
Chapter 58 – Entrance Exam

Chapter 58 – Entrance Exam

Translator: Kell | Editor: Weasalopes

Entrance Exam

Hikaru and Lavia proceeded to process their enrolment into the academy. They headed to the admin office, which was a three-story building out in the open. An admin building this huge was an indication of how big the academy really was.

「A enrollee at this time of the year...?」Behind a counter on the first floor, the clerk – an aging woman whose hair was already graying – studied the two of them brazenly.

「I heard the academy accepts students all year.」Hikaru replied.

「Yes, but there are appropriate times for enrollment. In the beginning of spring, or right before winter starts. Those who enroll in the summer are either outsiders or slackers.」

Apparently it was important in Scholarzard, a place with long winters, how one spent the cold season. She was right about the two of them being “outsiders” however.

「So what? I believe it’s the academy’s policy to not reject anyone.」

「As long as they can pay the high tuition fees.」

「Oh, you were worried we couldn’t pay? You should’ve said so from the start.」


A vein popped up on the clerk’s forehead.

「Impudent boy! Where are you from?!」

「Ponsonia. Why?」

He mentioned the place where Roland was technically from. Everyone went silent and stared at him, even the ones inside the office.

「Oh... You’re from that overly ambitious kingdom, eh? I can understand why a kid like you is also full of confidence.」

Hikaru heaved a sigh.

「What does confidence have to do with learning? Just get it done with. We’re wasting time here.」

「I won’t process your enrollment.」


「We will administer an exam to determine if you are fit for enrollment to the academy. This is part of the academy’s rules and regulations so you have no right to refuse. Will that be all right?」

Hikaru had heard that the academy accepted anyone as long as they paid tuition. With the fees being high, only those regular students with high ambitions or rich kids could enter. In some cases, the academy invited adventurers who had achieved incredible feats and had a promising future as scholarship students. He hadn’t heard about any exam.

「Come on, now...」

「If you’re not confident enough to take it, you may leave.」

「...What’s the exam about?」

「Well... ah, perfect timing.」

The clerk smiled as a large man, over two meters tall, arrived at the admin building.

「The exam is simple. You win if you land a “fatal” blow on your opponent. This uniform is a special magic item that absorbs shock so you don’t actually have to worry about your safety. My name is Mikhail of the Great Sword School and the academic advisor.」the large man said.

They were in an open space behind the admin building. Mikhail had hairy arms and chest, wavy red hair, and a thick beard that ran from his mouth down to his chin. His features painted him as someone from Jarazack, one of the seven nations that comprised Forestia.

「Look. I know that old hag is a pain in the ass, but what did you do to piss her off like that?」Mikhail asked in a whisper.

「Dunno. Maybe she’s at that age where she loses temper when bombarded by sound arguments.」

Mikhail shrugged as if saying “sounds like you were at fault as well”, and backed away. Before they knew it, spectators gradually gathered around the area, sitting under the shade of the trees like they were there to watch some kind of a show.

「Oof. The demon and that kid are going at it? It’s as good as over, then.」

「What’s going on here?」

「I heard he pissed off the old hag at the admin office and she wants to set an example.」

The onlookers were talking among themselves. Aside from the sword on his back, Mikhail was wearing an attire that was easy to move around in. His cotton pants were tucked into his boots like a soldier.

「I’ll be using this as my weapon. What about you?」Mikhail pointed at his large sword.

「This.」Hikaru pulled out his Dagger of Strength.

「Hmm. I don’t see a lot of those.」

「Aren’t you going to wear a uniform?」

Hikaru was wearing a blue jacket that was lent to him earlier. Lavia commented how it looked good on him, but didn’t really care about the exam itself, like she expected for him to pass anyway.

「”Aren’t you going to wear a uniform...?” Hahahahahahaha! You’re one funny dude! You’re worried about me?」

「Overconfidence can be the end of you, if you ask me.」

「I’m genuinely surprised. You’re quite talkative for a kid. I’m fine like this. If I die, then it’s just as you said: my overconfidence will have been the end of me. Hahaha...」

He seemed to have found Hikaru’s concern hilarious. He couldn’t stop laughing.

「Whoa. That kid just provoked the demon. Is he for real?」

「He’s dead.」

「Ignorance sure is scary.」

Are they underestimating me because of my height? Hikaru wondered.

He still had time to grow, or so Hikaru wanted to believe, but it did bother him a bit. Nonetheless, he had no intention to lose this exam – no, this match.

【Soul Board】Mikhail Jarazack

Age: 32 Rank: 21



..【Natural Recovery】2



....【Disease Immunity】1

【Physical Strength】


..【Weapon Mastery】


....【Great Sword】3


He’s the academic advisor? He’s not even as strong as the commanders of Ponsonia’s Order of the Knights.

Hikaru seemed exasperated, but he actually somewhat misunderstood something. Ponsonia’s knights were the cream of the crop and trained by their own captain, Lawrence, the man known as a Master Swordsman. A first-class group of warriors. They were so strong, in fact, that the King himself thought he could destroy other countries with them on his side.

By adventurer standards, Mikhail would be among the high-tier ones. The Jarazack on his Soul Board wasn’t actually his family name. There was a custom in which most people with no family names used their nation’s name instead. He wasn’t a member of royalty.

「Please start already!」one of the staff watching by the sidelines yelled.

A few of the admin staff had joined the spectators outside. Some were watching through the open windows of the building.

「You don’t actually have to win against me. If you show that you’re strong enough, you pass. All right, then. Let’s begin.」

「Is there a signal?」

「We can start now. Come at me from anywhere you like.」

「...You still have your sword sheathed.」

「You can take the first shot, is what I’m saying. It won’t be fun if I don’t give you a handicap.」

Hikaru sighed. Being underestimated this much actually felt refreshing.

「Okay. Just one last thing, though, gramps. You said you’re prepared to die, right?」

「Hmm? Ah, yes, I did. It’s fine. Just—」

Mikhail couldn’t finish his sentence. Hikaru crouched down, picked up a stone, and threw it at an incredible speed. It was going straight for the middle of the professor’s forehead who blocked it in a hurry.

「Ugh... what?」

Mikhail couldn’t believe his own eyes. For a moment – a split second – his own hand blocked his sight. After that, his opponent disappeared.


A smack came at the back of his head and he lost consciousness. Mikhail dropped forward with a thud.

「Ah... damn, that hurts.」

Hikaru wrapped his fist in cloth, but hitting the guy still hurt. He had his Stealth on, so if he used his Dagger of Strength, Mikhail would’ve died instantly. Which is why he took the professor down with a punch instead, something he wasn’t used to.

Still, a punch to the back of the head could be fatal, so he asked the man beforehand if he was prepared to die.

「I think he’s still alive... Yup, he’s fine. If there’s a crack in his skull, I’m sure magic can fix it.」Hikaru said as he checked Mikhail’s artery for a pulse and looked around.






Dead silence had fallen in the area. Only the small sound of an applause from Lavia could be heard.

「I won, so this means the exam is over, right?」


「Hey, are you listening?」

Hikaru asked an admin staff member, but they just had their eyes wide open, not responding at all.

「Come on. You better not tell me this didn’t count. That would actually make me mad.」

He approached the staff member. Their eyes opened even wider, overcome with fear...


...and collapsed backward, mouth foaming.

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