
Chapter 68

Looking at how big the hydra is, Cutting her six heads off seemed like an impossible task. Cain could only think of a few drastic measures, risking a lot to just have a chance of killing it.

Alice could stop the hydra’s regeneration by using [Cursed Decay] but that is not a thing he could let her do in front of all those people. It will work by making the wounds rot and preventing them from healing.

He could also use High-tier magic to blast it in one go but that would probably kill him. It will require the firepower of sixth or even seventh-tier magic because ho big the hydra is. Unlike the time when he healed Alice, he is now using attack magic which imposed more strains on the body.

Stale for a long time, and force the hydra to fight until it exhausts all of its stamina. Doing that might take more than a day, by that time the hydra would have already wreaked havoc.

The last part was the riskiest of them all. Having Selena distract the hydra, he will cut the heads, and Sofia will burn the wounds to temporarily prevent them from regenerating, Alice will make sure they stay alive.

“Attack the legs, drop it down!” Cain’s voice rumbled through the chaotic battlefield, “That way we can Its heads off!” Cain’s second shout rang and reached the soldiers at the walls. ‘Is he saying that we can take this thing down?’ they thought, their arrows were meaningless.

With quick steps, in synchronization with Selena’s roar. Cain runs underneath the hydra’s tail, taking a slash at its left back legs tendons. It was useless, the wound closed instantly, and a thin sword cut wasn’t going to make it long enough.

Feeling the hydra was about to move, Cain rushed ahead with his sword held upward, [Fireblade]. Cutting the hydra across the abdomen, Cain noticed that the wound to just a bit longer to heal, [Fireblade] wasn’t enough, he needed more power.

Crackle! Lighting crackled from his blade and got discharged directly inside the hydra, paralyzing it for a split second, enough for him to get away from underneath its body.

“What are you doing idiots, fight!” Cain yelled at the two stunning adventures, they seem to have lost the will to fight after the death of their healer. “Up the walls as well, why did the arrows stop?” The soldier also stopped shooting, they honestly stopped to not hit Cain or Selena.

“You heard him, SHOOT!” one of the soldiers screamed as he heard Cain’s words. Arrows weren’t useless? Have more than that!

Cain knew that arrows were useless against a hydra, they will only amount to a distraction, and that was what he needed. If they could distract it a bit longer until Alice and Sofia reach him. He could just summon Alice, but without Sofia’s magic, It’s useless.

Cain also where is this City’s adventurers and mages? He had never been here before but they should have a guild branch at least.

Cain needed to do a demonstration so soldiers will follow his orders, if he showed them the possibility of winning, they will heed his command to reach it.

“Selena, draw its attention from the side!” As she heard Cain’s words, Selena rushed to the side without saying a word, climbing to the hydra’s side.

Cain stood erect in his place, calmly observing the hydra’s heads, waiting for it to try biting him. ‘That’s it!’ Cain saw the slight bend in one of the necks, the jaw slightly opening as the hydra’s snake-like tongue weaved in his direction.

The Hydra’s head flexed like a rubber band that was under tension, snapping at high speed to bite Cain. The bite resembled the blinding fast bit of a snake.

Just like the toads, Cain weaved to the side with a quick step, striking down with his sword, VROOOM! It dug the right through it. TINNN! Just as the hydra’s head fell to the ground, Cain’s sword snapped with a loud ringing noise.

The Hydra’s severed neck jerked like a whip, slamming Cain directly toward the wall.

THWACK! Cain crushed onto the wall, blood gushed from his mouth.

Despite being a fair distance away, muffled by the loud rumbling of the wagon, Dolrig heard the sound of Cain’s sword snapping. His face tensed up with fear, and the sword he forged failed, Dolrig could feel his stomach turn up, his eyes tearing on their own. “CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINNN!”

thump thump! thump thump! Cain could only hear his heartbeats, the attack came too suddenly that he didn’t have enough time to dodge. [Lesser healing] Compared to the wound he sustained in his past life, those were mere scratches, or so he wanted to tell himself. His body now has neither the same sturdiness nor vitality, His healing magic was limited to [lesser healing] due to his lack of a divine bind.

For a moment he debated whether he should call Sylph or not, dealing with this kind of situation would be a walk in the park for her. This damned hydra would be turned to shreds in the blink of an eye if Sylph was pissed, and she should be seeing his condition.

[Holy Healing] Alice appeared right beside him, healing his wound before he could resort to Calling Sylph.

“Cain! Cain!” Alice was screaming in his ear, urging him to move. He was far from fully healed, the strike broke several of his ribs and dealt massive internal damage. Just Alice’s healing magic wasn’t going to be enough to get him back in shape.

[Holy Healing] If one use wasn’t enough, why not spam the second one? Alice thought casting her magic again and again, just like how he did with her but. slower. The continuous stream of healing magic helped Cain back up, waking him from his half-asleep state.

When Cain was hit, the massive internal bleeding caused his blood pressure to drop quickly, to the point where not enough oxygen was delivered to the brain. This stat is called hemorrhagic shock, people usually lose consciousness at that point but Cain 20 Intelligence brain had enough resilience to not shut off completely. Cain was left in a half-asleep state, a lower power mode where his brain shut most of its functions to stay alive.

When Alice saw him wake up and look at her, she was about to cry. She had teleported on her own to him as she felt the bond between them fade. Luckily now that She could feel the binding magic strong again, it meant that Cain was already out of the danger zone.

“How long I was out?” Cain asked looking at the Hydra’s burned neck, each passing second was important in a fight.

“A little less than a minute, I teleported directly to you. Sofia also flew here after she saw me disappear.” Alice said, wiping her tears. Cain quickly stood up, multiple small boxes were thrown around him that contained healing potions and MP potions.

The soldiers can’t just jump down from that high, they also can’t open the gate when the hydra was still there. The best they could do was drop potions for Cain.

“Longswords! threw me weapons, at least Six!” Cain shouted at the top of his still hurting lungs. He then looked down at Alice, “You stay away and support us, there is no way you can survive a hit like this.” Cain was right, she is their lifeline. who could heal her if she was hurt?

As the sky rained blades, The battlefield looked like a barren land that grew swords. Cain picked one of them as he took a stance, They are going with the last strategy, cut all the heads off.

“Sofia, Come back here!” Cain shouted, coughing the blood that was still trapped in his lungs. If it wasn’t for the loud rumbling of the fight, he wouldn’t even bother speaking from the pain.

Hearing his voice, Sofia rushed toward him with a worried expression on her face, she has seen him cough blood. “How can I help?” Asking if he was alright is a pointless question as just looking at him told her he wasn’t OK! This was because of her and she didn’t want to cause him more trouble than she did. For now, she decided to be obedient and not ask questions.

“Stay a fair distance behind me and burn the necks as soon as I cut them.” He said gently, she was close enough to hear him so he had no reason to yell.

With a silent nod, she rushed behind him and took her position.

As they are speaking, Selena and the soldier were still distracting the raging hydra and trying to bait her away. Luckily Selena was far faster and more again than what she could only think of as the unholy child of a six-trunked elephant and a snake

“Selena, distract her again for me!” Cain screamed as he rushed at the hydra, again taking his stance in front of her.

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