
Chapter 488 Related to the creator

Glen made them appear in the center of the table with the other two holograms and Kelan watched them carefully for a few minutes and then frowned, asking something else: “Caleb, I also need to see the first time the symbols appeared on Axel, you were there… you must have seen them.”

Glen handed the black glasses to Caleb again, without asking question this time, and Caleb selected right away the memory Kelan had asked for.

And after only a minute, the new hologram of Axel after his first transformation appeared in the center of table with the others, and Kelan then said to them rendering all the Warrior Spirits speechless with amazement: “I found out where the problem with Axel is coming from, and I think it’s directly related to the creator.”

Caleb, who had just received the same shock as the others, asked him as dumbfounded as Glen earlier: “What do you mean, related to the creator?”

Kelan then explained to them : “Everything you have already discovered is correct, I have nothing to add, but there is a detail that you have missed.”

He showed everyone the change in Axel’s tattoos.

5 symbols had been changed in total, and they were all runic symbols that represented the divine power.

pA n,dan0vel.c0m The change was barely discernible and that was why it had gone completely unnoticed by the Warrior Spirits.

But now that Kelan was showing them the difference between before and after Axel had come in contact with the Divine Sword of the God of Destruction, they could all see it.

He explained to them : “I don’t know yet what this change means, but Elias’ and Kevin’s tattoos are identical, they don’t have this anomaly in their symbols.

If Kevin would have received this modification compared to Elias’, then it would not have been an anomaly but rather a kind of evolution of this symbol… But the problem is that this anomaly is only present on Axel.

And there is something else that is bothering me… Look at where the symbols are located on Axel’s body.”

One was on his forehead, two others were placed on each of his shoulders and finally the last ones were on each side of his waist…

Kelan then showed them, drawing an imaginary line that would connect all of these symbols and as Caleb paled in realization of what Kelan had discovered, Glen then exclaimed in disbelief : “It’s a pentagram!”

Kelan then said addressing everyone: “This is just a theory but could Axel be the Creator’s vessel, like Yelena was the vessel to open a portal to the cradle of magic?”

Caleb then said when he saw all the Warrior Spirits starting to talk at the same time after what Kelan just told them: “Everyone calm down, as Kelan just said it’s only a theory, so stay focused.”

He added while joining Kelan, worried because the latter had woken up not long ago and was still very pale after the ordeal he had undergone at their wedding to bind their souls: “Kelan just showed us with certainty that this change took place after Axel came into contact with his father’s sword.

And everyone knows that the creator himself created this sword, so his theory is probably the right one.”

He then looked at the Warrior Spirits and told them: “Now that Kelan has identified this anomaly, search the memory of this very first God and see if you can find any information on the meaning of a change in the runic symbol of the divine power, and while you’re at it, also look for anything you can find on vessels like Yelena and possibly Axel.

Then, if Axel really is the Creator’s vessel, there is one last thing we need to determine and that is the motivations the Creator might have for taking over Axel’s body.

Does he just want to deliver a message and warn us of a danger like the cradle of magic, or does he want to take Axel’s body for personal use because he would have lost his own for example.”

Kelan wavered then and Caleb immediately took him in his arms saying tenderly to him: “You did a great job as always, my love.

Glen and the others will finish extracting the information we need and we’ll see if they still need you after that.”

Kelan had placed his arms around his neck and he said weakly: “I feel like my head is going to explode.”

Glen then asked Caleb feeling concerned after hearing this: “Is he okay… Maybe you should tell Miguel about it?”

Caleb shook his head and said to him: “It’s just that he’s exhausted, I didn’t realize that binding our souls together would be so painful for him, but he will be fine, he just needs to rest a little bit more.

I’m going back with him first to take care of him, you are the one in charged here, so when you will have found tangible evidence of our theory, notify Elias, Miguel and Mykael immediately, what Kelan has discovered is very serious, so it is always a top priority for us, understood?”

Glen nodded and said to him: “Let us handle this and go take care of our brother-in-law, we may still need him when he gets better.”

Caleb after looking at each of the Warrior Spirits who were present with a solemn expression to make them understand the importance of their task, disappeared with Kelan in his arms and Glen then breathed a sigh of relief as he said to the others: “Damn, he knows how to put pressure on us!

Come on, guys, let’s get back to it!”


In another Palace in the plane of existence reserved for the God, Mykael and Colin had finally found themselves alone in their suite after this long emotional day and Colin then asked him after noticing the box on the nightstand: “Is this the surprise you told me about earlier?”

Mykael then said mysteriously, “Probably.”

Probably… Colin immediately frowned and Mykael explained to him: “It’s a gift from Elias and Miguel for us, go open it…”

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