
Chapter 258 - Episode 72/Chapter 3


That thing was huge.

It was overwhelming.

The flame that surged up took the appearance of a human. It was a burning giant but it wasn’t simply formed by flames. Heated black rocks were stuck in parts of its body. The red parts formed the appearance of a giant and then flames surged up from inside to fill it up.

The giant had five horns. The horns that flashed in yellow made it look like a crown and proved that it was he was the king of Muspelheim, the Last path of flames that brought the end.

His hair that was fire itself swelled up like the mane of a lion. The red and yellow light in his eyes reached the apex to change into white and looked at the battlefield.

Everyone looked at him. The beings that wanted to maintain the world and even the destructive beings stopped fighting to face the wonder that arrived in front of them. They got overwhelmed at his presence.

Surtr let out a breath of fire. That belonged to the World God of Avesta and the manifestation of evil itself, Anjra Mainiuu.

It bred fear.

It didn’t differentiate from evil and good so it didn’t differentiate between the two sides.

The entire battlefield felt silent. It felt like time had stopped. Surtr moved alone inside that nasty silence. He clenched his sword of fire and swung it towards the sky.

He would burn down the sky.

Without differentiating the evil dragons and devils from the birds of the highest branch and the holy dragons of Olympus.

He would erase and exterminate everything with a wave of flames.

A scene where a giant swung a huge sword effortlessly seemed to be fake even though it was occurring right in front of their eyes. It could be said that it seemed like an act.

The Sword of fire split the ground. Son Wukong opened his eyes widely and grabbed his staff late to try to block it and Nidhogg made the World dragon open its mouth.

But it was too late.

Later than the Sword of fire and the one that had already started to move.

The wave generated from the Sword of fire couldn’t spread too far. It burnt down the devils and evil dragons a bit and it stopped. It clashed against a counter-current in the sky and exploded.

There was a breakwater.

An overwhelming power created by utilizing tens of thousands of runes calmed down the wave of fire.

Surtr opened his eyes sharply. The ones that had taken a hold of themselves understood what had happened and some of them looked at the precise place they had to look.

Freya panted from deep inside Valhalla. Her arms and legs were trembling as if she would collapse at any moment and blood dripped from her nose and mouth. But she still showed a confident smile.

Odin gritted his teeth in the middle of the battlefield. There was also a line of fresh blood flowing down his mouth.

Odin said. He, that had protected the sky of Asgard, put a manly face.

“This land belongs to Asgard.”

He wouldn’t give it away easily. He would protect Asgard and the nine realms from those flames.

Odin took off his eye patch. He had completely recovered his strength after the World Wolf Fenrir, his fated natural enemy, disappeared. Even though he had passed the seat of master, this land was still Asgard like he had said. He was a crafty God of magic and he was one of the ancient Gods although he couldn’t remember the beginning of the world.

The eye that was always hidden under the eye patch released light. The power that took place instead of his eye that he offered to obtain wisdom released a blue light.

Freya was already prepared. And Odin had already been making this in preparations for the war against Olympus.

“Let’s do it.”

The tens of thousands of runes, Freya and I will become the shield that protects Asgard.

Surtr released a path of flames again. Odin recited a chant and Freya concentrated under the terrible pain. She transmitted an overwhelming amount of magic power to Odin once again.

And at that moment.

Time started to flow again when the wave of flames exploded. Blood started to spurt out in the stopped battlefield.

Son Wukong roared. He knew that he wasn’t able to help Odin with his abilities. He couldn’t do it even with the 72 transformations technique.

Because of that he decided to focus on what he could do.

He advanced like a tornado. He increased his size and increased the length of the staff that had a normal size. He increased his size from when he served as a pillar for the Temple of the past and clenched his fists.


A hole got created in a part of the battlefield just by getting bigger. Son Wukong laughed pleasantly and swung his staff. His movements were so fierce it looked like he was being shaken by the movements of the staff.

The staff that lengthed dozens of meters became an eraser in the battlefield. All the enemy inside the range of his attack lost their heads or bodies in one swing. A fan-shaped hole got formed in the battlefield.


Son Wukong leaped. He returned to his original size after getting on his cloud Nimbus and then plucked out some of his hair. He blew it away and activated an incantation.

108 Son Wukongs appeared. All of them looked identical so you couldn’t differentiate which one was the real one.

“Pierce and stab them!”

Son Wukong ordered and the 108 Son Wukongs yelled at the same time.

The 108 Son Wukongs were no different to a huge sword. They didn’t stand in place to stop the enemy but they penetrated deeply in the army of the enemy.

Zeus fired lightning and Thor swung Mjolnir as he wasn’t going to lose against him so an overwhelming thunderstorm swept down with the battlefield.

The destructive beings didn’t stay still either. Quetzalcoatl let out a roar and released his divine power. The devil Gods of Memphis and Maya that hadn’t shown up in the battle against Olympus started to pour down attacks at the army of Valhalla, Olympus and the Temple.

And there was someone particularly eye-catching among them.

There was someone making his presence clear even though they were in a wide battlefield that it was hard to look at all of it at a glance.


The strongest dragon of Olympus.

The one controlling the dragon whose soul has been erased was the evil dragon of Avesta, Azidajaka. Azidajaka turned into black smoke and entered the body of Typhon and then devoured his soul and became Typhon itself.

Typhon had the upper body of a giant, the lower body of a snake, wings of a bat and horns of a cow and his size was really huge and powerful. The length of his body reached hundreds of meters so when he raised his upper body like when a snake raised their head, he could look down at everyone on the battlefield.

Typhon released poison and Azidajaka spread malice.

Even the brave warriors of Valhalla weren’t able to endure that. The Steel warriors melted down due to the poison and the martial artists of the Temple fell in despair.

“I can’t forgive you.”

She crossed the battlefield and yelled like that.

“I won’t forgive you!”

Echidna screamed. She transformed into a winged snake and charged towards Typhon. The difference in their sizes wasn’t the only thing and their strength was really different but she didn’t mind about things like that.

Typhon looked at Echidna. Azidajaka recognized Echidna as he had devoured Typhon’s soul and also his memories and he laughed at her.

It wasn’t even funny that a destructive being and a being that wanted to maintain the world loved each other.

That’s why Azidajaka whispered with Typhon’s voice. He transmitted his voice to the head of Echidna directly.

“Do you want more children? I will then offer myself as much as you want. I will violate you with Typhon’s body and let you breed evil dragons. We will destroy Asgard and the Temple and make them the vanguard of the army that will also burn down Terra.”

It didn’t only stop at his voice. Terrible images appeared in Echidna’s head.

Echidna’s last rationality disappeared and Azidajaka smiled in satisfaction. He released a black and evil light towards her that was charging towards him.


Hydra, that wasn’t able to catch up to her even though she had chased after her with all her strength, screamed. Echidna released her strength and somehow endured Azidajaka’s attack.

But she was already at her limit with that. Echidna stopped her charge. She ended up collapsing in the middle.

Azidajaka laughed. Images of tainting her and humiliating her were already being replayed in his evil head. He felt like he would tremble at the satisfaction he would feel once he broke her body and mind.

Azidajaka didn’t attack Echidna. The army of Memphis and Maya poured out attacks at her mercilessly as she had collapsed in the middle of the battlefield.

Echidna resisted but it was impossible to fend against all the groups swarming from the sides. In addition, the forces of Memphis were already dead beings so they didn’t know what fear was.

“Mother, Mother.”

Hydra panted and advanced. The warriors of Valhalla also moved to help her.

A bit more, a little bit more.

She was actually getting closer. Echidna was still holding on.

Hydra fired poison and the warriors of Valhalla tore apart the forces of Memphis and Maya.

She was now right in front of her. There was not much left.

But then Azidajaka opened his mouth again. He didn’t aim for Echidna but for Hydra. He released a stronger light than before.


Hydra froze in front of that thing that came to her while destroying the ground. She couldn’t think how she should handle that.

The one that moved was Echidna. Something that overwhelmed her rationality made her move. It made her stand in between Hydra and the light of Azidajaka.

It is the end.

It was a really foolish end. She ended up being isolated in the enemy camp because she charged forward recklessly. To make her daughter and warriors that had come to save her get in an even greater danger.

Echidna gritted her teeth. She squeezed out the last of her strength to at least try to block this last light.

Echidna wasn’t able to stop that power alone as it contained the power of Typhon and Azidajaka but she still tried her best to stop it.

The light that got released from the mouth of Echidna clashed with the light of Azidajaka. It seemed like she was able to block it at the beginning but it didn’t last for long. She started to get pushed back helplessly.


Hydra yelled. Echidna cursed out inwardly asking why she wasn’t escaping and why she was getting close to her.

Get away. Escape! Escape!

She didn’t know if it reached her. The light Echidna had released disappeared. The light of Azidajaka that stopped for a moment started to advance towards Echidna.

“I don’t dislike you.”

A low voice was heard. A huge streak of sword aura clashed with the light of Azidajaka. An overwhelming dragon killing intent split the light.

Echidna blinked and then realized that someone had gotten on her head.


The one that kills dragons.

You are a dragon but I don’t dislike you.

Those were the words he had first whispered. Sigurd didn’t repeat the same thing but Echidna could know.

“I’m slaying that thing.”

He also spoke briefly this time. His eyes were glaring at Typhon right now.

“You can do it.”

That thing was huge but at the same time small. It was really small compared to the Space snake Jormungand.

Sigurd clenched Gram more tightly on top of Echidna and Echidna cheered towards him. She calmed her breathing and then spread her wings. She glared at Azidajaka that got flustered at the overwhelming dragon killing intent.

“I’m going.”

Sigurd said and Echidna spread her wings and flew up.


The wave of flames and the breakwater clashed once again.

It exploded in the sky and the aftershock shook the sky and ground.

The battle in the sky became fiercer. The evil dragons, birds, devils or holy dragons that lost their lives in the sky fell down to the ground like rain.

Freya grabbed her staff and barely held on. Her beautiful face was covered in blood. Blood flowed down from all the holes of her body.

But she didn’t stop. She squeezed out magic power once again and sent it to Odin.

Odin was also in a bloody state. It was the result of having blocked Surtr’s flames five times.

Surtr didn’t aim for Odin directly. He merely swung his Sword of fire at the sky as if making a race.

How long will you be able to hold on?

Is there a meaning on only enduring?

He felt like he could hear Surtr’s voice but Odin just released magic silently.

The World dragon was fighting in the sky. It was burning down countless evil dragons and devils and made the situation in the sky a bit more advantageous.

Surtr raised his Sword of fire once again. Odin whispered Freya’s name and released magic power.

The sixth clash.

When the aftershock of that attack shook the sky.

Freya ended up collapsing and Odin vomited blood once again.

But Freya cried and laughed at the same time and it was no different from Odin.

Because it was done now.

It had been completed while Odin had caught Surtr’s attention.

Odin didn’t hide it anymore. No, precisely speaking he wasn’t able to hide but it was fine now.

High in the sky.

What Odin was hiding revealed itself.

The thing that was hidden with a strong magic also entered Surtr’s eyes.

Tae Ho was standing in that place. He was raising the Sword of creation that was the combination of the Sword of the roundtable and the Dragon Sword and glared at Surtr.

Two suns shone above the head of Tae Ho.

One was Asgard’s real sun.

And the other one was an overwhelming lump of divine power.

The God of Sun of Olympus, Apollo, was extending his hand to the sky.

The Goddess of Sun of Asgard, Sol, was offering all the power she had to the sky.

The Goddess of warfare Athena, that climbed to the new seat of Goddess of Sun of Erin, roared towards the sky. She had changed affiliation from Olympus to Erin for this battle.

Nuwa closed her eyes and whispered. The sun of the Temple, the Three-legged crow that had the power of the sun spread its wings. It transmitted its voice and power to the sky.

Asgard, Erin, Olympus and the Temple.

The suns of four worlds.

The supreme light created by joining the power of four Gods of the sun.

He was shining under that.

The master of four worlds that is.

The protector of the five worlds including Terra!

[Myth ranked saga]

[He is invincible under the highest sky.]

Surtr looked at Tae Ho and Tae Ho looked him back. He released the power of the sun towards him that was trying to swing his Sword of Flames in a hurry.

That was a sword that divided the world.

The sword of beginning that opened up the skies and ground and notified the creation.

[Creation ranked saga.]

[Sword of creation.]

The light split the sky and the four suns charged towards Surtr.

< Episode 72 – Ragnarok (3) > End

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