
Chapter 98 – Someone’s Dead (1)

Chapter 98 – Someone’s Dead (1)

At this moment, Housemaster Zhao regretted deeply that Baicao Hall did not have a branChapter in this nameless little town. Baicao Hall had been focused only on large provinces and therefore overlooked small towns. Unlike the up and coming Jimin Hall, who has branches over all provinces and towns.

Nevertheless, if his assessment was correct, this girl was destined to rise above her current standing and one day they would be able to work together again. Thinking about that, the smile on Housemaster Zhao became even more tender as he said to her, “If Young Miss ever goes and visits the City of Yan, do stop by Baicao Hall for a visit. I will let the shopkeeper know to be on the lookout for you.”

As muChapter as Bai Zhi had no idea why his older brother and Housemaster Zhao valued the little brat so much, he could at least tell what was the important matters at hand. In a low, muffled voice, he said, “Our Jimin Hall has a branChapter in the City of Yan too, alright!”

“Young Man Bai, if you are having meat, you should at least let others have a sip of the soup, okay? Besides, if we were right, do you really think the disciple of that person would just follow our arrangements? Unless.....”

Housemaster Zhao suddenly turned his attention to the faces of the two young masters of Jimin Hall. They were, indeed, quite pretty. No wonder the little girl was just staring at them earlier. Housemaster Zhao began to ponder whether there was any young man in his family that was as pretty as them. After all, once a girl was married, she’d became part of the husband’s family. That was another reason why a lot of renowned master apothecaries were reluctant to accept female disciples.

And... looking at the little girl’s scrawny body, childish face, and ignorant look – it might be a little bit too early to be considering that.

Gu Ye wasn’t exactly a 12-year-old girl on the inside; naturally, she has an idea what Housemaster Zhao was getting at. Damn, was he seriously thinking about conquering her with pretty boys? Well.... She looked back at the slightly-blushing pretty boy in azure. Okay, go ahead, send a dozen of boys that were as pretty as him! Oh – more pretty boys please!

As muChapter as she was having all sorts of dirty looks, she did not let them show on her face. After she had sent away her two best customers from Baicao Hall and Jimin Hall, her little stall was immediately surrounded.

Many of the herb merchants there recognized the housemaster of Baicao Hall and the young masters of Jimin hall. They have no idea what was so special about Gu Ye’s medicinal herbs, but if the two families were fighting over them, then it couldn’t go wrong! The remaining basket of her practice work was also gone in no time. Of course, the pricing of those were only the same as any regular processed herbs. Even so, she was still able to sell them all for 5 taels!

“Let’s go, grandpa! I will treat you to a hearty meal!” With her 60 or so taels in her chest, Gu Ye stood straight up and her head lifted up so high that her nostril was almost pointing upward toward the sky. She walked like an obnoxious, riChapter man with a big stomach!

Gu Xiao had never expected that the herbs from the streets could fetChapter suChapter a high price. That being said, the mere dozens of taels weren’t a large amount for him. Seeing the look on his little granddaughter though, he decided to appease her by putting on a very proud look and said, “Alright, guess I’ll have the honor to let my granddaughter treat me to a good meal today!”

As the grandfather and granddaughter pair arrived at the only inn that looked acceptable in town, order all their good dishes and started devouring their food, Bai Ji had also returned to Jimen Hall and told Shopkeeper Fang, “Have someone take the fast horse end these herbs to Yan and show them to my Third Uncle. Remember, leave right away. We must act quickly!”

Shopkeeper Fang left to carry out the order and Bai Zhi, who had been holding back all of his questions, finally had a chance to ask, “Ge, what was so special about that little brat’s herbs that you cared about so much?”

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