
Chapter 133 - Sequences Of Movements

Kevin smirked and answered him : "When you force your body to always do the same movements, after a while you don\'t have to think about it anymore, your body will automatically know that after such movements there are these movements.

That\'s how they had to teach you basic fighting mouvements, right ?

Now you just need to add a little chakra to your movements, either to strike harder, to protect yourself or to be faster."

Axel was astonished : "If we ever manage to do that with Erik, it will definitely make us a lot stronger than now."

Kevin smiled at him and said : "Indeed, if you can add your chakra into your movements, you will reach a whole new level, and don\'t worry I will make sure you both get there in no time."

He saw that Erik and Alan had finally seen them and were coming this way.

After greeting them, he wasted no time and gave the instructions for everyone : "Alan, Axel is going to teach you the few moves I taught him to break your fighting rhythm and make your movements less predictable.

I am going to train directly with Erik, I need to try something to understand better the difficulty of using your chakra."

Even though everyone seemed startled by this last statement no one said anything, they had all witnessed Kevin\'s talents and subconsciously they were already following all of his recommendations, no matter what Kevin had in mind it could only benefit them.

So Axel and Alan went first to start training and Erik asked Kevin curious to know what he had in mind : "What exactly do you want us to do ?"

Kevin smirked to him and said : "We are going to fight, without weapons for the moment, and I want you to watch me and try to replicate what I will do with my Soul force using your chakra."

Erik immediately protested : "You can\'t use your Soul force, Alan forbade you to use it yesterday !"

Kevin then told him to reassure him : "What I plan to do with it is only going to consume between 10 to 20 points of my Soul force, it\'s easy to do and it\'s just to show you what I want you to pratice with your chakra, then I will stop I promise."

Erik wasn\'t overly convinced but he was really curious to see what Kevin wanted him to do with his chakra.

He finally nodded and they went to train close to their men, Kevin immediately formed two small discs the size of his hands and like the last time during his spells class he made them move around his body to be sure to control them perfectly.

Erik was watching Kevin, and he could clearly see these two discs of spiritual energy that had become visible and were milky in color.

He was moving them as he pleased on his body, and that was a little disturbing, why did it seem so easy to do it when he knew that someone had to be very focus to be able to control the spiritual energy.

Kevin was really one of a kind, he really meant what he had said to him last night, he really admired him a lot but sometimes he was a little scary.

Kevin suddenly told him : "It\'s okay we can start I\'m ready, let\'s fight !"

After saying that he immediately started attacking him, but Erik quickly understood that it was only to start the fight, he felt that Kevin wanted him to attack and that he wanted to show him how to defend himself.

He followed what his gut told him and started attacking Kevin, it didn\'t take him long to figure out what Kevin wanted to teach him.

He was using his discs to protect himself from his attacks, as if he had two shields, except that he could move them at will while still retaliating against his attacks.

He used it mainly on his forearms and shins, but not only, he also used it to deflect his punches and create an opening to attack, it was fascinating.

After twenty minutes Kevin motioned for him to stop and he asked : "So what do you think about it ? Do you think you will be able to use your chakra in this way ?"

Erik answered him honestly : "For the defense part, I can apply what you just showed me, but to parry an attack it\'s impossible, I cannot deflect a punch like you did with your shields made of spiritual energy ... But it doesn\'t matter though, I think that I understood what you wanted me to learn.

Instead of always wanting to block attacks, sometimes you have to take the opportunity to deflect them and attack ... I think I could deflect attacks this way if I can understand my opponent\'s movements and anticipate them."

Kevin smiled and said : "Smart, as I had expected ! These movements were to show you how to defend and how to create opening.

Now, I won\'t show you how to use your chakra to do powerful attacks, I guess you already know how to do it."

Erik nodded, he couldn\'t wait to learn more about Kevin fighting style, and Kevin didn\'t disappointed him, he said to him : "What I\'m going to teach you now are sequences of movements that will allow you to hit the vital points of your opponents.

Everyone always prefers to use force to fight but the most effective way to fight will always remain the cunning way.

The sequences of movements that I am going to teach you, will not leave your opponents any chance to defend themselves against them, they will have to expose some of their vital points to parry your attacks and this is when you will strike them.

The best way to learn these movements is if I show them to you ... Fight normally against me and you will see."

Erik nodded, he would never admit it to Axel but he was sure he was going to learn a lot more with Kevin than with him, he couldn\'t have asked for a better instructor than him.

Erik didn\'t hesitate for a moment this time and he started to attack him, he was eager to learn those moves Kevin wanted to teach him.

The first time though, he didn\'t catch the sequences of movements and he found himself with the palm of Kevin\'s hand on his throat, luckily he hadn\'t tried to hit him or he would be coughing and catching his breath right now.

When he asked Kevin to do it again, he did so and only after the 4th time did Erik finally manage to decipher his attack.

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