
Chapter 394 I haven't heard from you for a while

Kelan then stroked his cheek and he said to him : “When we have a little more time… I’d love to know more about you, where you came from, your experiences, your dreams and expectations.”

Caleb leaned forward to kiss him and he said : “I promise my love, I’ll answer all your questions, after all I’ve watched you grow up, and the fact that you had a crush on me is probably the only secret I didn’t know about you.”

Kelan smirked and he said to him after kissing him : “Go now and come back when you’re done.”

Caleb disappeared immediately because using the prison dimension was the fastest way to teleport to the room where Sora was held prisoner and it allowed him to go completely unnoticed.

A smirk then appeared on his face because Kelan didn’t need to know that he was cheating, after all the principle was the same, he wasn’t using any of his powers.


In the best guarded wing of the royal palace, in a room that was guarded by no less than 4 guards including a Titan, Sora was still sitting on her bed and she was holding in her hand the communication stone that Caleb had just left her.

She was grateful to him for being honest with her and even if Lena was no longer here as Caleb feared, all hope was not lost.

The arrival of a new bearer of the Pentagram Mark had really moved things very quickly and their new King had even managed to coordinate an attack against the royal palace in a very short time, thanks to the cooperation of the demons, among other things.

It was really the world upside down she thought, while two of the sects that had been part of the organization since its founding, as well as the shapeshifters, had decided not to participate in this battle, the demons as for them had accepted without hesitation.

And Caleb had even told her that they would be about fifty elite soldiers including Connor, Derek, Kerry, and of course, Solomon.

While she was still confused after all that Caleb had told her, she heard a familiar voice calling her, and the communication stone had that red light that meant she could get in touch with this person, so she asked him curiously, ‘Solomon ? Did Caleb tell you that he gave me a communication stone ?’

Inside another room in another royal palace, Solomon immediately sat down and he immediately answered her completely taken aback, ‘Sora… Is it really you ?’

He really didn’t expect it so he answered her without thinking too much, ‘No, I didn’t know… I was just thinking about you and hoping you were alright, I haven’t heard from you for a while.’

He swore inwardly and quickly added when he realized that Sora wasn’t saying anything anymore, he definitely didn’t want to lose this connection he had just had with her after more than a month of silence, ‘Why did Caleb come to see you ?’

Sora had been really taken aback by Solomon’s words and she didn’t know how to react after hearing that, which made her momentarily speechless.

After all, she and Solomon hadn’t had much interaction together and each time it was in a hurry or when it was really necessary, so why would the leader of the rebellion be thinking about her in the middle of the night ?

And he had seemed sincere when he had told her that he was worried about her and that he had missed her… At least that’s how she had interpreted his words, but maybe she was wrong…

She was relieved when he finally asked her a question that she could answer easily and she told him then, ‘Caleb came to warn me about Lena and he told me not to lose hope if it wasn’t her in that cell.’

She then added because it all still seemed so unreal that she needed someone else to tell her that she wasn’t just having a nightmare, ‘He explained to me that our world had been turned into a playground by two cruel Goddesses and that there were Titans involved.

He also told me the good news about your uncle and how Connor was found and saved, and that the rebellion had finally won and that your territory was free from Titans and men from these Goddesses.

He even told me that Liam’s life partner was a mage instructor of the Sun Sect who had become a Drakonit and that he was now the new King of the demons…”

She heard Solomon sigh then as if he was just next to her and he asked her in a concerned voice, ‘Are you okay, are you holding up ?’

He then said to her, ‘This is a lot of information to deal with… but I’m glad he’s finally decided to tell you everything.

It’s not just you though, this is new to everyone, and we all have to deal with that reality, but don’t be afraid, I assure you that the people on our side are powerful enough to protect our world from now on.’

Sora smiled in spite of herself and she said to him, ‘I’m fine… I’m really fine with that reality, it explains a lot of things… Tell me now, how is Connor ? I guess Derek is not leaving him alone for a second…’

Solomon laughed then and he told her in a lighter tone, ‘Indeed, those two are like glued together, and it’s impossible to separate them.’

He then said more seriously, ‘Thanks to Derek’s efforts, Connor is recovering quickly, although he still has panic attacks sometimes, but since Derek is always there for him, they’re starting to be less frequent and he’s even starting to smile again…

Sora, Derek has agreed that Connor will be with me in the team that comes to get you while he will stay with Kerry and Dilan to lead the frontal assault on the royal palace.

Listen, my uncle may not be able to fight in the battle, but don’t worry, there are enough of us to keep you both safe, after all, he’s only here because he’s the only one who can easily free you from these chains.’

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