
Chapter 181: Summoning the Wind and Rain

Chapter 181: Summoning the Wind and Rain

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhang Lisheng actually notified the arrival of the New York police in time. After driving away from the scene of the attack, he immediately contacted his own legal officer, Edward, and vaguely explained the attack.

“What’s your current position, boss?” Lying on a soft big bed, wearing cotton pajamas, Edward who had just woken up from his sleep by the ringing of his phone, heard the terrible situation described by the young man and was immediately alerted. Completely awake now, he asked.

“I’m on my way to New York City.”

“Listen, boss! Call the police immediately and shut off your phone afterward! Head immediately to the Four Seasons Hotel in Manhattan and stay in the lobby. I’ll go there to see you right now! Let’s talk in person if there’s anything.” Although Edward did not know the reason behind Zhang Lisheng’s attack, since he had called him first before calling the police directly, Edward decided to go for the most cautious choice.

“Okay, Edward. Don’t forget to tell my mom! I was on the phone with her when the attack happened. She must be worried to death right now!”

Edward was stunned for a moment, then it seemed to have suddenly dawned on him that this big businessman he was working for was still a teenager that was not even 20 years old yet. ” Alright, boss! I’ll bring your mother over as well. See you later.”

“See you, Edward.” Zhang Lisheng hung the phone up and immediately called the police as advised by his chief legal officer. At the same time when the police rushed to the location of the incident, he shut off his phone and headed straight towards the Four Seasons Hotel located at the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

At this time, the sky was already bright. The neon lights of the big city that never slept began to extinguish under the sun. When the young man got out of his car, he calmly adjusted his collar and handed a five dollar tip to the parking boy who welcomed him. Like a well-educated young man who came from a decent family staying in the hotel or someone who came here to meet with friends, he walked into the hotel without attracting any attention.

The entrance of the hotel was an oval lobby with a reception desk on the left and an indoor fountain under the dazzling and huge colorful crystal chandelier.

The clear water flowing from the fountain radiated a pearl-like luster under the reflection of the crystal chandelier that remained lit most of the time. A few round sofas surrounded with gorgeous marble coffee tables were placed around the fountain for the guests to rest.

“Sir, is there anything I can do for you?”

“I’m waiting for a friend. If possible, please give me a glass of iced Coke.” After entering the hotel, Zhang Lisheng went to a round sofa not far away and handed the waiter a twenty-dollar bill.

The young man’s request was not all too special, but the tip he gave was very generous. Dumbfounded, the waiter took the bill and said, “Please wait for a moment.”

“Thank you.” The young man sat on the round sofa and looked at the fountain beside him for a while. The waiter sent his iced Coke, and finally, his chief legal officer and his mother who rushed to the Four Seasons Hotel finally arrived.

“Mom, you’re here!” Upon seeing Lili walking towards him at a fast pace, Zhang Lisheng stood up and went up to hug his mother.

“What’s wrong, baby? What happened? Why did you disappear suddenly after leaving a message behind? And now why...”

“I’m sorry, Edward. Can I have some alone time with my mom?”

“Sure, boss I’ll go there and wait for a call. Even though, judging from the damage of your car and the surveillance image of the car camera...”

“Alright.” Zhang Lisheng waved his hand to the waiter and gave a tip to let him bring his chief legal officer to see his car. Then, he whispered to Lili,” Mom, don’t be nervous. Let’s go sit right there. I’ll tell you slowly... it’s my special bloodline and ability to communicate with animals that had caused trouble. I’ve heard some news a few days ago so I went to hide...”

“Oh my god! Who discovered this secret? Is it the US government? No! No matter who they are, I can’t let them catch you! Never...” Lili, who had just sat on the sofa, stood up once again in bafflement.

“Calm down, mom. Calm down! The situation is not as bad as you think. I have some influence in New York now, and I’ve made friends with many powerful people too. When these kinds of things happen, somebody would naturally help me find a solution...” Zhang Lisheng comforted his mother for a while before adding deliberately, “In other words, you don’t have to worry about me. Don’t intervene as well. Mom, don’t worry, I’ll return to the US within a year...”

Lili, who had been reassured by the young man for a long time before finally calming down, nodded her head genuinely. Then, the young man waved a hand at Edward who had returned to the hotel lobby and was sitting on another round sofa next to the fountain after he had finished looking at the damaged Explorer and the car’s surveillance monitor.

The LS Chief Legal Officer, who had been paying attention to his direction, immediately walked up to his boss before getting straight to the main issue at hand. “Boss, the surveillance video on your car isn’t worth much. I just called my friend in the New York Police Department, and he said that there was no attack outside New York City early this morning. There was only the live action drill carried out by the FBI that has raised a misunderstanding.”

“FBI’s live-action drill?” Zhang Lisheng’s mouth dropped. He knew very well that he had killed ten attackers armed with a gun, but right now, it had changed to become this so-called ‘live-action drill’.

“Yes, looks like everything for now just a ‘misunderstanding’. Still, I’ve prepared a first-class ticket to Johannesburg, South Africa at 11:30 am for you today. I heard from Charlie that you plan to go to Africa in the near future, so you can do that in advance. I’ll stay behind in New York to find out how this ‘misunderstanding’ happened and who’s responsible for it.”

“Very good, Edward. Just do what you said.” Zhang Lisheng looked at his responsible legal officer.

He did not know this well-dressed man with his hair combed neatly in front of him had heard how much of his secret, but he knew very well that both of them shared the same profit interest with each other. Such a bond was much sturdier than any tie of family or friendship. “I’ll go to Africa and you stay in New York. By the way, Perhaps Mr. Douglin can assist in this matter. After all, we’re helping him in some matter as well.”

“I understand, boss. Please don’t worry. In addition, I feel that relying on other people’s power is not a long term solution, so perhaps we should maintain a good ‘interaction’ with some potential politicians as well.”

“Oh hell. I’ve only been in this country for less than two years, and I merely want to live a peaceful and stable life...” Edward quietly listened to the young man in front of him grumble for a moment before suddenly asking again, “Edward, do you have any good candidate for this suggestion of yours?”

“I know a strong and ambitious politician who’s still in his prime, Wellington Houg. He’s currently the mayor for Morgana City, the largest satellite city outside of New York City. He intends to compete for the New York State Senator position when the Senate is re-elected next year, boss.”

“A good friend of yours? In that case, it is him I’ll pick then!” Zhang Lisheng took out a checkbook and issued a blank cheque to Edward. “Give him a suitable political contribution during the campaign. I don’t know if this is illegal, but in short, make sure Mr. Wellington Houg understands my sincerity.”

“Yes, boss!” Edward took the cheque.

“Oh yeah, Edward! Tell Charlie that during the period of my absence, continue to expand the factory at any cost. Don’t worry about the recycling of ecological waste, as long as the design drawings are covered, everything will be fine. I hope that when I return to New York, LS has already monopolized the slaughtering market in the New York metropolitan area. By that time, I’ll distribute the shares to the two of you. ”

“Yes, boss!” Edward nodded his head solemnly.

Upon seeing the scene unfold in front of her eyes, Lily only felt that her son was becoming more and more unfamiliar to her. It was impossible for her to imagine that the boy who was still amazed and awkward when he walked into a five-star hotel for the first time in more than a year ago had somehow blended himself in New York’s business scene so well that he had started to learn how to control political scenarios like ordering the wind and rain about in good shape without her knowing.

“I have no other choice, mom! Under such circumstances, I can only be safe if I continue to expand my influence.” As if sensing her mother’s strange look on her, Zhang Lisheng kissed her cheek after drawing a huge ‘cookie’ for his chief legal officer. “I have to go to the airport first, mom. You don’t have to send me. Right now, my target is to become as unnoticeable as possible. I’ll send you a text when I reach South Africa.”

“Baby, I know that I can’t blame you. Take care of yourself well when you’re in Africa. Don’t worry about me. Turn off your phone and take off the battery after you’ve finished texting me...” Lili hugged her son and reminded him.

Even though Zhang Lisheng knew his mother’s advice was based on the anti-tracking method from action movies and soap operas that seemed true on-screen but was actually wrong, he still listened to her solemnly. Lili finally stopped talking and kissed his cheeks after bidding him goodbye with tears streaming down her cheeks.

After the young man bid farewell to his mom, before he walked out of the hotel lobby, he suddenly whispered to Edward when he was shaking hand with him to say goodbye, “Edward, I’ve killed ten FBI agents today. Don’t let them harass my family.”

When Edward heard his words, his body stiffened. Then, regaining his composure once again, he replied in a whisper, “Don’t worry, boss. Even though the surveillance video on your SUV didn’t manage to get any valuable image due to the tear gas smoke, it’s still enough to prove that no matter what kind of ridiculous method you used in resisting, it’s still recognized as normal self-defense under such a situation. The cover-up of the FBI is enough to prove this. This is the US and there are not a lot of mad dogs among law enforcement and intelligence agencies. You don’t have to worry. However, since you’ve already helped yourself recover the losses along with both capital and interest, I’m afraid it would be difficult for us to pursue this matter again. This is something that... how should I put it in words...”

“Unspoken rules. I understand. Then, I shall see you again, Edward.” Zhang Lisheng smiled and released his chief legal officer’s hand. He proceeded to walk out of the hotel. He then got into a taxi and headed straight to John F. Kennedy International Airport.

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