
Chapter 175

The next day Cain went to Dolrig first thing in the morning accompanied by Gracie, she was with him to order her throwing knives. Even though it was a cold morning, Dolrig was beating the hell out of his metal.

“Are you inside?” Cain yelled from outside. “I’m not, return tomorrow!” A voice replied.

“Let’s get inside, it’s a bit cold,” Cain said to Gracie as he opened the door. “You bastard I told you…” Dolrig immediately closed his mouth when he saw the girl behind Cain, yet there was something strange about her. She was about to throw something.

A batter knife flew right by Dolrig’s face and took some hair from his beard. “Don’t kill him,” Cain said with a small arc of lightning running between his fingers. “You would have hit straight in the nose if I didn’t diverge the shot.”

Dolrig looked at them, ‘A new chick, this one is as scary as that cat girl.’ He sighed and sat on an old anvil. “How many girls do you have around you? I never seen you with a guy did I?” Dolrig was getting exhausted just looking at Cain, in the past he had his hands full with a single woman, and this kid here juggling them as if it was nothing.

“I didn’t count but it’s a lot, are you jealous?” Cain grinned at him and Dolrig snorted, a lot of people seemed to like to snort these days, is it because of the cold and their noses are clogged?

“Master, there are twenty in total.” Gracie blurted counting all the ladies, Zaleria and Mary, and all the maids. Hearing them made Dolrig choke on air, he thought they were three and now four. But five-time that number is crazy.

“Don’t say unnecessary things,” Cain chopped her on the head. “My apologies.”

“Let’s leave that subject behind us, what brought you here today?” Dolrig changed the subject as it was about to get uncomfortable for him, it’s better to talk about weapons.

“I have a gorgon skin outside, can you make me a new sword, a medium armor set for Alice. Two daggers, heavy armor, and two knuckle dusters for Selena, a few dozen throwing knives from regular steel. I would also love some chainmail for Sofia.” He then turned toward Gracie, “The daggers and throwing knives are for you, do you need something else?” Cain asked her.

“Am I free to order what I want?” Gracie replied as if she wasn’t sure Cain would be happy with what she was going to say.

“Just say it,” Cain replied, it didn’t matter what she was going to ask as he should be able to cover anything with the money he got from Leon.

“A large kettle, two frying pans, a few three dozen spoons…” Cain stopped her before she could finish, “I meant weapons and armors, this isn’t the blacksmith specialized in making kitchen wares.”

“I mean lady, I can make those for you but it’s better for me to focus on weapons and armor. There are a lot of others who could make those for you at a better price and faster. Hell, if I made a frying pan you will better use it as a weapon.” He was right as he only makes weapons and his frying pan will be a bit too thick to cook in.

Gracie tilted her head a bit, “Then what about this?” a metallic wire dangled from her wrist. “This was one is made of iron and is rusting, it has lost its flexibility.” Gracie twisted her hand a bit and swung it slightly, the wire flew and got wrapped around a wooden pole, as she pulled her hand the wire cut the pole in half.

“I should inspect you where we get back home, do you have any other weapon?” Cain asked as he inspected the pole, this girl might be more dangerous than he thought.

“I do have a last one.” Gracie move her leg slightly and dropped from underneath her skirt before the thing could hit the ground she gave it a light kick and the nail-like object flew and got stuck on the ceiling.

“If you were standing in front of her, I believe that thing will stick up your crotch, Ouch!” Dolrig looked at the nail stuck in his ceiling, “You two are getting that thing down.”

Cain laughed, “I know right? Fighting her would be painful.” Cain then used [Fly] to go and get the nail back.

“I would like to order a batch of those as well, is that alright?” Gracie looked at Cain, and he nodded. “We’re counting on you.”

“Leave it to me, by the way, I do have something for you.” Dolrig seemed to remember something and he smiled.

Cain knew this look on his face, he got something interesting. “What is it? Surprise me.” Cain hurried toward him to see what he was about to bring out.

“Here, nice isn’t it?” Dolrig showed Cain an old broken gauntlet. Cain recognized its elvish design, and the metal it was made of, It was elvish silver. “I will take it, do it just like the last time. Also if you find any more just send a letter to me, I will definitely buy them.”

Cain looked at Gracie, “I can make magic Items from those, I did make some for Sofia and Selena. That only leaves Alice and you, Is there any piece of jewelry you want?”

She has never worn jewelry before so she couldn’t even think of one, something more practical or that she already has would be nice. “I have a pair of gloves, how about making something on them?” She replied.

“I think I could make it work, some metallic wire in them isn’t something hard. But you have to do the sewing done in another place.” Dolrig replied, that he was good with his arm but not his hands.

“I think we have a lot of people who can sew, that won’t be a problem. For the other, I will send you the order later when I talk with Alice.” Cain said as he Gave the gauntlet back to Dolrig.

“Whatever suits you, It will give me time to work on your other orders.” Dolrig smiled as guided them outside, it was then time for him to start working. Cain escorted Gracie back to the mansion where he then started to get ready for implanting the traps.

“Cain I go with you? I want to have a walk…” Alice walked up to him, Cain looked up to her and smiled. “Why not? Just get ready quickly, I’m already a bit late.” Cain did spend some time that morning at Dolrig’s shop.

Alice rushed back inside happily to get Changed while Cain looked outside at the garden where Zaleria was teaching Sofia and Selena how to fight.

“Master, do you have a moment please?” When Cain looked behind him it was Lexi who called him. “Is there a problem, you look a bit stressed.” Cain noticed the small wrinkles on her forehead.

“I would like to apologize in advance for what I’m going to say, but can we talk in private for a moment.” Cain shifted his eyes a bit, this was the first time a maid asked him for a private talk.

“Talk in private about what?” Alice said from behind them, a line covering her eyes. “My lady, please forgive my rudeness…I just…” Lexi found herself at a loss for words, she has an explanation but she didn’t want to get to anyone beside Cain.

“Well, fine. But you owe me one this time.” Alice said and turned back to finish her preparation. Lexi hurried behind her and bowed deeply, “I’m grateful for your kindness my lady.” She didn’t know why Alice changed her mind but she was grateful for her.

“Let’s go to Sebas’s office, he should be out so we can use it.” Cain led her to Sebas’s office, hoping it wasn’t what he expected.

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