
Chapter 201: Worldwide Support

Chapter 201: Worldwide Support

As Chen Chen was planning his next move on the pandemic, the Blacklight virus had continued spreading throughout the African region.

Visiting each village and city, the virus was claiming one life after another as if it was the incarnation of the Reaper.

Having learned from three years of culminating experience, Chen Chen submitted the reports via Blacklight Biotechnology to the World Health Organization (WHO), attracting the attention of various nations.

In the WHO conference room, countless media representatives congregated below the stage as they flashed their cameras incessantly to the stage.

On stage, a group of WHO spokespersons sat in a row. A familiar face could be seen sitting right at the center of it.

He was a seemingly crass young adult in his late twenties, combing his oily hair as he wore a pair of gold-framed glasses. This person had a peculiar presence to him.

However, very few could recognize that that person was the person-in-charge of Blacklight Biotechnology Namibia Subsidiary Company, Qian Wenhuan.

At that moment, Qian Wenhuan was addressing the international media.

“Ebola is a nightmare that has been terrorizing the Earth Federation. We need to fear it more than we fear HIV and why’s that? We have to first start by talking about its mortality rate...

“However, I’m not here to talk about that today. What I’m trying to express here is that seven days have passed since the virus outbreak.”

Qian Wenhuan gestured his seven fingers and said solemnly, “It’s been seven days now. Although seemingly short, only Namibia has submitted its pandemic report to the WHO in Africa. What are the rest of the pandemic-stricken nations doing?

“They’re busy at war, busy covering up the truth. They didn’t even realize that the terrifying grip of the virus has already reached themselves.”

There was only silence in the crowd.

Qian Wenhuan continued. “According to our company’s data, the number of countries affected by this pandemic has increased from eight countries to thirteen countries now. This includes Libya, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Congo, and others...

“The only consoling news is that the virus has not left Africa for now. This is the only silver lining that exists in this pandemic...

“Let’s talk about the data Blacklight Biotechnology has collected so far in Namibia.”

Qian Wenhuan retrieved a form and continued. “Within this week, there have already been 5300 infected cases in Namibia. Just Windhoek itself already has more than 3000 cases. We don’t even know how long the incubation period of the virus actually is. However, according to our company’s estimate, infected patients who’re still within the incubation periods could be three times as many as those who showed obvious symptoms!”

A commotion soon began below the stage.

“That’s right, you didn’t hear that wrongly. Within just a week, the virus has infected more than ten thousand people. The capital of the country, Windhoek, is sinking. Do remember that Namibia is a country with relatively vast lands and lower human population density.

“While other African nations have yet to submit their findings on the pandemics, Blacklight Biotechnology has led the way in researching the virus. We’ve found that this virus is a new strain of the Ebola virus that’s airborne. Its threat to humanity surpasses even that of the Black Death. If the virus manages to spread beyond Africa, it could mark the end of humanity...”

Everyone held their breath.

Qian Wenhuan said sternly, “I don’t mean to sound alarmist. However, according to our company’s statistics, the mortality rate of the virus is increasing every day. It has now exceeded fifty percent and this is just the beginning. As time passes, more and more patients won’t be able to hold it much longer and die. As of now, we’re only capable of administering symptomatic treatments and this will not be enough to defeat the virus.

“Therefore, I call upon everyone here to go to war with the virus. It’s my hope that all nations are able to join us to help Africa and Blacklight Biotechnology in defending against the virus attack!”

Qian Wenhuan’s tone was becoming louder. “At Blacklight Biotechnology, we own the only level-4 biosafety lab in Africa and we shall utilize it to take charge at the frontline of this battle against the virus!

“At the same time, we also own twenty-three transport aircrafts and fifty-two transport helicopters, all of which we’ll mobilize free-of-charge in distributing aids to all pandemic-stricken nations!”

A round of thunderous applause ensued among the crowd.

Qian Wenhuan then brought the conversation to another direction amid the applause. “However, our company’s resources are limited on its own. We need assistance from all over the world. Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve already spent more than 10 billion USD in purchasing medical equipment all over the world. However, this is still far from enough. We still need more people to join us and together, we can save Africa!

“Ladies and gentlemen, leaders of all nations, and those present in this hall, humanity is approaching its most vulnerable period in history. Africa needs your help. Please aid us to contain the virus in the frontline here in Africa. Don’t let the virus spread. This is an issue that concerns all of humanity!

“At Blacklight Biotechnology, we’re committed to the mission of serving and prolonging humanity and we shall forever stand at the frontline of battling this Ebola virus!”


Qian Wenhuan’s speech at the WHO has shaken the world.

Soon, Chen Chen had also uploaded the virus information onto his company’s website. As the media began picking up on the story, the entire world was horrified at the pixelated gory images that were displayed.

Then, after a few rounds of international conferences, the WHO had announced the Ebola virus pandemic as a global health emergency, calling nations all over the world to halt travelers from visiting the African continent.

Most countries not only enhanced their customs inspection but they had also sent relief teams and medical resources to aid the pandemic in Africa.

As the frontline institution in battling the virus, Chen Chen had obtained a vast amount of material and human resources in his mission. There were even world-class biologists who came forward, whom Chen Chen had invited into his research team.

In a short time and with the support of the entire world, Eco Science City had immediately transformed into a stellar research machine.

Meanwhile, the name Blacklight virus had slowly gained traction among citizens around the world. Although it had not gained an official acknowledgement from the academic world, the name had been used by media around the world.

Netizens had also started paying attention to the name of the virus.

“Bio2001: Ahh? The virus in Africa finally has a decent name to it [Shrugs] ”

“Tonic Ai Shufen: I’m fuming, how dare they ride on Dr. Alex’s popularity! Mad!!!”

“EVAlution: Isn’t that the name of the virus in Prototype? What an old game, I miss Dr. Alex.”

“Yutong Xinju: That’s not totally right. Although the English name for it is the Blacklight virus, the Mandarin name for it is Yi Bo La Hei Se Shou Biao, which is translated as Blackwatch Ebola.”

“Oldmonkisdying: I’ve noticed this company a long time ago. It’s called Blacklight Company in English, yet it’s called Blackwatch Company in Mandarin. My mind’s splitting apart.”

“Sky Emperor Kawakuwa: The founder of this company is so silly.”

“Wanluo: Do you think this virus can create a real-life Dr. Alex? Or can it be a man-made biological weapon?”

“Bai Hualin: Impossible. There’ll surely be evidence within the genetic composition of the virus if it’s man-made. If no one has mentioned anything about it, it could only mean that the virus is a normal mutation of another virus.”

Regardless, Blacklight Biotechnology once again dominated the headlines and grabbed the attention of the world’s citizens since the fiasco with the age-reversal treatment.

Blacklight Biotechnology and Blacklight virus immediately became a hot topic all over the globe.

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