
Chapter 213 - 213 - Leaving The Settlement Once Agian.

Yue placed a hand inside his pocket. Soft fur tickled his finger tip. He gently squeezed Trexa\'s round belly. She rolled onto her back, trilling softly.

As he was petting her, he felt a small round thing in her cheeks.

"Squeak," she pushed her finger away and popped her head out.

"What do you have here?" he touched her puffed up cheeks. There was definitely something in there. "Did you store food in your cute little cheeks? Baba has food in my bag. You don\'t have to store it in your cheeks,"

She cutely hugged his fingertips and closed her eyes.

"Fine, but don\'t keep it in there for long. You can spit it out in my pocket if you want. There is a small pocket in there.

His mum and Lui had sewn multiple pockets in his coat upon Tian\'s request. He kept a small supply of food, medicine, and gauze inside for emergencies.

He unzipped the smaller compartment. Trexa observed the inside of it curiously and after hesitating a bit, she spat out a small green seed.

"Lotus seed? Did dad give you this? How many did you eat? Don\'t eat too much of these, you will get fat,"

His dad loves snacking on things, so when he told the world was going to end; he bought a huge stock of salted sunflower seeds, lotus seeds, and other snacks.

Trexa licked his finger and rolled back into his pockets. He carefully zipped the section, leaving a small hole for ventilation.

Yue was hesitant about taking Trexa with him. They were traveling in a huge group. He did not want to reveal her abilities to anyone else.

But Tian had strongly suggested for him to bring her.

"Stay inside my little baby, baba will fight undead and I will feed you tasty stuff,"

"Squeak," the small squeak warmed his soul.

Four jeeps waited for them right outside the gate. It was just a standard military jeep with the top opened.

The first team members got in the first few jeeps, but Hary stayed back and joined them in the fourth one.

Yue drove the car while Fan Xui sat in the passenger seat. After a lot of argument Hary, Tian and Prisitsky squeezed into the back seat.

"I can\'t believe you are making me sit in the middle seat," he peered at Hary with a small pout. "I don\'t even have leg space."

Hary just dully looked at him. "You have short legs, just sit tight. Tian, ready with the guns. Yue, take it slow. We will lead the other cars." he put his head out and gestured for the other three cars to follow them.

Slowly, Yue drove out of the compound through the small town. Most of the smaller roads were empty. Some of the bigger connecting roads were filled with people trading their things with the other survivors.

The military had allowed individuals to set up stalls and sell their belonging in a fair barter system. Some soldiers always had a vigilant glance at this place.

Zou Yue curiously looked at the market. There were many people. There were even some families out there with little kids. "I\'m happy so many survived.... but.. this town does not have such a large population. Did people move from other places here?"

"No, before everything started, our uncle moved all the soldiers\' families here. The houses behind the barracks were given to them for free."

Yue glanced back in shock. "he did that?!"

"Yeah, he didn\'t tell you?"

"No," Yue glanced ahead at the durst road with a small smile. \'uncle really is a good guy....\'

Soon they reached the barricaded part of the road. The wall construction had progressed a lot o the other side\'s but the road was kept open because of their need to go out.

"Wonder how they will build the walls at this part?" Fan Xui whispered curiously, glancing ahead.

"They will get hold of metal ability users and together they will cast an enormous door. It can only be opened by twenty metal users. A smaller gate will be established in the middle so that people can come and go. But most of the time, this place will be fully sealed," Yue whispered nostalgically.

Fan Xui nodded. "We don\'t have many metal ability users. Only two were discovered....." he said, tapping on his legs slightly.

"Patience Fan, abilities sometimes take time to awaken. When a person is at the fullest emotions it sometimes just pops out. Soon we will have powerful ability users in our midst.. it\'s going to become a very normal phenomenon," Yue whispered as slammed the brakes. The soldiers started clearing the blockage.

The sound of Loud growls and grunts filled his senses.

Yue slightly scrunched his nose. The nasty smell of rotten flesh became much more apparent. He rolled up the windows.

"Shoot them! Clear a path for the jeeps!!!" the soldiers guarding the barricade shouted.

Twenty zombies pushed themselves in. 

The soldier shot at them, but their aim was not so great.

Yue frowned deeply. "Seat belt, please. Tian, Hary, are you ready? Use guns save your abilities for later,"

Hary lowered the window and shouted. "Ready to move! Keep up and don\'t fall behind!!"

The car accelerated at high speed, and Yue drove faster towards the upcoming zombies. "Tian now!"

Tian stood up and started shooting the ones close to the sides while Yue dove over the ones in front of his hood.

Loud crunching sound reverberated in their ears.

All of a sudden, a female zombie jumped up and onto their hood, grabbing onto the wipers.

"Tian, shoot this one first. I think it has some ability. Careful, don\'t lean out too much!" Yue shouted as he drove through the small passageway the soldiers had cleared for them.

The soldiers instantly started to black the roads with the huge truck and the makeshift iron gates.

Fan Xui was in shock. He knew that zombies existed….. but looking at one for the first time, he.... he could not hide his fear.

The female zombie was growling loudly with her blood stained mouth wide open. Soem parts of her face were missing and black blood was dripping down. Her small black dress was torn down, exposing her bosom.

Fan Xui looked away.

It was terrifying....

The zombies were....once humans too....

His hands started to shiver slightly.

A loud gunshot and the female zombie\'s brain matter splattered on the windshield. The wiper cleaned it away squishing the brain matters.

"Fan? Hey.. you okay?" a war hand gently touched his .

Fan Xui nodded. "I don\'t know.... they look too human...."

"I know, it\'s hard the first time. Some of them still look human, but their life ended long back."

He gulped softly. "Is it possible that they might be alive too..." he hopefully glanced to his side.

Yue gave him a sad smile. "Your friend did research on it... none of them had viable brain activities. The virus either kills the host immediately or alters their DNA."

Prisitsky suddenly leaned forward, adjusting his glasses. "When did this happen? Why did they give Qian that project, huh? Why was I not aware of it, huh? Come on Yue, you have been hiding this from me?"

"Ay Dr Prisitsky it was just a joke. I was trying to comfort him. That\'s all..."

Prisitsky frowned deeply. "Hmm weird... you talk about the future in past tense... it\'s really weird indeed."

Tian pulled him back with a glare. "Just sit tight, don\'t distract our driver,"

"Come on, I was just asking a question. Is it wrong of me to?"

"Yes, very wrong of you. Stay silent and sit tight."

Yue glanced at the rearview mirror. Tian just gave him a comforting smile. Sighing, he nodded at her. For a second, he forgot that this man was still in their car and started to talk about future events.

In case Prisitsky finds out about his rebirth, he was pretty sure he would want to research on him.

Just that thought alone gave him Goosebumps.

\'I really don\'t want to get cut open....\' he peered back at Prisitsky who was looking at Fan Xui intently.

Before this brilliant scientist just dissipated, He was doing some weird research with zombies and mutated plants. He was clearly crazy about his studies and did not know the limit. Once there was a rumor that he kidnapped a human and tried to research him.

\'I hope it was just a rumor....\' his sight went over to Fan Xui. \'If not I have to safeguard Fan…\'

Because this doctor was very interested in his boyfriend\'s brain activities.

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