
Chapter 360

Connor nodded and after showing Miguel where the vein closest to them was located he saw Miguel bend down and put his hands on the ground as he did before.

And Miguel smiled as he found the ore that was in the rock and he said to them: “Step away for a bit, it’s going to shake !”

Miguel then used the earth element to create a passage for them to the vein of this ore, which he hoped would be the Acrium, and when it was done he told everyone to join him and they followed the passage he had created.

This ore was really deep and if Connor hadn’t guided him, he wasn’t sure he would have found it. When they got in front of it, they all looked at each other in surprise, and Kelan then asked them since no one dared to ask the question: “Isn’t the Acrium supposed to be of a golden color… So what’s this ore ?”

The ore that was in the wall of the rock was indeed golden, and the vein was as thick as a fist which was extraordinary, but there were also transparent lines inside it that looked like crystal and Elias then took out his sword that was made with the same ore as Miguel’s mixed with Acrium and he asked Connor and Caleb then : “Were those transparent lines that are in the Acrium made with the same ore that is in this sword? It’s very important.”

Caleb shook his head helplessly and he said to him : “For me to give you an answer, I would have to melt this Acrium that is in the rock and separate these two different ores from each other, only then could I compare it with the ore we found in your home world.”

Everyone then turned to Connor who immediately said: “Well, at least they felt the same to me, the two ores in this sword are indeed the same as the ones in the rock, they just don’t have the same proportions.”

Elias then conjured up a piece of pure Acrium and he handed it to Connor and said to him: “This is the Acrium we used to find, can you tell us which one is more powerful ?”

Connor nodded again and he told him honestly: “The ore in the wall is twice as powerful as this one, and I’m not saying that to please you, I really feel it and I have no doubt about it.”

Kelan then said completely blown away : “Wow, that is really an awesome ability.”

Caleb then said as he put his arm around Kelan’s shoulders: “Yeah, I’ll be able to retire, you don’t need me anymore.”

Elias gave him a warning look and Caleb immediately said: “I was kidding ! So, how do we proceed to extract it ?”

Connor then said: “Let’s find that secret room first, if all those veins of Acrium are running from there, I’ll bring them to us when we get there.”

Derek paled when he heard him say that and he said hurriedly: “Wait a minute, you’ve already drawn 4 veins on the map and they already stretch for several hundred meters, and you said it’s very likely that there are the same number on the other side of this room, if you want to extract them all by yourself you’re going to wear yourself out.”

Connor then took out a vial and he showed it to Derek and he said smiling to him: “Our King gave me this, he said it would probably wear me out looking for this Acrium and extracting it so he said it should help me keep going. See I’ve come prepared.”

Derek wasn’t pleased at all and when he was about to argue again Miguel suddenly said: “Ashton’s remedy again, right? It’s definitely an helpful one.”

Derek, who still wasn’t really convinced, asked Miguel then : “Will you be able to help him ?”

Miguel said without hesitation: “Of course I will, don’t worry, I wasn’t going to leave him all the work to do…”

But Connor interrupted him and he said : “No offense, but it’ll be much faster if I do it alone, and I don’t have anything else to do, so after that I can rest, while you have still a war to prepare.”

Everyone was a little stunned and it was the first time that someone had ever told Miguel that he would be a hindrance, so when Connor saw their shocked expressions he decided to prove to them that what he had just said was the truth.

He walked over to the Acrium that was visible in the wall and he put his hand on it, it became instantly liquid and he directed it to the floor and began to extract it.

Fortunately, the end of this vein was not so far away and it only took him 10 minutes to extract the Acrium that had spread through the rock.

When he was done, he re-solidified the Acrium giving it a blocky shape and then he said to the others : “I estimate that the vein is twice as long on the other side.”

He immediately held out his hand to Kelan who understood at once and gave him a slightly larger map, and Connor who had just been connected to this vein for 10 minutes then circled an area on the map and he said to them : “That should be where the secret room is, let’s go !”

Miguel then said to him : “Before that, drink this vial first, Ian was right, you’re going to need it… And Derek, it’s not that I don’t want to help him, but Connor is right too, he’ll be fine without me and then you’ll just have to take care of him until he recovers.”

Caleb then said to them not believing his eyes : “Just with this amount, we could already craft a sword… What are we going to do with all this Acrium ?”

Elias said : “We’re going to use it for war !”

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