
Chapter 27

Chapter 27: <Chapter 27>

His timing was perfect. Was he in the next room eavesdropping so he could walk in at just the right time?

I asked him to do this, but I still found it ridiculous. Of course, I didn’t let on how I felt. I knew this was absurd, but in truth, this was perfect. Lisbeth was in love with Lucretius, so this would be the most effective revenge.

I put on the brightest smile and opened my arms to him.

“My king!”

The emperor walked towards me as if there was no one else in the room. He ignored the Duke and the Duchess’s bows. He didn’t even glance at Lisbeth, who was standing beside the stairs. Lisbeth’s face crumpled into shock and sadness, and I gloried in it.

The emperor opened his arms melodramatically, and I jumped into them.

This was when the emperor became creative and went off my script.

His beautiful face came close to mine quickly. His unexpectedly big hands enveloped the back of my head and his warm soft lips touched mine.


His hot tongue invaded my mouth. Instinctively, I tried to push him away, but he moved too fast. He tightened his arms around my waist and hugged me. When I tried to push his arms away, he effortlessly held my arm in a way that made it look like I was holding on to him passionately.

And... The deep ardent kiss continued.

It was a long, long kiss.

My mind went blank.

I felt weak. What was wrong with him? Why would he do this? Should I make him stop?

That was when I remembered where I was.

I glanced at my guests and noticed that the Duke, Duchess, and Lisbeth were staring at us in shock.

To be fair, it was me who asked the emperor to come here. I was the one who came up with this plan. I asked the emperor to pretend to be madly in love with me. I wanted to trick the Bonafit family, but I began to realize that perhaps, I was the one whom the emperor tricked.

If I pushed him away and slapped his face, my plan would be ruined. I would look stupid.

What was more important? My annoyance at the emperor or my anger at the Duke’s family?

It was an easy answer. The Bonafit family needed to be taught a hard lesson.

I chose revenge.

It wasn’t because Lucretius was an amazing kisser. It wasn’t that at all!

I stopped fighting him and raised my arms to hug his neck. When I kissed him back, he flinched. It was for the briefest second, but I noticed it right away. It was a little funny.



W, what was... this?

Skin to skin. I felt the fireworks where we touched. It was exciting and erotic. It started on my lips and moved down my body.

What was this feeling?

It was something I had never felt in my 20 years of life. The strange sensation spread through me like a storm. It was different, but... it wasn’t bad or repulsive. My body felt like it was floating, and finally...


Just before I was about to explode, the emperor’s lips left mine. A faint smear of my pink lipstick was visible on his lips.

I suddenly became alert.

The emperor saw my expression and grinned smugly.

T, this man! He knew exactly what he was doing!

He knew I wouldn’t stop him. He planned this all along.

Before I could frown, he pulled me back to him and kissed me soundly on my forehead.

B, bastard!

He said to me with an evil smile, “My Bina. I don’t understand how you can become even more beautiful every time I see you.”

I pushed down my boiling anger. My priority wasn’t this petty evil emperor. It was my adopted family standing nearby like statues.

I cleared my throat and replied in an exaggerated tone, “Oh my, you are making me blush, Your Highness.”

Gosh... I hated myself for saying something so embarrassing.

I felt awful, but the thought of sweet revenge helped me to continue. I acted as if I was a blushing new bride helplessly in love with her husband.

“But your highness, my parents and my little sister are here. You can’t act like this in front of them... I am too embarrassed...”

When I looked at him with a coy smile, the emperor pretended to finally notice the people around him.

He exclaimed loudly, “Oh. Oh! I remember now. You are meeting with the Duke of Aeal. Did I just interrupt a family union?”

“N, not at all, Your Highness.” The Duke Aeal replied hurriedly.

Lucretius laughed. He looked a little crazy laughing so loudly.

The emperor said to the Duke, “Well, I guess I am part of the family now, so it’s okay for me to be here, right? Hmm? My lovely Bina.”

He called my name so sweetly it was sickening. This man was so rotten.

I felt nauseous, but I hid it well. I nodded shyly.

“I’m sure my father is happy that you’re here.”

I turned to the Duke with an innocent smile.

“Right, father?”

“O, of course, Your Highness.”

The Duke’s tone became respectful again. Such a two-faced man. I hated people like him.

Now that the emperor was here, the Bonafit family couldn’t try to convince me to do their bidding. It was over for them. I could see them feeling defeated especially after seeing me and the emperor acting madly in love. Lisbeth was trying her best not to cry.

It was fun to watch them like this.

The emperor walked up and sat down on the throne where I was sitting only a few minutes ago.

I looked at him for a second before walking up the stairs myself. To his surprise, I boldly sat on his knees.

The Duke and the Duchess gasped loudly.

The emperor looked surprised but grinned. When he saw my attempt at a seductive expression, he grinned even wider. He moved his arm to wrap around me, so I could sit more comfortably.

I went one step further and wrapped my arm around his neck as if I was hanging on to him. I turned around and looked at Lisbeth with the happiest smile I could muster.

The emperor whispered to me playfully, “You are so funny.”

I pinched him secretly. He didn’t show it on his face, but I felt him flinch.


I was sure Lucretius was eavesdropping and therefore knew what was going on, but he asked anyway.

“So what were you guys talking about?”

Before the Duke could say anything, I replied quickly, “We were talking about how generous you are to me.”


“The fact that you appointed me as your first wife.”

The Bonafit family’s faces became hopeful.

I grinned at their stupidity as I continued. “... I assume that you would have never taken me as your wife if my family name wasn’t Bonafit.”

The emperor’s face hardened. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I married you for you. It had absolutely nothing to do with the Duke of Aeal.”

I bit my tongue to make myself cry.

“I was sold here to marry the former emperor, but he passed away suddenly. You felt sorry for me and thought it would be unfair to ask for another daughter from the Bonafit family. Isn’t that why you married me?”

“Never! Who would say such a vile thing?”

The emperor glared at the Duke and the Duchess angrily. The room became tense.

Lucretius turned to me and whispered sweetly, “All of this had nothing to do with our marriage! Do you really think I care about the Duke of Aeal at all? I saw you and fell in love, and that is why I married you. Besides, your marriage to the former emperor didn’t actually take place legally, so there was no need to request another daughter from the colony. Not now, anyway. Perhaps when you have my son, we may ask for a girl for him.”

I leaned against his chest as if I was embarrassed.

Our act was perfect. It was as if we rehearsed it. We were such good frauds.

With this, the emperor made it clear to them that he had no intention of taking Lisbeth as his empress, let alone his wife.

I glanced at them gleefully from the emperor’s arm.

Suddenly, a piercing scream made me jump.

“You can’t do this!”

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