
Chapter 640 Looming Trouble

As for the shadow, it skidded about a hundred meters backwards before halting to a stop. Its figure could now be seen.

The huge dark shadow had the appearance of a panther but the lightning streaks of blood red strips covering its body in a sleek webbed shaped pattern made it look like an absolute demonic beast. Bones spikes jutted out from its spine like spears and its fangs was even longer and short than most knives.

The lightning blood streaks pulsed along its body like glowing LCD lighting, radiating immense waves of power as its heartbeat resonated along with its moving blood. An intense wave of murderous intent exploded out, it was so thick the cloud of dust settled and the air refused to move as though afraid of the tension.

"How come after all this time, you still haven\'t given up on killing me?" A faint trace of smile appeared on David\'s face as he walked forwards with his hands in his pocket.

"Early Atman stage?" David\'s head tilted in confusion as he gazed at the familiar beast before him. The difficulty of reaching the atman stage was as easy as crossing over from ordinary hex-gene phaser to the integrated phaser. It requires the observation of the genes from the remains of atman experts for the cells in the body to move accordingly to the evolution path, therefore evolving further.

From their previous meet, although Flint\'s strength was above the integrated Phaser realm and had even surpassed the mid-atman stage, his body was still at the integrated phaser Realm, a Rank 4 beast with a tank 5 strength. Since then, it had been locked up within the inner world therefore it shouldn\'t have been able to advance without resources.

But even if he was able to find the atman expert bones David had accumulated and hidden within the inner world, his strength shouldn\'t have improved so drastically. From rank 4 to rank 6 in half a year, it was just too much of a gap unless he had other sources of nourishment.

David\'s footstep paused to a stop and his smiling expression became strange. "Y-you didn\'t find where I hid my important treasures right?"

Ever since he knew Flint could enter his inner world, David had created a treasure place and hid all of his important stuffs within the place. It was even thousands of meters underneath a massive thousands-feet mountain therefore, it was difficult to find it even if one scoured the entire inner world for ten years. With how big the inner had become when it absorbed the essence of half of the demigods David had slayed, it should be even more impossible for Flint to locate his treasury right?

The clouds suddenly rumbled and a huge eye that covered half the entire inner world formed in the sky. As the eye moved, it glanced towards the land like a massive god staring at its planet.

When suddenly, David\'s expression changed hugely. Of the three demigod corpses he had within his treasury, two were actually missing! The mountain full of atman realm corpses were only left with white dust and he discovered that some of his rank 3 medicine had disappeared.

"M-m-my white-star lotus. Flint, what did you do with it?" David\'s smiling expression was stiff as he tried his best to calm himself down. There was the possibility he was just hiding them as punishment for locking him here all this time right?

Flint\'s claw shuffled against the ground, leaving deep meter long claw marks in the ground. It\'s expression seem to be of guilt.

Controlling his heavy breath, David smiled as he comforted. "Alright alright, the rank 3 herbs might be precious but I can forgive you since you were probably starving and didn\'t want to touch the demigod\'s corpses. Just bring the two corpses from where you hid them and we will call it even right?"

"Uooof!" Flint blinked it\'s golden pupil\'s and then started coughing as though wanting to puke.

This made David breathe heavily in relief. That was why he couldn\'t find any trace of the corpses within his inner world. It turned out Flint swallowed them and stored it within his body.

"Dong" "Dong" "Dong"

The sound caught David\'s attention and his mind turned blank as he stared at the whitish crystallined bones laying on the ground with a soulless expression.

He raised his head to look to the sky and sighed heavily. "Is it my fault I decided to keep you as a pet? Not to worry, your body hadn\'t completely absorbed the genetic components from the demigods corpse. Eating you raw would probably improve my strength."

The gathered clouds forming the eye dispersed. As the ground entire ground of the inner world shook.

Flint\'s hair stood in end when he heard David\'s last sentence. But before it could react, the ground beneath its feet caved in as it opened up, swallowing it and trapping it within them.

As the sole owner of the inner world, David could utilise all of its element he was a god within the inner world. But something strange happened David was about to move when he noticed his legs had been trapped by the ground beneath his feet, giving Flint enough time to break out from the earth trap.

"You b**terd!!! Taking my things is one thing, but you are actually controlling my inner world too!?"

* * *

"Are you saying even I was deceived by that brat?" A female voice coldly chilled through the minds of the subordinates.

"N-no, of course not. The information we received about the target was all false. The reconnaissance team is currently being punished." The man bowed his head along with the two men beside him.


Like a broken doll, they were tossed out of the room with blood spouting out from their mouth. From their caved in chests, its obvious the three of them would require half a year to recover if they actually survived the attack of a rank-9 Meteorite

The females entire vibe changed and a murderous wave rapidly twisted around her like snakes. The phantom of a large sinister flaming serpent erupted from the void behind her as it slitter in mid-air.

A smile formed from the corner of her lips. "Looks like the eyes I took from him wasn\'t nearly enough."

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