
Chapter 66 - Wisa's Private Class Again

There were trees everywhere, and all kinds of animals around. It was not hard for Arthur to fin a little rat, and he did find one.

When he returned, Sully was still on the bed, waiting for his dinner.

“You’re fucking lazy. You know that, right?”

“I- I’m a baby now. Take care of me.” “That’s funny.”

Arthur threw the rat to Sully, kicked him out of the bed, and gazed at the roof, thinking about many things.

“Hey. What do you think about this place?”

“I- wait, let me eat first.”


“Where were we again? Oh, right, about this place. Well, to be honest, the mansion here and everything looks nice, but this place still lacks. There is no proper defense, not enough teachers and students. Everything around is a fucking forest, so it lacks construction.” Sully said, and Arthur agreed to all of it.

The fact that no one attacked that place was extraordinary. Maybe they did not because of how little money they had at that moment?

“I’ll fix these things, eventually, don’t worry.”

“I know you will. There is no way you’ll leave your pretty girls now, he-he.” Sully laughed in a pretentious way.

“Y- you’re such a bastard.”

Arthur left the bedroom area and went to the kitchen. His stomach was making noises, and there were no restaurants around, so he had to make his own food.

“Let’s see here. Rice, some vegetables and meat. Perfect.”

The strangest part was that rice existed on that plane too. Not only that, but also some other foods.

“Is rice the base of all universes?”

Anyway, Arthur cooked these things using a sort of magical oven. It was not powered up using electricity but using a mana stone.

“That’s new. Did they create this not long ago? I don’t remember seeing it before.” Arthur thought.

If that was the case, it meant technology was evolving. Not technology itself, but the ways to use magic and mana in their favor.

Maybe they would get flying ships in the future? In fact, if Arthur was the one to invent them, he would make lots of money.

Anyway, after his quick bite, Arthur decided to go to sleep. He was tired, and the next day would be the day to take care of all these students, who would surely cause trouble.

“If that Theodore makes anything, I’ll beat his ass in front of everyone.” Arthur slept, and nothing out of the ordinary happened during the night. The only strange thing was the fact that Sully, a wyvern, snored…

“I want to sleep, AHHHHH!” Arthur used the pillow to cover his ears, but it was too much.

He made a mental note to find another place for Sully to sleep the next night.

Birds sang, and students chatted outside, excited because of class.

There were fifty students, divided into three groups. Each group would have a class with Jane, then Wisa, then Harmony.

Not in that exact order, but that was how it would work.

Arthur would not teach anything, at least not now. He thought he was not ready enough to do that, as he was only a specialist when using dragon skills.

The first thing Arthur did in the morning was to eat something. After that, he took some time to annoy Sully, as he had annoyed him with his snoring.

“I can’t control my snoring, fuck.” Sully kept getting poked by Arthur’s finger, who was making sure to piss him off.

Then, Arthur left his office to go watch how the students were going.

The classes had just started, so Arthur went to each room to see how it was going.

He made sure to gaze at Theodore, who was still only with his underwear. Theodore looked like shit, with dirt all over his body, and a clear sign he had not eaten.

“He was the one that did that to himself.” Arthur thought.

They even exchanged glances, but Theodore was so scared he looked down, afraid Arthur would kill him.

Maybe that was the start of a change? Arthur did not want to expel a student, so the best case scenario was that Theodore became a decent person, or at least not that asshole.

Harmony, the blonde teacher, had the level of 35. It was good, and Arthur was pleased by how she taught.

It was clear she had been a teacher before, different from Jane, who was still learning how to teach.

Out of the three, Wisa was the most experienced, and every student could tell that just by looking.

But of course, Harmony and Jane were not bad either. They taught, and the students learned.

“They are all decent, and at least that Theodore guy stopped making trouble.”

The first day of school went all right, and at night, Wisa would be giving Arthur private classes about how to use a two-handed sword.

They decided to train near that lake with the waterfall. Wisa was adept with fire magic, so she built lots of fire sources around to brighten the place.

Arthur got there first, and waited for her, but when he saw how she was dressed, Arthur was puzzled.

Wisa was not using her normal clothes, but one that showed more of her body. The two peaks above her chest were showing, and the clothes were so tight on her body that Arthur could see the tip of her nipples.

“What is this? Will she try the first move on me?”

Arthur wanted to have both Wisa and Jane as his wives. He loved them both after everything, and it did not matter for him who would be the first to make a move.

It seemed like Wisa was up for something.

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