
Chapter 292 Entering The Royal Palace And Royal Ballroom

Chapter 292 Entering The Royal Palace And Royal Ballroom

Since Allen had accessed Reid\'s memories before as well as his thoughts, he was well aware that Reid planned to confess to Alisceon when Alisceon was at 16 years of age.

In Alisceon and Distere\'s world, the legal age was 16 years old. So those who became 16 years old in this world was considered an adult.

Reid was currently 16 years of age, the same age as Allen. And since Alisceon was fifteen years old, if things go well, Alisceon and Reid would be lovers a year from now.

Allen would do his best as the Supreme Wingman to let Reid successfully court Alisceon.

Putting those thoughts aside, Allen shifted his attention back to Alisceon and Reid\'s conversation.

"None of our royal siblings will dare to bully me since I have the Supreme Mage\'s support. So don\'t worry too much, the second prince."

Hearing that Alisceon\'s safety was secured with the support of the Supreme Mage, Reid was no longer worried about Alisceon. He was satisfied that Alisceon was no longer in harm\'s way.

"But still… don\'t forget to ask for my assistance. I don\'t care much about the throne as long as your safety is guaranteed."

Despite Reid showing his love and care for Alisceon, she was still oblivious about it as Reid only received a nod from Alisceon. Seeing that Alisceon didn\'t notice his obvious sign of love, Reid only sighed in defeat.

After exchanging pleasantries with Alisceon, Reid\'s attention shifted toward the deep blue-haired mage that was standing beside Alisceon. What stood out from that mage was his white-colored mage robe with golden linings that was adorned by the 8th Circle Mage badge as well as the Supreme Mage badge.

"From your attire, you should be his excellency, the Supreme Mage. Forgive me for the late greetings."

"I am Reid Vale Gaia, the second prince as well as Alisceon\'s brother. I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

After greeting Allen and introducing himself, Reid pulled off a bow befitting that of royalty. The poise and elegance that Reid displayed when he bowed towards Allen were only slightly worst than the Supreme Prince\'s in Allen\'s home world.

The reason why Reid even bowed and greeted Allen was because of Allen\'s identity and status as the Supreme Mage. From Allen\'s identity alone, Allen was comparable to his teacher who was known as the Ultimate Knight.

Those who were at 8th Star Knight or 8th Circle Mage rank were equal or slightly above in status to a king. But those who earned the title of Supreme Mage or Ultimate Knight were above the king.

And since Reid wasn\'t even the king but only a mere second prince, he didn\'t forget his manners as he immediately greeted the Supreme Mage after he finished his conversation with Alisceon.

After all, if the Supreme Mage went to another kingdom due to Reid causing displeasure to the Supreme Mage, forget about the battle of the thrones, he might even be exiled which was the best scenario and execution would be his demise if the Supreme Mage attacked the kingdom for revenge.

Even with the support of the Ultimate Knight, Reid didn\'t dare to act pompous in front of the Supreme Mage.

If Allen knew what Reid was thinking, Allen could only applaud how imaginative and cautious Reid was.

It would take a lot of effort to offend Allen since his <Supreme Patience> and <Supreme Pacifist> talents weren\'t just for show. But if his opponents dared to harm Alisceon, then Allen would be kind enough to show why he possessed the <Supreme Murder> and <Supreme Serial Killer> talents.

The second prince was an intelligent person or else he wouldn\'t have been considered someone who was on par with the first prince. He wasn\'t stupid enough to offend the Supreme Mage for no reason.

"Greetings to you as well, second prince. I am Allen Walker, the Supreme Mage, as well as Alisceon\'s backer."

Allen returned the greetings to Reid as he introduced himself. Not only that, Allen informed not only Reid but as well as the Ultimate Knight who was eavesdropping on their conversation that he supported Alisceon.

Hearing that the Supreme Mage backed Alisceon, Reid was relieved that his crush finally had a supporter, a powerful one at that.

Because of that, Reid was confident that the Gaia Kingdom was currently the strongest. After all, the two strongest humans, the Supreme Mage and Ultimate Knight were both supporting the royalties of Gaia Kingdom.

Even the Zeus Kingdom would have no choice but to cancel their plans of starting a war against the Gaia Kingdom. The Gaia Kingdom had the most fertile soil suited for crops which were envied by the surrounding kingdoms especially the Zeus Kingdom.

Because of that, the Zeus Kingdom had started a war against the Gaia Kingdom before but it resulted in the Zeus Kingdom\'s defeat due to the territorial advantage of the Gaia Kingdom as well as the Ultimate Knight joining the front lines.

The outcome of that war delayed the plans of the Zeus Kingdom to occupy the Gaia Kingdom.

But now that the Gaia Kingdom both had the Ultimate Knight as well as the Supreme Mage in their kingdom, Reid was no longer afraid of the Gaia Kingdom defending against the forces of the Zeus Kingdom.

After Allen and Reid had a short conversation and pleasantries, they stopped their conversation as Alisceon and Reid headed to the royal palace with the Supreme Mage and the Ultimate Knight by their side respectively.

Reid had also brought a few 6th Star Knights as his backups who were following behind him. It was similar to how Iris, John, Distere, and Deus followed behind Alisceon and Allen.

As for the problem of Distere\'s appearance, Allen had already used his <Supreme Fashionista> and <Supreme Cosplayer> talents to dress up Distere. Distere looked completely different from his previous appearance. Because of that, it was impossible for anyone to see through Distere\'s disguise.

Disguise magic was quite common in this world, and because of that, there was also a counter to that magic. So it was safer for Distere to disguise his appearance through cosmetics, wig, and clothing rather than using disguise magic.

After all, there was a possibility that the royal palace\'s ballroom had a magic formation that prevented the use of magic. So, if Distere was using disguise magic, he would undoubtedly be exposed when they entered a magic formation that prohibited the use of magic.

Of course, Allen could have used his psychic power to shapeshift Distere into another person but he still preferred disguising Distere without the use of supernatural forces since it was more reliable that way.

Although the chances of someone knowing about psychic power were slim, Allen dare not take any chances since doing so would leave unnecessary bloodshed. After all, he wouldn\'t let a threat and anomaly in this world live.

Since Alisceon\'s world had at least a billion inhabitants from a sentient race, it was impossible that among those billion, there wasn\'t an anomaly who could use psychic powers instead of magic. Because of that possibility, Allen didn\'t shapeshift Distere using his psychic powers.

Well, one of the main reasons why he dressed up Distere was for him to know how useful his <Supreme Fashionista> and <Supreme Cosplayer> talents were. And Allen wasn\'t disappointed with the results since Distere looked completely different from his previous appearance.

With that in mind, Distere was confident in joining Alisceon as her bodyguard since the old man who was known as the king of Gaia wouldn\'t be able to know his true identity.

After walking for half a minute, they finally arrived at the door that led to the royal palace.

There were two 7th Star Knights that guarded the door of the royal palace but after seeing both the first princess and second prince at the doorstep, the two knights immediately opened the door and bowed to them.

After the entrance the royal palace was opened by the two 7th Star Knights, Alisceon and Reid entered the royal with their entourage.

What greeted their sight was a long hallway that was guarded by several 5th Star Knights and 6th Star Knights. It wasn\'t an exaggeration to claim that most of the military forces of the Gaia Kingdom were dispatched to oversee the security of the royal palace.

The few knights that didn\'t guard the royal palace were mostly assigned to patrol the kingdom so that there wouldn\'t be any crime committed while the majority of the powerful knights were at the royal palace.

Those knights below the 5th Star rank were assigned to patrol the kingdom so all of the knights that were at the royal palace were at least at the 5th Star rank.

After a stride in the royal hallway that lasted for half a minute, Alisceon and Reid finally arrived at the royal ballroom.

After they entered the royal ballroom, the doorman of the royal ballroom announced their arrival.

"The first princess Alisceon Gaia and the second prince Reid Vale Gaia have arrived!"

"The Supreme Mage Allen Walker and the Ultimate Knight Noel Varistor have arrived!"

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