
Chapter 32 032: Player Killers/Quest Stealers I

Nijat aliens were pretty straight forward combat wise, even the ones amongst them that were supposed to be smarter chose to attack with an intelligence that was barely above that of a beast. But then again so far all of the aliens that they have been facing so far all seemed to be the low level members of the race, the so called vanguard force of genetically engineered disposable swarms.

Cole really didn\'t want to see what a real member of the race looked like, because with how stupid these aliens were, it would be quite impossible for them to have grown large enough into becoming an interstellar empire, much less invent portal creating and trans-dimension hopping capabilities. But Cole would still stand by his belief that the portals looked like an asshole.

For some reason the Nijat aliens conveniently forgot that they were holding ammunition based weapons and charged at Cole, preferring to instead mash his head in. he ducked under the first wild swing, stabbing his Vibro blade into the spot behind the Nijat alien\'s knee, bringing it to the ground before sending the blade into his spleen and ripping it from left to right with extreme prejudice.

The next alien took a shot to the face as Cole utilized [Invisibility] to vanish, causing a moment of confusion as another shot from his handgun took it in the face, followed by another, and another, dropping three of them in seconds, bringing the number of downed aliens to four and leaving only two. He deactivated his stealth suit right in the middle of the final two, before leaving his Vibro blade in the heart of one, and leaving a sizzling yet freezing hole in the stomach of the other.

"Guess it was less of a hassle than I thought it would be." Cole said to himself as he inclined his head to the side before nodding his head to the scientist and his family.

"Come on guys, we have to get going and we really don\'t have all day, I have to deliver you to the extraction point." Cole said to them, as the family rushed into the Hover-Bus. Cole and the father aka MR. Scientist were about to go into it when a shot was fired, a bullet ripping right through his neck, directly underneath his collarbone and painting the side of the bus red with his blood.

He crumpled to the ground with a strangled cry, while his family let out screams of shock. But Cole was already taken action, the bullet went clean through, so he unceremoniously stuck a pill in his mouth and watched as the bleeding quickly stopped. Cole pulled him up, even in the midst of the still healing hole in his neck and pushed him into the bus before turning to see the almost dozen group of players dressed in a variety of gear, but looking exactly like there were extras in some dystopic/apocalypse movie.

"Shit! UnicornPrancer69! You almost killed the quest target! What is wrong with you, that has to be the biggest pay day in the history of any game and you almost fucking ruined it you bastard." An honest to god anthromorphic unicorn ducked his head down in shame, as what seemed to be a version of space dark elves, cuffed him in the back of his ear. For the sake of his sanity, it was just a dark elf to Cole.

The team of players in front of him were quite a diverse bunch if he does say so himself. While quite a few of them were humans, the majority of them had already gone through the race change, which meant that probably, they were all level 10 and above players. Now Cole had waiting notifications that he was supposed to have paid attention to, and he was aiming to do that when he got the Hover-Bus airborne, so in light of that he probably had a bunch of stats waiting to be utilized and a higher level to actualize.

Either way none of the people in front of him seemed to be weak or simple players, but Cole for the life of him was incapable of feeling scared. He was not intimidated by their numbers and by their weapons, and while players where a whole other ball game as opposed to the aliens he has been facing so far, he didn\'t think that this bunch in front of him would have been able to face the army of aliens that he just did, an army that Cole idly observed would soon be on his tail chasing after him for the closure of their asshole portal.

"What do you want?" Cole asked as he holstered his gun and blade, acting completely nonchalant about their presence in front of him, it was almost as if he didn\'t see them as a threat. But with Cole that could just as easily been a ploy on his part.

"Well can you look at that UnicornPrancer69…. The little guy can talk! And look his has a tiny whittle tail dancing around behind him. What\'s up little guy… did you lose your pitchfork?" a man dressed in military fatigues, and carrying a blaster/cannon that way too big to be lugging around in all this chaos.

Cole quickly designated him as the big boss with the big ego trying to overcompensate for something, and the fact that there was not a single female in their 11 man group also raised red flags about the kind of composition the group in front of him had. And while there was a plethora of quite formidable weapons amongst them all, admittedly some that Cole would even want for himself, his opinion of them were very low.

"Sure I did, please when you get home ask your mama to return it and to make sure to hose me down and disinfect it, I doubt it would be viable to use after the night it has spent in the hole you crawled out from kicking and screaming into this world." Cole kept quiet, giving the insult a minute to sink in, and when it did sink in, he couldn\'t help the smile that crossed his face, and admittedly they couldn\'t see it from behind his helmet.

The man had his face twisted into a snarl, the space dark elf, or maybe it would be better to just call him a Spelf, doesn\'t matter if he was dark, moon, high or wood or any other of the dozen variation of elves within Titan rising online. He was an elf in space, so Cole would all him a Spelf.

Either way the Spelf placed a hand on his friend\'s shoulder, trying hard not to laugh as he attempted to calm the man down. Then he turned to face Cole, an amused look still on his face, guess Cole just saw who the real leader of the rabble was.

"We are all running out of time here so I will lay out your options and tell you just how this is going to go down. I don\'t care how good you are, or how you were able to survive the army that wiped me and my team multiple times already, but we want that man and the bus too, and also all of your money and gear, then we will send you to respawn.

But then again I don\'t think you have any options available to you, so bend over and hand over all of your hard work to us, then die quietly, without having to go through an excruciatingly painful experience for us to get what we want. Now I invite and even encourage you to be a hero and try to fight back, it will give me great pleasure to beat you down in the worst way possible…. So what do you think short stuff…. You game?"

The elf even had the audacity to walk until he was right in front of Cole, then he had bent down and placed his hands on Cole\'s shoulders with a small smile on his face, with absolutely no fear at all. Cole felt a buzz of energy in the air, it moved in a pattern that seemed to mirror a skill of his than he was quite familiar with. [Lesser Mind Control]

Cole could not help but chuckle as he too placed his hands on the shoulders of the Spelf. "Why don\'t I give you a counter offer of my own?" Cole asked as the eyes of the Spelf widened and he wanted to pull back, but Cole held him tight, surprising the both of them off his level of strength.

"S-sure." The nervousness in the Spelf\'s voice was not lost on his partners, as for Cole he could care less. He already had a passive skill that protected his mind from negative mental status effect or reduced the effects of some of them too, making it hard to daze him, or in this case use any form of mind control on him.

"I can just get onto this bus and fly away and you all will live to see another day….at least within the game anyways. But I don\'t take kindly to being robbed by overgrown children, I\'m sure UnicornPrancer69 will agree with me on that. A fight is not something I\'m ready for, as while you fools got wiped facing a Nijat army I decimated them all by my lonesome and still got my prize to this point safe and sound. So I\'m sorry but I\'m no pushover, however I am in a hurry so it works in all of your favor, and to show you I am not joking, let me show just what will happen if you stand in my way."

[Sin Eater]

"Ah! Argh! Arghhhhhhh! No! Arrrrrr! No! No!"

Cole was just as shocked by the extreme screams of pain coming from the Spelf, but he had already started taking action and there was no going back as he drained every last drop of energy from him. Admittedly it was a lot more than what the Nijat aliens had to offer, and it took him a whole 25 seconds of absorption before the elf\'s body had turned into a dried husk and devoid of life or energy.

[Sin Eater Used! +50 Energy +20 Dexterity]

It was quite the display, but player killers and kill stealers had no honor, because even with a display that shocked even Cole who sued it… the soon to be dead fools still attacked…. Fucking idiots!

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