
Chapter 280

Unfortunately, Cassandra and Lilith hadn’t taken part in the fight, the humans of this world and the demons had a fierce hatred towards each other and even if these two bitches had participated by each helping a race, there was nothing he could do if they didn’t intervene directly.

But because of his visions he was convinced that something else was going on in this world and that was why he had left Caleb there so that he could investigate what was really interesting these two goddesses in this world.

His visions were so fragmented that he had trouble remembering them as if something was blocking them, and if the Titans had a very powerful psychic or even several on their side it was possible that it was them who were creating interference with his visions.

Only, they too must have been limited in their visions, after all the Warrior Spirits were free spirits endowed with an uncommon intelligence and they were totally unpredictable.

Predicting what they would do was almost impossible because they would instantly adapt to any new threat and they were constantly changing their strategy to survive.

Miguel said to him, bringing him back to the present, ‘This psychic is going to be a problem, we’re going to have to find him and as soon as an opportunity arises we’ll have to get rid of him.’

Elias agreed with him and gave him carte blanche to act. When Miguel had been resurrected, he had offered him to take back his place as their leader because for him, Miguel was more suitable to held this position than him, but he had refused, telling him that the Warrior Spirits would feel more comfortable with a General who was one of their own.

And in the end, the fact that Miguel always kept a low profil had served them well because no one ever suspected his exceptional skills, which were far superior to any human or creature in this universe.

Miguel was the last Priest and the only one capable of mixing chakra with spiritual energy, and both of them had never met anyone else capable of using these golden particles, at least until now.

After only 10 minutes of moving at a blinding speed they arrived in a big city and still surrounded by the Titans who had escorted them they were led directly to the imperial palace.

And as the Emperor of the Titans looked down on them from his throne, his gaze lingered on the woman who was on the throne next to him and he then said, letting nothing show of the hatred he felt for her : “Diana, goddess of strategy, or should I say ancient goddess of strategy, I thought you were dead.”

Diana didn’t expect this, Elias seemed really surprised to see her here, could it be possible that her gift of premonition interfered with his, she then said to him : “Elias, God of War, let me introduce you to my husband, Chaos, Emperor of the Titans. Tell me now, God of War, why are you here with your Warrior Spirits?”

And while Elias threw to their feet the Titan that Mykael had captured and who was still unconscious, and while he reminded them that the Titans had received the formal prohibition to leave their home world, he took advantage of this time to give a summary to his men by telepathic link.

He told them while the Emperor of the Titans was bullshitting them, ‘This woman is much more dangerous than the current goddess of strategy, at the time when the Warrior Spirits awakened to fight against the tyranny of the Gods, it was in the worlds she controlled that they were most numerous, only we never managed to kill her, she always managed to slip through our fingers thanks to her premonitions, and then when I became the God of War I couldn’t do anything against her because in the meantime she had freed all the worlds she oppressed, and the agreement I had made with the Creator forbade me to kill her.’

Miguel said through their private link, ‘Before Mykael told you he had a son, I would never have made this assumption, but could Cassandra be their daughter? You know that the Gods can give up their title and some of their power to someone, but from what you just said about this woman why would she give up her title to Cassandra if she wasn’t her own daughter.’

Elias told him honestly, ‘I really thought she was dead and that Cassandra had been chosen by the Creator to replace her. But now I’m not so sure about it, all I know is that when the Creator allowed us to return at the end of the war, Diana was presumed dead and a few centuries later Cassandra appeared out of nowhere to live with the other Gods in their plane of existence.’

Miguel then said to him, ‘The fact that she is the wife of the Emperor of the Titans prevents me from getting rid of her, at least for now. We need to find more about their connection with Cassandra, she may be the key to stop the war.’

Elias way agreed with him, if Cassandra was their daughter, taking her in hostage and threatening her life could save them enough time to prevent this war.

As he was still talking with the Emperor of the Titans, he didn’t forget that he had to buy as much time as possible so that his men could gather as much information as possible about this world, so when Diana proposed to him to participate in a small friendly tournament so that the Titans could measure themselves against the Warrior Spirits he gladly accepted saying that he too was curious to see what the Titans were capable of.

And so they all headed to the arena where arrangements had been made for them to fight without causing collateral damage, and Miguel smirked when he heard Elias say to the Titans: “Well, you’ve got some good technology here, my men are going to be able to enjoy themselves with your energetic shields, not bad at all.”

They set up on one side of the battle area and when the first Titan who was a fighter entered the area he told Iris to go, she was one of his oldest Warrior Spirits and she knew exactly what he wanted from her without him having to tell her anything.

Iris and Selena were the only two women who had managed to awaken the Warrior Spirit skill. They both were fierce fighters and they always accompanied him on the most dangerous missions.

So Iris knew perfectly well that she had to avoid using her Stage 2 at all costs and that she had to irritate her opponent so that he would show them what he could do, and the longer the fight lasted the better.

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