
Chapter 146

What was even more crucial was Baiyi’s intention of forging the mark was not something feeble like showing off or swindling the commoners but instead, he wanted to use that to master the War God’s Sword! It was like pretending to be a police officer and going to the police station to borrow a gun. Wasn’t it like a suicide mission? If the War God was already dead as speculated by Baiyi, then no problem would arise even if he did that but what happened if the War God was still alive somewhere in the world? Baiyi and Mia would probably have to be on the run with Mia from his rage.

For that reason, the Voidwalkers did not even dare to recklessly make a decision on whether they should take the risk or not. After a long discussion, most of them decided to give up as it was too risky and there were no clear gains that they would get from doing it. It was only mere speculation that the War God’s Sword could alter the Void with its power. There were no solid proof that it was true at all so it really was not worth the risk.

“Let’s wait for when Sir Hope is much more stronger. At least wait till he’s strong enough to escape the grasp of these Gods or defeat Their proxies. Even though it might be a little wasteful to just leave the War God’s Sword idle lying on the ground, but I think it would be even more wasteful if we jeopardize the only chance we have to escape from the Void,” The Voidwalkers finally came to such a conclusion.

It looked like the War God’s Sword would be collecting dust in the storage pouch for quite a while.

“Erm... Maybe not?” The Bard, one of the prominent members from the Hentai Union, interjected, “If we can’t control the War God’s Sword, we can just control its master, right?”

You mean Attie? Baiyi was stunned for a while. That seemed to be a plausible idea. If he could fully control Attie and then give the sword back to her, wouldn’t that mean Baiyi would be able to control the War God’s Sword, too (provided that she could still control the sword)?

That’s worth trying! Baiyi came to a final decision and using his Psychic Energy, he determined Attie’s location and quickly went to find her.

With a huge force, he pushed open the door...

“KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! ” Attie’s scream instantly filled the entire mansion.

“Ah, I-I’m sorry! I-I entered the wrong door!” Baiyi quickly shut the bathroom door. In his haste, he did not notice that the door led to the bathroom where the girls usually take their baths.

Unlike when she was with Mia and Tisdale, Attie’s guards were all up when she was with Baiyi.

After a long moment, Attie finally entered Baiyi’s room with a face that was flushed with embarassment. Angrily, she stared at him, it was obvious that the good impression she had of him before had almost dropped to almost zero again.

“Master, is there a reason you came looking for me?” Attie asked.

“It’s nothing. Tell me, Attie, how do you feel about me?” Baiyi secretly released a simple spell, the weaker version of Charm. The spell could not control a person’s words or deeds but it would give off a good impression towards the people around the caster, attracting the attention of the people around him.

Owing to the fact that the spell was very simple and weak, many people would not guard themselves against the little spell. Many sorcerers would use this spell when they were trying to hit on the girls that they like.

Wanting to charm a mentally healthy person would not be as easy as chanting an incantation or saying sweet nothings with a cheesy voice. Unless that person trusted the caster 100% and had no guard against him at all, then the spell succeed in the first try, otherwise, the caster would need to start with many simple tricks to slowly win the person’s heart over.

However, Attie’s reaction was a little strange. With her brows slightly furrowed, she asked blankly, “Master, what are you talking about?”

Eh? It didn’t work? Baiyi was perplexed. This little trick is supposed to work on little girls like Attie! Or, could it be that my armor is blocking the effect? With such an idea in his mind, Baiyi cast a stronger version of Charm — the Insinuate. Compared to Charm, Insinuate had a much more stronger hypnotic effect, allowing it to leave some psychological impression on a mentally weaker or an unguarded person, which would make it easy for the caster to continue to work his way towards the person’s heart later on.

As he was casting Insinuate, he ordered Attie at the same time, “Attie, I’m your master! You haveto swear your allegiance to me!”

Instead of obeying, the suspicion in her eyes became stronger and she seemed to be much more alert. Taking two steps backwards quietly, she asked in a puzzled tone, “W-What has taken over you, Master?”

It’s still not working? Why is this girl so guarded against me? Baiyi pondered secretly. Without hesitation, he cast another spell on Attie, the Dreamweave. It was the ultimate spell of the Incubus, a spell that was able to hypnotize a person who was not fully aware of his surrounding and let him enter a realistic dream. After the spell was cast for a period of time, the person would not be able to differentiate between reality and dream, allowing the caster to manipulate him however he wanted.

Unless that person was very resilient, the spell would be difficult to break. By right, although Attie was much tougher than the average girl, she was still soft and squishy like a little kitten so Baiyi was certain that the spell would certainly work on her.

Who knew, in the end, she was still standing right in the same spot with an alert look on her face. There was no sign of her being sleepy at all.

Let alone Baiyi, the Incubus was surprised as well. Perplexed, he shouted in the Void, “How is thispossible? Didn’t she accept my dream before this?”

She was asleep that time so that’s why your dream was able to penetrate her guard. Somehow, it looks like she is immune to your hyposis now, Baiyi sighed dejectedly, I’m afraid this is not a matter of her having a firm and sound mind. I think it’s more like she has a special mechanism in her body that could shield her from all psychological attacks.

As he was speaking, he released a powerful Psychic spell— the Mind Control. The spell would deplete a lot of the caster’s energy, limiting him to one target that he could control at a time. Although it might sound like a very strong spell, the effects of the spell could only last a few seconds and the spell could be broken as well. For that reason, not many sorcerers would use it other than on special occasions.

At the same time, although the spell was not too powerful, it had changed the course of history multiple times in the past. There was once, during a coronation ceremony of a powerful kingdom, the crown prince suddenly pulled out his sword trying to assassinate the King and although he was quickly subdued, the throne that was originally his was given away to another prince. After a detailed investigation, it was later found out that he was actually under the Mind Control spell but what was done could not be undone.

For that reason, the spell that was well-known and most people would guard against it. Therefore, the spell could no longer be used to manipulate powerful or influential people. The most that it could do was to help the caster cheat in a poker game.

The reason Baiyi used the spell on Attie was not to ask her to do anything perverted but instead, he simply wanted to verify his own speculation about the special mechanism in her body. Sure enough, there was no change in Attie who continued to ask, “M-Master?You just cast something on me right?”

“No, it’s nothing. I just wanted to see if you’ve already recovered or not. Alright, it’s late now. Go to sleep!” Baiyi could only brush her off casually.

With a hell load of questions in her mind, Attie left reluctantly. Before she left, her eyes were full of skepticism and wariness. Not only did he failed to control her, he had made her even more cautious towards him.

“Ah, it’s troublesome! That mark of hers! Looks like that mark has the ability to resist psychological spell, like the clergies in the Church,” Baiyi sighed. Actually, that was something that was expected. After all, if the proxies that were chosen by God could be easily controlled, how could those people even survive?

With no other solution, Baiyi asked the Incubus, “Can you use your dreams on her? How long does it usually last?”

“If we can’t use Hypnosis to let her enter a deep slumber, then the dreams that we plant in her forcibly would not be able to affect her much,” the Incubus replied with a sigh.

You are no help at all! Please tell me how you even became a Voidwalker in the first place!Frustrated, Baiyi cursed under his breath.

“What? You think I want to come here and become a Voidwalker willingly? You’ve seen my memory, haven’t you? Tell me what else could I do? I had no other choice , okay?” The Incubus snapped back.

In fact, the Incubus was a spirit that was similar to ghosts or departed souls. They would usually attach themselves onto human beings and feed on their Psychic Energy to survive. The body of the Incubus was actually very weak and the chaplain could easily exorcise them and normal ghost could devour them with ease. Needless to say, the soul of those powerful people who had become a Soul Armature before could effortlessly overpower them without any difficulties.

For that reason, the biggest wish of an Incubus was to control a human being and attach itself to him permanently. Although not every Incubus could do it, the one in the Void had successfully achieved that when he was still alive. While he was attaching himself on a human, he learnt a vast amount of human knowledge and experience to the point that he even created many spells that allowed him to control the others much more effortlessly. Finally, because of the spells, he managed to get his hands on a noble aristocrat— in other words, that aristocrat was possessed by him.

It so happened that the poor aristocrat was a good-for-nothing man in the eyes of other people. Using his own knowledge and experience that had been accumulated over thousands of years, the Incubus successfully turned the situation around and slowly climbed up the staircase of success to become a prime minister of a nation.

Just because his success had come by a little too easily, it gave him a false illusion that he could go against the Church and save his own tribe. Just like that, he came face to face with the Church and in the end, he was caught by the Judicial Paladins. Long story short, that was how he entered the Void and met Baiyi.

“If even the Mind Control could not work on her, then I guess my contracts would not work as well,” The Demon chimed in, “She’s already abandoned by the God of War and her body has already returned to its normal state so why is there still a special shield in her body guarding against our Psychic Energy?”

Then I suppose this shows that she’s not entirely abandoned by the God of War, Baiyi opined, The good thing is that she is still able to activate the War God’s Sword but the down side is that this War God of hers might come to avenge her anytime without us knowing. More importantly, how should we make her obey my orders obediently? Don’t tell me I really have to go make her my woman? I’m not particularly fond of this kind of dark-skinned flat-chested kid you know...”

“But you treat Mia so nice! I thought that is exactly your type!” A voice suddenly rang out in the Void.

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