
Chapter 295 - Talking monster (1)

Chapter 295: Talking monster (1)

“By the way, it would be great if Misun could tame the Kongs also.”

Joonbum laughed at Jinpok’s comment. Doral came over to them and said, “I am not sure how far she can go, but it certainly seems possible.”

“Really?” Jinpok asked in surprise.

Doral nodded, “She has talent that no Ainos has. She can befriend almost any being. Even monsters react to her.”

“I didn’t know it was that much.”

“Yeah. That’s why she survived in the first place.”

Doral spoke of what happened to Jungho and Misun at the nest of the giant seagulls.


“That was why the baby birds did not attack them unlike the mother birds who reacted to Misun. And of course, they had other things to eat too.”

Doral had already given a detailed report of what happened from Arwen regarding the children.

“That is amazing.”

“Yes. Since Kongs are monsters who can befriend regular people, we have a good chance.”

“Then we’ll get a great ally.”

“Who knows? We are still dealing with a giant monster. What we need to focus on now are the goblins.”

It was as Doral said. The biggest problem they were facing right now were the monsters called goblins.

“Oh, those bastards.”

Jinpok frowned. They were small monsters that did not exceed a meter in height, but they were the most dangerous threat to human survival on the American continent.

“Let’s get to work.”


Joonbum nodded as he looked out at the setting sun.

“Kr… Look! There!”

“Krg… Human! Army!”

It wasn’t a human language. Two monsters were growling to themselves. Joonbum who was looking down at them nodded.

“So, they can speak.”

“Yeah. Seems like they’ve found our base too.”

Joonbum nodded again. The monsters below them were called goblins. They had slitted eyes with long fox-like mouths. They walked on two legs, but they could run with their four limbs to move quicker. The amazing thing was that they could communicate with each other and knew how to use simple tools.

“Krrg… human! Lot!”

“Krrrrr… A lot!”

And not only did those monsters know how to make simple weapons, but they knew how to use the weapons that humans had. Some even knew how to use guns. That was a serious problem.

“It seems they have ranks too.”


Soon goblins began gathering up.

“Krrg. Human. A lot. Danger.”

“Krrik. More. More.”

“Kiek. Females! A lot!”

“Kek. No small. Danger!”

“Shiny! Weapon! Lot!”

The goblins muttered what they had discovered and they all looked toward a goblin at the center.

‘He must be the leader here.’

Joonbum gestured at the center goblin. Doral, Jinpok, and the elite soldiers hiding behind the trees nodded.

‘Ninety-eight goblins.’

One of the soldiers flashed his fingers to indicate the number as all the other soldiers drew their bows. Joonbum also nocked his arrow. However, Jinpok was getting ready to jump down while holding a small handaxe.

Jinpok was going to give them the signal. With Jinpok’s signal, everyone fired their bows. The goblin chatter abruptly stopped.

“Keeek! Human! Human!”

“Sky! Sky!”

They were fast. They understood as soon as the attack started and scattered, trying to run away before they were hit by the arrows. However, most were struck down and cried in agony. The ones who weren’t hit or badly injured quickly ran to hide in the bushes.

“They’re running away!” Jinpok shouted as he dropped down. The soldiers also dropped down with swords drawn as Jinpok threw his axe at a goblin that was trying to run away. The axe penetrated the goblin, killing it immediately as it was carried across a distance by the momentum.

It was a massacre. Goblins were quickly killed as they couldn’t get away with the arrows stuck in their bodies and the soldiers chased after them to wipe them out.

“This one looks good enough,” Jinpok said in satisfaction as he brought over a goblin that was trembling badly to Joonbum. Doral also glanced around and nodded.

“I think that’s the only one that’s alive.”

A whistle was blown and the Ainos Guards who were hunting the fleeing goblins returned.

“Keeek! Don’t kill!”

“Whoa. He’s talking in English. An English-speaking monster!”


The goblin was screaming as he begged for his life. Jinpok frowned as Doral and the other soldiers looked on, dumbfounded.

“He might be able to learn the Empire’s language.”


Soldiers began to gather and the goblin became silent. It looked wary of the people that had gathered.

“Should we question him? He might tell us where the other goblins are.”

Someone spoke up and people turned to the soldier who had made the suggestion.

“Oh. You! You’re Jack right?”

“Y-yes, Commander.”

Jack answered awkwardly and Jinpok smiled slyly.

“Good idea. Go question him.”


“Then who else am I talking to?”

Jack shivered at Jinpok’s fierce look and nodded.

“Y-yes, sir! I will question him! B-but…”

Jack blushed and continued in embarrassment, “I’m not good with English… I need an interpreter.”

End of Chapter

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