
Chapter 315 - The Nightmare

Chapter 315 - The Nightmare

A few days before the attack on the demon lands, in Touma city, a boy around sixteen years old had entered the city. He had been recruited as a soldier for the upcoming war. In truth, it was his older brother who was recruited to be a soldier, but he needed to stay back since his wife was about to give birth.

The sixteen-year-old boy was called Marlo. When the Kingdom called to conscript one man from each family, Marlo\'s older brother Jun was set to go. But seeing the worry and sadness in his sister-in-law\'s face made Marlo volunteer instead.

"What are you thinking Marlo? This isn\'t a game that you can joke around in. This is a war."

"I know that, but do you know that? If something happens to you in the war, what would happen to sister-in-law, what would happen to your kid? Are you going to be like our dad who wasn\'t there?"

The two of them argued for a while until Marlo was finally able to convince his older brother to not go. Jun sighed as he handed their grandfather\'s copper sword and leather armor to Marlo.

"Brother, this is the last chance, are you sure about this?"

"Of course I am, so be sure to await my return. When I come back I want to hold my niece or nephew in my hands."

"… Of course." The two brothers hugged each other and smiled.

After saying his goodbyes in the village Marlo left. He was able to get to Touma City without much trouble. Upon entering the city the first thing he saw was the row of knights wearing expensive heavy armor. When he saw those knights he looked at his old leather armor and felt a little bit embarrassed.

He went to the barracks and saw a lot of youths around his age. There were a lot of them that didn\'t even have armor, while others even brought some pitchforks. As Marlo was looking around the barracks a man wearing a different colored set of armor stood in front of the crowd and spoke in a loud voice.

"All of those without proper armor and weapons gather here and form a line. The Sliral Kingdom will provide you weapons and armor that will not shame our glorious kingdom."

When the people heard what the man said, Marlo and the other youths headed towards him and formed a line. Once Marlo got to the front of the line he was given a spear and a better set of armor.

After they were given their new equipment, the newcomers were assigned to different commanders. Marlo was sent to the unit that would be the first to charge towards the enemy lines. When he heard that, he felt a bit fearful.

It was finally dawning upon him what was happening. He was about to go to battle, he was about to go to war.

\'Will I be able to see Big brother again? Will I be able to eat sister-in-law\'s cooking? Will, I meet the child of Big Brother and sister-in-law?…\' As Marlo was getting anxious, somebody suddenly tapped his shoulders. Marlo was startled and saw a towering man standing in front of him. He was wearing full plated armor and his face was full of scars which made him look intimidating.

"Hey new kid, you should calm down a bit. If you\'re too anxious before the battle even starts you might freeze when an enemy attacks. Just stick with me and you\'ll be fine. Oh right, I\'m Nate, I\'ve been in numerous battles already and survived. So I know what I\'m saying."

"I\'m Marlo."

Seeing how timid Marlo was made Nate laugh heartily as he pounded Marlo\'s back. "Don\'t worry kid, war isn\'t as bad as you think it is." Being infected by Nate\'s cheery personality Marlo smiled as well.

A few days later the army headed out towards the demon lands. They had sent scouts ahead and were informed that the demon army only had ten thousand men. Not only that the demon lord would be held back by the hero as they try to capture an area in the demon lands.

"Did you hear that kid, only ten thousand. Not to mention the hero is with us. I\'ve seen the guy and I\'m pretty sure he could easily handle a demon lord or two." Hearing what Nate said made Marlo feel a bit better as they marched onward.

Marlo looked at the surrounding area and saw the powerful-looking knights on horses and the mages at the rear. If the demon army truly only had ten thousand men, then they might win the upcoming battle quite easily.

As Marlo was feeling relieved he and everyone in the army heard a voice ringing in their ears.

"Humans I will give one warning, go back to where you belong. If you continue to move towards our territory don\'t blame me for being ruthless!"

When they heard that warning Marlo suddenly tensed up. Nate then smacked him from behind and warned the one young.

"I already said it before, don\'t be too tense, the enemy isn\'t even here yet. Just stay by my side as we meet the enemy forces. Don\'t worry kid, I promise that you\'ll get home to meet your family." Nate smiled confidently at Marlo.

"Thanks, Nate."

"Don\'t go thanking me just yet, once this war is over you promised to give me your village\'s famous Ale." Hearing what Nate said made Marlo smile.

"Of course," While the two were talking the army continued to move onward. It was then a tornado appeared and massacred those at the forefront. If that wasn\'t enough the next thing that happened was a hole appeared in the middle of their formation.

Marlo couldn\'t react at all as he and the others beside him were about to fall into the huge deep pit that appeared. As he was about to fall, Marlo felt someone grab onto his hand. He looked up and saw Nate pulling him up.

"QUICKLY KID, MOVE IT!" Nate pulled Marlo up and the two started running towards the rear. When Nate saw that there were demons blocking the escape path, he gritted his teeth. He then started looking around and saw a hole of sorts hidden behind some rocks.

The two started running towards the direction of the hole, once they got close enough they saw that it was a small cave that was hidden behind some rocks.

"You stay here kid, and no matter what happens keep your head low and avoid their detection. Once you hear the fighting stop, wait for a few hours before leaving." After saying what needed to be said Nate was about to head out again, but before he could do so Marlo grabbed hold of his hand.

"Why are going out there?! You should stay here as well old man. You know that we have no hope of winning!" Marlo was so shocked by how fast the events unfolded before his eyes. He saw a lot of the people he talked to at the barracks be killed without them being able to do anything at all.

Those guys that he was eating with and sharing stories with, died just like that. Seeing the person who was the closest to him in the barracks was about to head out to his death, Marlo couldn\'t let him do that.

"You need to survive kid, you still have a family waiting for you. As for me, those guys in our unit, those guys are the only family I have left. I can\'t just hide and watch them die. Don\'t worry kid, it\'s not like all hope is lost. You never know how a battle will end, until the very last moment."

Nate then darted towards the battlefield while Marlo could only stare at his back. He couldn\'t stop Nate, and seeing the conviction in Nate\'s eyes Marlo knew he had no right to stop him. Marlo could only watch from his hiding place as his fellow soldiers died one by one.

Marlo hated himself as he wasn\'t able to do anything at all. He hated the fact that he was just sitting there watching his companions fall one after another. He then noticed in the distance Nate was running towards a woman with fox tails.

That must be the demon that used the spells that devastated the entire Sliral Kingdom\'s army. There were a lot of men that were running desperately beside Nate. One by one those men fell until it was only Nate left. He was able to reach the demoness.

Marlo clenched his fist as he watched Nate stabbing the demoness in the heart. Marlo was about to cheer, but then, in the next second, he saw the demoness\'s body disappearing and reappeared behind Nate. Marlo wanted to shout at Nate to warn him, but his voice wouldn\'t come out.

He watched as his friend and mentor fall to the ground lifeless. Marlo wanted to scream, he wanted to run towards Nate and avenge him. Yet his legs weakened and he knelt unable to move.

Marlo couldn\'t see anything in his current position but he could hear the death cries of his companions. The smell of blood filled his nose, as his ears could only hear screams of agony and sorrow. Marlo closed his eyes and wished that he would wake up, and find that he was still at the village.

\'This must be a nightmare… Please let this all just be a bad dream. Please let me wake up.\' As Marlo was praying with all his heart, he heard footsteps, there was someone approaching his hiding spot. Marlo shakily gripped onto his spear and was getting ready to attack.

When the footsteps got closer Marlo stabbed forward, and then he saw at the end of his spear was another human. He looked at Marlo with confusion as he died. Seeing what he did, Marlo couldn\'t hold it in and screamed.

The screaming Marlo alerted the nearby demons. They spotted the screaming Marlo quite easily. A demon who was holding a spear threw it towards Marlo and pierced the young man\'s chest.

Marlo looked at the spear in his chest and actually felt some relief. \'I hope this nightmare ends, and I wake up to eat sister-in-law\'s cooking…\' Those were the final thoughts Marlo had as death came to him.

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