
Chapter 136 Stalemate

While hiding behind a marble pillar in the penthouse, void of all light, Xavier was considering all of his options. He had already taken down 2 of the assassins, but he no longer had the element of surprise. He also didn\'t want things to drag on for too long. The reason for that was, there were too many contingencies that Xavier had to be aware of and attempt to predict. For example, if the electricity came back on, he\'d be an open target for any snipers, but that would also mean that backup would arrive. However, if backup did arrive, they may assume he\'s the enemy and open fire on him. Even he would be helpless against a large group of professionals armed with assault rifles.

So all in all, it seemed as though his best course of action was to act quickly and take down the assassins himself before returning to their boss\'s side so that she could vouch for him if need be.

But doing so was much easier said than done, which he quickly realised.


Looking for the next place he could hide behind that was closer to the assassins, Xavier took the belt off the unconscious armed man that he had dragged to cover. With it came 2 blades as well as the gun that he had wielded, leaving Xavier with 2 guns and 2 knives in total.

As armed and prepared as he possibly could be, he burst towards another nearby pillar. As he did so, shots were fired in his direction, but they were just on a whim and he got to cover before they could aim at him again. Then, using the gun he had taken off the man since the gun he had taken off the assassin he killed had a silencer, he opened fire at where he believed the assassins were hiding.

Spraying bullets in their direction while remaining behind the pillar, he was trying to stop them from peaking just enough for him to close the distance. However, after a few shots, the gun jammed and also seemed to be out of ammo.

It was too late to hesitate, and he would struggle to find another opportunity to get close. So, he still rushed out from behind the pillar to join the other armed man behind the large table. But, noticing that his gun had jammed, both assassins peaked and opened fire on Xavier.

Letting out a groan, Xavier was hit twice on his upper body and tumbled to the ground.

However, he wasn\'t going down without a fight. And as he took 2 bullets, he fired some of his own that landed. The only difference was his accuracy was unrivalled, even when compared to trained assassins. He aimed at one of the assassins that had peaked. And since they had only peaked enough to have eyes on their target and fire, there wasn\'t much to aim at. However, it also meant that any bullet he landed would be fatal.

His first shot grazed past the face of his target, slicing through his ear and leaving him disorientated, and then his follow-up shot hit him right in the head. Firing a few more bullets as he fell to the ground, Xavier had taken down 3 out of the 4 assassins, but now had taken 2 bullet wounds.

The last assassin appeared almost completely unharmed. He was also the one who managed to land 2 shots on Xavier, which was a feat in itself.

\'Great! The last one left seems to be the most skilled and I\'m going to have to fight him alone,\' he thought to himself sarcastically.

Time was of the essence for both Xavier and the assassin, but the first to act was most likely to suffer.

Leaving them in a stalemate.


"Come out, bitch. You\'re going to die just like the others, one way or another. There\'s no need to hide," called out Xavier.

"Is that so?" the assassin responded in a hoarse and deep voice.

Xavier was surprised that the masked figure had even responded, but then he quickly understood why.

"I have no idea who you are, but you are not the target or someone we know that works for the target. It isn\'t too late to back down. I\'m even willing to share some of the money with you since you killed 3 of my comrades," offered the clearly desperate assassin.

He was dead either way unless he managed to take down his target and somehow escape, which was becoming more and more unfeasible by the second.

"How much exactly?" asked Xavier, who was stalling for time while ripping up his trousers and tying them tightly around his bullet wounds to try to reduce the bleeding. That left him in his underwear while negotiating with an assassin in the middle of a very intense situation. However, he had no other choice as he awaited a response.

"I\'ll give you half. How does 5 million dollars sound?"

Xavier wasn\'t sure if he was bluffing or if he was truly paid 10 million to assassinate the girl that he sought to trade with. However, either way, he knew the odds of the assassin giving him a penny were almost non-existent. Meanwhile, even if he did give him the money, it was too great a risk with them already knowing his identity.

"How do I know you\'ll actually give me the money? And how do you even plan on getting out of here?" asked Xavier, trying to waste more time while preparing to take him on.

Hearing Xavier\'s questions, the barely conscious armed man as well as his young boss were worried that Xavier might actually work with the assassin. Not only did they take his money, but they also attempted to knock him out with the food they gave him. He truly had no reason to try to protect them or display any sort of loyalty.

However, speaking would only reveal their location and all they could do was remain silent and leave their lives in Xavier\'s hands. They weren\'t sure if that was the best of things to do but, what other option did they have?

Making it so that Xavier\'s next actions could either make or break them...

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