
Chapter 261: A Group of Assassins

Han quickly became familiar with the two old men, the taller one was called Lipton, and the shorter one was Dini. Both were soldiers at the quasi-warlord level.

When they were young, quasi-warlord level already indicated having good talent. Unfortunately, after they came to the Star Lord City, their level became stagnant ever since, and now hundreds of years have passed and their levels were still the same.

The increasingly aging Lipton and TIni now treated this opportunity very seriously, and Han said in a deep voice, “Don’t worry, I observed the other people that will also be going with us. They are all very strong, and at least 4 of them are above warlord level. Maybe this time you guys will succeed.”

Dini shook his head and said, “It’s not that easy. Although the Wind Forest Volcano is the mission with the highest promotion rate, its difficulty is also high up there. Also, it’s not against the rules for teammates to kill each other on the battlefield, so I feel that we don’t have that much of hope.”

Han was a bit puzzled, “Why does Wind Forest Volcano allow friendly-fire?”

Lipton explained, “Because the difficulty is way too high. Sometimes, a team will have to sacrifice a few members to acquire victory, so that’s why this mission is also known as the quest of sacrifice. It would be nice if 3 or 4 people can come back alive.”

Lipton explained the cruelty behind the Wind Forest Volcano quest. Han slightly nodded, understanding once again that it was really not an easy thing to acquire the Star Lord title from this kind of quest.

Faintly smiling, Han said to those two, “In any case, we should still all give it a try right? As long as we tried, then we don’t have to mind the result.”

The second day came immediately. Han didn’t go to the transition station but stayed in Star Lord City to train, tune his equipment, and prepare everything that would be needed on the battlefield.

When the agreed time came, Han went with Dini and Lipton to the boarding area outside of the city. They all took out their particle modules and went in. No one else showed up, they probably went to other boarding areas to enter the mission.

After the preparation, Han nodded towards the two old men. They all closed their particle module, activated the system, and after the countdown ended, they were teleported into the mission system.


Han opened the module door, and he saw that the other people had already arrived at the mission landing area. Black sand accompanied by mad wind made it hard for everyone to open their eyes, and Han instinctively activated his energy coating system.


Han’s entire body was immediately wrapped up by a controllable protective energy layer. The sand couldn’t get to his face, and the energy protection layer was very soft and weightless, just like air.

“Brother Han, your equipment is pretty powerful. It’s still my first time seeing a piece of equipment with a controllable energy coating as the outer layer armor.” Lipton said out of surprise.

Han hesitated, “It’s just an energy coating system, this kind of thing should be very common, right?”

Dini replied, “At least us two have never seen it. Where did you get this equipment?”

“From the transition station.” Han answered truthfully.

Dini and Lipton then mumbled a bit, both claiming that they have never seen a controllable energy coating device that can be designed this delicately. But they also believed that Han wouldn’t lie to them, and thought that it was probably because they didn’t look around carefully enough in the transition station.

After all, the transition station was gigantic, and the exchangeable items could be counted in hundreds of millions, so it’s normal to have not discovered some items in the corner. They both said that they would go to the transition station after this and purchase one for themselves.

The twelve members were all here. Han observed everyone and he estimated that the strongest ones would be that pair of brothers. The big brother’s name was Big Mountain, and the younger brother’s name was Big River. Han was not an expert in names or anything, but these names did seem a little fake to him. But there’s nothing to be done, that’s how the system displayed those two.

There’s also another bald man and a hunchback. He probably had strength above the warlord level, but the atmosphere around them was clearly weaker than the Big Mountain and Big River brothers. They were probably a little lower in terms of level as well.

“What do we do now?” Han asked.

Lipton answered, “Wind Forest Volcano, the first round is wind. There are many dangerous elements hidden in this black wind, and we have to first run out of this black wind in order to get into second round. In the dark forest, if we choose the wrong direction and run into traps and beasts, then we will be screwed.”

Dini spoke, “I recommend we all line up in a vertical line like a snake, with one person exploring in the front while others follow. That way we can move together and also won’t be scattered.”

Dini and Lipton talked while the others stayed silent, as if passing this Wind Forest Volcano mission was not something they cared about.

Han slightly frowned, this situation alerted him a little, and he deepened his voice, “If so, then I will lead, you guys follow me.”

“That would be nice!”

“Your energy coating device can protect you from the wind and sand, then you can just be the pioneer.”

Seeing that everyone was not speaking and all thinking of something on their own, Han gritted his teeth a little and went straight into the black storm, with Dini and Lipton closely followed after.

After those three began moving, the nine others closely followed silently. Within such a short period of time, they seemed to have formed a tacit understanding, but Han, Dini and Lipton were still out of tune with the other nine people.

“Eye of Darkness, open!”

Han quietly used his dark vision and scouted the area ahead. Then, he lightly touched the Lunar Mark, summoned Silver Fox out of the void, and whispered in its air, “I feel something’s wrong, go hide and act accordingly.”


Silver Fox climbed down along Han’s trousers, and disappeared in the black sand storm immediately, with no one noticing it.

To a clever thing like Silver Fox, Han didn’t need to give it too much details, just some simple instructions and it would already know what to do.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed. Han’s team slowly advanced against the storm, everyone was half a meter apart and moved in a formation shaped like a snake.

In the middle of the team, the bald middle-aged man named Jacques quietly approached the hunch-backed man that walked in front of him, and then transmitted his voice quietly using source energy, “Look, there are stars in the front.”

The hunch-backed man slightly hesitated, then replied back with source energy, “What star?”

“White Dwarf Star.”

“Where does the star light points to?”

“Black hole.”

The two people used source energy and communicated with words that no one understood. It was a kind of code phrase used to show each other their identity as killers.

That bald guy slightly smiled and said, “What a coincidence, your target is the same person as mine.”


“That’s right, it’s him.”

“Who hired you?”

“Beast Speaker Hall, you?”

“Pegasus Institute.”

The two became silent for a moment, and then the hunchback man said, “In fact, I also know those three people over there. They are the same.”

“It can’t be, they are also going for Han?”

After a few seconds, they understood, those three people also came for Han, it’s just that they were hired by Soul Beast Hall.

They also noticed that the other two people seemed to be on the same mission. After asking with code language, it turned out that they were hired by the Genetic Beast Research Institute, and their target was also Han.

“What to do? There are 7 of us, hired by 4 clans, all targeting Han.” The bald guy said in quietly.

“Follow the old rule, we capture Han together, and Han goes to whichever clan pays the highest price.”

“Okay, agreed.”


“Since everyone agreed, then it’s settled. Besides Han, there are also two old people at the front and two strangers at the back. They seem a bit troublesome.”

“Simple. Don’t have to worry about the two old guys. As for the two people behind us, send someone to explain to them, tell them either take money and shut up, or we will just take care of them too.” The bald man said.

Then, the bald guy began slowly moving towards the end of the team where the brothers were at.

“Hey look, someone came to talk to us.” The quieter-looking little brother smiled, an arc raised at one end of his mouth.

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