
Chapter 137 - Plan moving forward

Chapter 137 - Plan moving forward

A day has already passed since the attacking undead army was vanquished, but the people were still in anguish for the losses they gained. In the mansion of the Regalcrags sleeping in the master bedroom was Ren. Beside him with her usual stoic expression was Lara watching over him.

All throughout the night, Ren\'s mana was violently pulsating throughout the mansion. Without him suppressing his mana, the whole weight of his overbearing mana was being felt through the whole western district of Grenton. Everyone near the Regalcrags mansion could feel Ren\'s mana.


Just outside Ren\'s room were a bunch of mages trying their hardest to contain Ren\'s powerful mana within the room. Galius had ordered them to do so since Ren\'s mana could possibly harm the citizens of Grenton with how strong it was.

Yet no matter how hard they tried they could only suppress it but not contain it in one spot. Though it wasn\'t harming anyone outside the mansion, the people within the mansion were quite nervous.


Stephan Regalcrag and the elders of the family have gathered in a secret room underneath the mansion. The faces of the elders present were that of worry.

"So that man is to be our new liege... What do you think of him?" Stephan looked at the others cautiously as he asked his question. The group of elders turned silent for a while.

"He\'s a very powerful individual, I think it was the right decision to follow him." One of the elders told his opinion breaking the silence.

"Individual power is nothing compared to a united group. Isn\'t that the reason why he wanted to gain us and the other fallen nobles as allies?"

"Did you see him fight that Elder Lich? He doesn\'t need the power of a group, he by himself can fight this kingdom into a standstill, and with the current situation with the Serbek Kingdom, he might be able to destroy our kingdom."

"I think he\'s too dangerous an individual to let live. He might be our ally now, but once he chooses to wipe us out he can do so at any time. Not only us but anyone he doesn\'t like. I say we kill him while we have th-" Before the elder could finish what he wanted to say his head was cut off.

The other elders seeing this scene weren\'t disturbed as their faces remain calm as ever. The one who had killed the elder was the only one present among them who has the authority to take their heads without a fight. It was none other than Stephan Regalcrag the family head that took his life.

Stephan who drew his sword placed it back into its scabbard before he spoke.

"Sir Randolph has stepped out of line, so I killed him. Ren is our liege now, I was not asking what you wanted to do. I was simply asking for your thoughts about him. Telling us to kill our own liege, such a dishonorable thing came into the mind of one of us. He deserved to die... So is there anyone else harboring such ridiculous thoughts? Speak now and I will grant you an honorable death."

Stephan waited for a minute and when no one responded he continued talking.

"Very good, since no one responded now, the next time anyone is found out to harbor such thoughts he or she will die in the most dishonorable way. Agreed?"

"Agreed!" All the elders answered in unison. Stephan saw two elders twitch a bit as they answered. Seeing them do that made him sigh.

\'Really these old fools, since I was named the weakest head of the Regalcrags they think they can step all over me? Hmph, the moment they slip up I will show no mercy. I\'ll just keep an eye out for now... How ridiculous thinking they could deal with Ren. Don\'t they remember even now as he sleeps another monster is right beside him.\'


While the Regalcrags were having their secret meeting, Ren\'s mana was finally beginning to stabilize. Its density was increasing but its amount was decreasing a bit. Once it finally finished stabilizing Ren\'s eyes opened.

Lara wasted no time to hug the newly awaken Ren.

"How many days was I asleep?"

"One day," Lara parted with Ren and answered with her usual indifference.

"What of Hilda?"

"She\'s alive..." Lara wanted to tell Ren that Hilda\'s current mental state wasn\'t right, but she decided that it wasn\'t a good thing to say at the moment.

"I see... Lara can you call Iselv, Kithra, Valdel, and the head of the Regalcrags over." Lara stood up from the chair nodded her head and left the room.


A few minutes after Lara left she came back with all the people Ren wanted to see. Seeing as they were all nearby waiting for Ren to wake up it wasn\'t really that hard to call them over.

"You must be the head of the Regalcrags," Ren noticed the new face and spoke, Stephan hearing him being called step forward and knelt.

"I am Stephan Regalcrag, it is an honor to serve you my liege."

"You\'re better than I expected you to be. I expect great things from you." Ren then signaled Stephan to stand, seeing as he was once the lord of all demons in his past life, Ren\'s aura felt regal to the head of the Regalcrags. Stephan stood up and pounded his right hand onto his chest.

"I will not let you down my liege." Ren nodded in response to Stephan\'s enthusiasm.

"Ok, then, now that everyone I need is here. Let me tell you about my plan going forward. Iselv come here and stand in front of the group."

Iselv did as he was told and once he was in position, Ren made a grand gesture and spoke. "Here before you is the missing third prince of the kingdom of Reschbeauch. The son of King Willmot Reschbeauch the warrior king. I declare here before you all, I\'m making this man into the new king of Reschbeauch!"

Ren said all that while showing the same smile he has as he gets excited in battle. Lara was as usual stoic, but everyone else especially Iselv showed a shocked face.

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