wrong, but before she could say anything, she felt his presence vanish from this world.


The night was thick with tension as Lia sat in Nyla\'s room with her, both girls engaged in a serious conversation. Their brows were furrowed, and their faces were etched with concern.

As they discussed whatever was troubling them, Lia\'s attention was drawn to the sound of the door opening. She turned to see Helia, entering the room.

Lia\'s heart sank as she took in Helia\'s appearance. Her once blonde hair was matted and tangled, and her clothes were tattered as if she had been through a bad storm. But it was the dullness in her eyes that caught Lia\'s attention the most as if Helia\'s spirit had been broken.

As Helia collapsed onto the ground in front of Lia and Nyla, Lia\'s heart clenched with worry. She rushed to her sister\'s side, feeling a knot form in her stomach at the sight of Helia\'s disheveled appearance and tears streaming down her face.

She gently placed a comforting arm around Helia\'s shoulders, silently urging her to speak and share what was troubling her. Lia\'s eyes filled with concern and empathy, hoping to find a way to ease her sister\'s pain.

Helia\'s sobs resounded in the room, as she cried uncontrollably like a little girl, her body shaking with each sob.

She looked up at Lia with teary eyes, her voice shaking as she tried to speak through her sobs, "I\'m sorry," she said, her words barely audible.

Lia\'s heart pained as she realized the depth of Helia\'s agony. She could see the guilt and sorrow painted on her sister\'s face, and it made her feel bad.

"Why are you crying Helia?" She asked, her voice soft and gentle.

However, Helia was not able to answer, the weight of her emotions too heavy to bear. Instead, she just cried harder, her body trembling with each sob.

As Lia held her sister tightly, Helia\'s body trembled with each sob, making it difficult for her to speak. She couldn\'t find the strength to answer Lia\'s question.

Lia\'s heart ached at the sight of Helia\'s tears. She knew something terrible must have happened. But she was not prepared for what Helia was about to reveal.

"When I first met him on his first day of training, I tortured him with my dagger and wounded him again and again because I hated him for being human. Now he\'s dead because of me. I\'m a murderer, Lia. I killed Rio. I\'m a monster. Please punish me." Helia began, her voice choked with emotion.

Lia\'s and Nyla\'s eyes widened as they listened to Helia\'s confession. Lia\'s grip on her sister\'s shoulders loosened as the color drained from her face.

Her eyes, once full of warmth and love, now reflected coldness and disbelief. Without a word, she stood up and turned on her heel, before striding out of the room, leaving Helia sitting there alone.

Nyla\'s reaction was no different. Her eyes were filled with shock and then narrowed into a glare. She didn\'t say a word, but her silence spoke volumes. She followed Lia out of the room, not even sparing a glance at Helia as she left.

Helia sat there in silence, staring blankly at the empty space where Lia and Nyla had just been. The weight of their disapproval and disappointment was suffocating, and she felt like she was drowning in her own guilt. Her heart ached with the realization that her actions had caused irreparable damage to her relationship with her sisters.

As they left the room without a word, the silence felt even more unbearable than any punishment she could have imagined. She knew she deserved their anger and disgust, but their coldness towards her felt like a fate worse than death. Tears welled up in her eyes as she wished for a way to make things right and earn back their trust.

Days turned into weeks and Rio\'s wives still treated her like a stranger, their coldness cutting her deeply. Helia felt like an outcast even in her own home, so she made the decision to retreat back to the Castle and her old room, hoping to avoid their coldness and disapproval.


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Edited By: TheWhiteSnow

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