
Chapter 426 The battle of the Royal Palace part 26

Willow replied then in a voice that was still a little sleepy, ‘Of course I will help them, dad, I’ll do my best.’

And as Willow rubbed her head against his hand to show her affection, he said to Lena as he approached her and Solomon who was still carrying Sora in his arms : “Willow is our daughter and she has amazing healing powers…”

He looked at Kevin who had joined him and was stroking their daughter making her coo with pleasure and he asked him : “Is it okay with you if she tries to bring Sora back.”

Kevin hadn’t thought about it, but he nodded and he took Willow in his arms.

She made a direct telepathic link with him, and she asked him curiously, ‘Dad, what happened to that woman… And why do you feel so guilty ?’

Kevin smiled sadly and he explained to her the situation, and after she understood what had happened she then asked him, ‘Dad, can you focus on this boy’s memories, I’m going to copy them and I will show them to her, that should be enough to ease her pain a little and bring her back.’

Kevin nodded and focused on the memories he had inherited from this boy, and despite the fact that he had lived in an orphanage, he had been treated well and had lived an ordinary, carefree life.

He then said to Willow, because the pain he had seen in this woman’s eyes and her cry of despair before she passed out had really broken his heart and made him want to form a special bond with her, ‘Willow, my beloved baby girl, can you show her my memories too… Show her what I went through when I was in my world, and the happy life I’ve had since I’ve been here… Tell her… Tell her there will always be a place for her in our family if she wants it.’

Willow cooed and she rubbed her head against Kevin’s neck because she could feel that her father was really feeling bad about this situation, and suddenly she saw his memories.

She saw the life he had led in the orphanage, his struggle to survive day after day, and before she could ask him how he had survived all these hardships, Kevin sent her the memories he had of that world and her heart filled with an infinite love for this wonderful man who had become her father.

She rubbed her head against his neck again and she said to him confident, ‘Don’t worry daddy, I’ll bring her back.’

Kevin stroked her feathers and he said to her, ‘You’re the bravest girl I know, my little Willow, but listen to me, Axel and I don’t want you to put yourself in danger, do you understand ?’

Willow straightened a little bit more and she rubbed her head against his cheek while reassuring him, telling him that there would be really no danger for her, and before connecting to Sora’s mind, she took the time to reassure her other daddy too.

Willow who was a divine creature had a much stronger telepathic power than Lena, and as Kevin brought her closer to Sora a golden aura covered her body and a golden beam went from her forehead and touched Sora in the middle of hers, connecting successfully her mind with hers.

Willow, once she had broken through all the mental barriers Sora had erected to protect herself from her pain, used a psychic projection to communicate with her.

Sora was prostrate on the floor in a fetal position, she just wanted to stop thinking about anything but suddenly a golden light illuminated the dark room she was in and a little girl who must have been 4 or 5 years old appeared in front of her.

She had long curly black hair and red eyes with golden pupils, she also had wings as big as her on her back, and they were red with orange tips and golden symbols were running on her feathers.

Sora, in spite of herself and even if she really didn’t want to speak, straightened a little bit and she asked her, confused : “You’re not Lena… So who are you ?”

This was the first time she had seen someone other than Lena in her subconscious and even though it was a little girl, she couldn’t help but be on guard because this girl had to be someone extremely powerful to be able to come all the way here to meet her.

Willow smiled at her, and since she was using her psychic form, she could talk to her without using a telepathic link so she told her : “My dads are really worried about you and they asked me to come and bring you back.”

Willow approached Sora slowly and she held out her hand to help her up.

And when she saw that Sora was really confused by what she had just told her, she explained to her while helping her to sit down to make her more comfortable : “My name is Willow, and I am a phoenix, I was adopted by Kevin and Axel, and thanks to their good care, when I hatched I was already a divine creature.”

Sora then whispered softly her emotions threatening to take her into another spiral of despair : “Kevin…”

Willow then said caressing her face so that she would look at her : “I’m here to help you come back to us Sora, my daddy is distraught right now and it never happens to him before.

Everyone is counting on him to finish this battle but he won’t be able to do what he has to do until you wake up.”

Sora didn’t realize that her behavior could have this kind of consequence and to back up her words, Willow brought up a mirror and she showed Sora what was happening in the real world.

Sora blushed slightly when she saw that Solomon was carrying her in his arms and she immediately felt guilty when she saw the anxious look on Lena’s face and that everyone seemed very worried about her.

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