
Chapter 160 Allen Will Help His Classmates If It Only Slightly Inconveniences Him

Hugh and Asther: They have.

The <Supreme Mechanic> and <Supreme Inventor> confirmed in unison Buza’s words about the Supreme Academy’s gadget that could see through Buza’s transformation technique.

Buza: How did the two of you know?

Buza was confused as to how Hugh and Asther knew about the Supreme Academy’s gadgets.

Asther: Hugh, me and along with the <Supreme Programmer> had often been commissioned by the Supreme Academy to create specific gadgets for their exclusive use.

Buza: In other words, you guys have unknowingly assisted the Supreme Academy in increasing their security?

After asking that question, Buza couldn’t help but facepalm at how stupid the two of them were..

Hugh: I apologize, okay? I didn’t expect that there will be a day when I will defy the Supreme Academy.

Asther: As for me, I have already expected it but even so, I couldn’t tamper with the gadgets of the Supreme Academy since the <Supreme Programmer> supports the Supreme Academy. So if I have tampered with the gadgets I have given to the Supreme Academy, the Supreme Academy would immediately be alerted of my defiance towards them.

Asther: But don’t worry as I know the blueprints of the gadgets that I have created for the Supreme Academy. I have even invented a gadget that can disable all of the gadgets that I have invented for the Supreme Academy.

Hearing Asther’s words were reassuring to Buza since he knew that he wouldn’t be screwed thanks to Asther’s preparations.

As for what Hugh has said, even Buza himself had never expected that there would be a day when he would go up against the entire Supreme Academy.

But since it was inevitable and he couldn’t stomach the Supreme Academy’s tyranny, Buza had already resolved himself to go up against them and he wasn’t alone anyway so it was reassuring considering the strongest <Supreme> was with them which was Allen.

Although Allen had yet to fight for the strongest <Supreme> title, most of the <Supremes> who had heard of his arsenal of <Supreme> talents had already thought of him as the strongest <Supreme>.

Those who had thought of Allen as the strongest <Supreme> weren’t mistaken as Allen was indeed the strongest <Supreme> that has ever existed in their world.

After all, Allen wouldn’t be so confident in declaring himself as someone who possessed absolute power in his world to his chat group members if it wasn’t true.

And because of that, it was reassuring to Allen’s classmates in going up against the Supreme Academy since Allen Walker, the <Supreme Hidden Boss> and they unanimously decided strongest <Supreme>, was with them.

Even his classmates wouldn’t be confident in defeating Allen even with the help of all of the <Supremes>. That was why they decided to side with Allen and not only that, they were also dissatisfied with the Supreme Academy spying on them.

Buza: Unfortunately, I can’t use those gadgets that can disable the gadgets within the Supreme Academy since doing so would attract unwanted attention from the Supreme Academy. But, it doesn’t mean I don’t any of your help.

Buza: As I have said before, I need the assistance of someone capable of hacking through the detection gadgets of the Supreme Academy so that they wouldn’t be able to see through my transformation technique.

Asther: For that kind of job, you need the help of the <Supreme Programmer> or <Supreme Hacker>. But since Allen has the <Supreme Programmer> talent, he can help you with that problem.

Asther knew about Allen’s capabilities since, in the future timeline where Allen had become the <Supreme Chaos>, Allen was skillful when using all of the <Supreme> talents that have existed in their world.

Asther didn’t know what Allen’s lucky encounter was but from what he had observed, Allen seemed to have obtained something similar to the <Supreme Chaos> talent but Asther knew that it wasn’t the <Supreme Chaos> talent.

As to why he knew about that, it was because, at this point, the Supreme Chaos Project was yet to be completed.

The Supreme Chaos Project was still in its development phase and all of the <Supreme> talents that existed were yet to be recorded by the Supreme Academy.

The Supreme Academy still needed to gather more information about the <Supreme> talents of every <Supreme> in the Supreme Academy. And since Allen’s classmates were still new students of the Supreme Academy, their <Supreme> talents had yet to be fully replicated by the Supreme Academy.

And besides, the Supreme Chaos Project had started its testing phase a year from now so it was impossible for Allen to obtain the <Supreme Chaos> talent. That was why Asther was sure that what Allen have received in his lucky encounter wasn’t the <Supreme Chaos> talent but something similar to the <Supreme Chaos> talent.

Buza: Allen, can you help me with the hacking job?

Buza asked Allen for help regarding the hacking job since for his espionage job to have a lesser risk of being exposed by the Supreme Academy, he would need Allen’s help in hacking through all of the detection technology of the Supreme Academy.

Allen: Sure, I can help you with that problem. It just so happened that I not only have the <Supreme Programmer> talent but also the <Supreme Hacker> talent. So even if the <Supreme Programmer> and <Supreme Hacker> will help each other to defend against my hacking attack, they wouldn’t be able to defend against it.

Buza: That’s reassuring. Thank you.

Allen: You’re welcome. I will help all of you with all I can as long as it concerns our resistance to the Supreme Academy.

Allen reassured his classmates that he would provide them with his help as long as it concerned their resistance to the Supreme Academy.

But it doesn’t mean he wouldn’t help his classmates if they needed his help on problems that don’t concern the Supreme Academy. As long as it only slightly inconveniences him, Allen would without a doubt provide his classmates with his help.

But if it’s beyond that, Allen wouldn’t do anything as he would deem such a problem as too troublesome especially when that problem doesn’t concern him.

Allen: Anyways, we have already decided on the funds, information gathering, and espionage. So who will volunteer to be part of the combat group?

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