
Chapter 1019 Rumors And Insanity

Chapter 1019 Rumors And Insanity

As weeks turned into months, a new rumor began to circulate throughout Second Heaven. Whispers spread like wildfire, carrying tales of the Citadel of Celestia and its mysterious chimes. The ancient fortress once thought to be dormant and forgotten, now seemed to come alive intermittently, as if echoing the presence of someone within its walls.

The chimes of the Citadel of Celestia brought about a silver lining of hope to the hearts of the people. They believed that Lyon and Selena, the renowned warriors who had disappeared after the battle with Drogan, might still be alive. The occasional sound of the chimes became a beacon of anticipation, a sign that perhaps their beloved heroes had not met their end.

"It\'s the Citadel again," one cultivator remarked, his eyes glimmering with anticipation. "The chimes must hold a deeper meaning."

"Could it be a sign?" another pondered, his voice filled with hope. "A sign that Lyon and Selena are still alive?"

The people nodded, their hearts yearning for the return of their beloved heroes. The legendary warriors had vanished without a trace, leaving behind a void that could not be filled. But the chiming of the Citadel brought a silver lining, a glimmer of possibility that Lyon and Selena were still out there, persevering in their battle.

"I wonder where they\'ve been all this time," someone mused, their gaze fixed on the distant citadel. "Training, perhaps? Gathering allies? Or embarking on a different quest?"

"Whatever it is, I have faith in their strength," another declared, determination shining in their eyes. "Lyon and Selena are not the kind to give up. They will return to us."

As the days passed, the anticipation grew. The people of Second Heaven prepared themselves for the homecoming of their heroes. They honed their skills, fortified their defenses, and kept their spirits high. The chimes of the Citadel served as a reminder that Lyon and Selena\'s presence was not forgotten and that their legacy of hope and inspiration burned bright in the hearts of the people.

The figure in the cloak, one of the three students who had accompanied Lyon and Selena on their journey, couldn\'t help but smile beneath the shadows of his hood. He stood among the crowd, quietly listening to the hopeful whispers and conversations surrounding the return of his beloved teacher.

A sense of pride welled up within him as he heard the faith and admiration the people held for Lyon and Selena. He knew firsthand the strength, courage, and unwavering determination that his teacher possessed. Lyon had taught them not only the ways of martial arts, but also the values of loyalty, and protecting what they held dear.

Underneath the cloak, his hand gently touched the emblem of Class VI that marked him as one of Lyon\'s students. The symbol served as a constant reminder of the bond they shared and the lessons they had learned together. It was a symbol of hope, reminding him of their purpose and the path they had chosen.

As the voices of the crowd mingled with the gentle breeze, the student\'s smile grew wider. He knew that Lyon and Selena\'s absence had left a void, but he also knew that their teachings had planted seeds of strength and resilience in the hearts of their disciples. They had entrusted them with the task of carrying their legacy forward, of upholding the values they had instilled.

With renewed determination, the student vowed to honor his teacher\'s teachings, to become a beacon of light in a world still shrouded in darkness. He silently pledged to train harder, to push his limits, and to be ready for the day when Lyon and Selena would return.

"I will continue your legacy," he whispered, his voice filled with unwavering resolve. "I will strive to obliterate the competition and win the entire thing as promised. Teacher, madam, wherever you may be, know that we stand united, waiting for your triumphant return."

"Rayus, you\'re ready?" asked Reinhard.

Rayus pulled open his hood and revealed a resolute gaze before nodding in response, Rayus tightened his grip on his weapon, his resolve evident in his eyes. "We can\'t afford to let him slip away again," he replied firmly. "We\'ve trained for this, and we\'re prepared. We will kill him this time."

Reinhard and Noah exchanged a glance, their determination mirrored in their expressions. They knew the risks that lay ahead, but their trust in each other and their shared goal gave them strength. Together, they formed a formidable trio, united by their loyalty to Lyon.

With a silent agreement, the three students set off, their footsteps determined and their hearts filled with purpose. They would pursue Ferece relentlessly, guided by their training and the teachings of their absent teachers. Each step brought them closer to their quarry, and with every passing moment, their resolve grew stronger.

As they ventured into the unknown, their shared mission fueled their spirits, casting aside any doubts or fears that might arise. They knew that Lyon and Selena were watching over them, their presence guiding and protecting them from afar.

Under the luminous glow of the full moon, Reinhard, Noah, and Rayus caught sight of Ferece. His figure darted through the dense forest, his movements betraying a sense of urgency and fear. It was as if he was being pursued by an unseen danger, his desperate attempts to escape fueling his frantic pace.

The three students exchanged glances, their determination intensifying as they recognized their chance to finally confront Ferece.? Without hesitation, Reinhard took the lead, his agile form swiftly navigating the tangled undergrowth. Noah and Rayus followed closely behind, their senses heightened, ready to spring into action at a moment\'s notice. They moved like shadows, silent and swift, their focus fixed solely on their target.

As they closed in on Ferece, the tension in the air became palpable. The surrounding forest seemed to hold its breath, anticipating the climax of this encounter. Moonlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting ethereal rays upon the scene, adding an otherworldly aura to the unfolding chase.

Ferece, sensing their presence, cast a panicked glance over his shoulder. His eyes widened in terror as he realized that his pursuers were closing in. He pushed his legs to their limits, desperation driving him forward with every ounce of strength he could muster.

The forest echoed with the sound of rapid footsteps, branches rustling and leaves crunching underfoot. The chase intensified, a thrilling dance of predator and prey amidst the tranquil night. Ferece\'s fear-fueled determination pushed him onward, while Reinhard, Noah, and Rayus pursued with unwavering resolve.

With a burst of speed, Reinhard surged ahead, closing the distance between him and Ferece. His outstretched arm reached forward, fingers brushing against the fabric of Ferece\'s cloak. Victory seemed within reach, but Ferece managed to slip through Reinhard\'s grasp, narrowly evading capture.

"I got you now!" Rayus said so confidently.

Ferece had his eyes widened, Rayus had already anticipated him narrowly evading. He quickly grabbed his throat and tackled him down. Noah\'s grimoire lit up and magic serpents emerged from the ground coiling around his limbs, pinning him down.

"It\'s over, Ferece," Reinhard declared, his voice firm and unwavering, however, he was shocked.

The three students exchanged bewildered glances as they witnessed Ferece\'s deteriorating state. His once formidable demeanor had crumbled, replaced by a disheveled appearance and incoherent ramblings. His words, "The captain is dead," echoed in their ears, sending a chill down their spines.

This was once a man that plotted their demise, reduced to a state where nobody could recognize his past feats.

"Wake up, you son of a bitch!" Reinhard kicked his head. "Look at us!"

"He\'s gone, Reinhard," said Rayus as he grabbed his shoulder. "Ferece, you were there, weren\'t you? Where Lyon struck a blow to Burgeon Swan."

"Eek! No! No! No clapping, please!" said Ferece.

"Clapping?" Noah frowned, "Tell us more!"

"H-He suddenly arrived and clapped his hand, once, once, was all it took, then it all burned down with black flame! I-I, then I saw him battle with Captain... all runes, active-activated... but I can\'t help him, I can\'t! He was too strong!"

"Where is he?!" asked Rayus.

"T-They pulverized!!" Ferece grinned.

The three students darkened before Rayus stood up, his hair covering his emotions. "You know, Ferece, as much as unorthodox he was, he never taught us about compassion, no, he taught us to take action, to kill when it\'s time, and that\'s what are we going to do to YOU!"

"Wait," said Noah as he grabbed Rayus\'s shoulder. He darted his glance toward Ferece, with spite, "Why did you do all that to us, who recommend you to become a teacher in our class? He is the true source of your demise! Otherwise, Burgeon Swan would still live."

"Ngh!?" Ferece\'s pupils shrunk as a figure appeared in his mind. Then his lips motioned, uttering a name that brought the three students to furrow their brows.

"This is for crippling me!" Rayus swiftly severed his head in one swing, fueled with hatred.

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