
Chapter 104 Go to the Human World

Chapter 104 Go to the Human World

“Slow down... Slow down.”

Xu Yin chased Xiao Douya all the way. Unfortunately, he didn’t know how to ride on a cloud, and collapsed in a heap on the ground after running a few laps. Xiao Douya looked at his funny eldest uncle and raised his whip, which scared the little spirit beast into the sky again. Xu Yin stopped.

“Little master is really naughty.”

The Little Lingchong flapped its wings and rushed up into the sky, bringing Xiao Douya back to the ground. As soon as Xiao Douya’s little feet were on the ground, he threw himself at his eldest uncle, making Xu Yin fall down again.

“Master is back.”

A group of men on the horizon was flying towards Ao Ze. Xiao Douya was overjoyed to see his mother, while Wuyou looked at her son with a frightened face, because he was not clean at all, as if he had crawled out of the mud.

“Great grandpa, dad.”

“Xiao Douya, why do you forget me?” Ying Fu complained, with his thumb to his nose.

“Hi, great grandpa Ying,” Xiao Douya called, stuck his tongue out at him, and then darted out of Wuyou’s arms. Ying Fu’s face wrinkled in a grin while pinching Xiao Douya’s chubby face. Ying Fu was even happier to see Xiao Douya’s face crumple up like a ball, while Xiao Douya’s small eyes were filled with tears. “The boy is really delightful,” thought Ying Fu, starting to meet down. He was actually a big kid, so he laughed heartily when he was with the cute Xiao Douya.


Xiao Douya held his father’s leg, tears trickling down the tip of his nose and into his mouth. Xu Linghe picked him up, threw him in the air, and then caught him. The laughter of a father and a child filled the air. In the sunset, the child chuckled in his father’s arms, which was a very sweet scene.

“Youngest brother, you are back,” Xu Yin greeted and limped up to them.

Xu Linghe wondered if this man was his eldest brother, because he was ashen-faced and lost all his grace of a young master.

“Douya, eldest uncle is our guest, and you mustn’t be naughty.”

Xiao Douya stared at Xu Yin, his small eyes brimming with tears again. Xu Linghe’s mouth twitched a little. Xiao Douya’s soppy eyes made Xu Yin feel that he had committed an unforgivable sin.

“Douya, eldest uncle is wrong. Uncle shouldn’t appear weak in front of your dad.”

As soon as he said this, Xiao Douya’s nose wrinkled and tears disappeared from his eyes. “What a good actor!” Xu Yin exclaimed in his heart, warning himself to stay away from his nephew. However, after a few steps, he gave Xiao Douya a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Please conduct yourself with dignity, eldest uncle...”

The practicing disciples were shocked by his innocent words, and the square suddenly came a burst of laughter. Shenzong, dissatisfied with their behavior, cast a glare at them, and the chaos subsided in a flash. Then they flew to Ao Ze.

“Senior Brother Zhou Yi, I haven’t seen you in a while,” stated Ye Juechen, coming out of the side hall.

He and Zhou Yi were the older of their generation, so they got a lot in common. Although they were both Shenzong’s disciples, there was not much friendship between the disciples in this sect. Since Shenzong had made an example out of Zhou Yi’s younger brother, the whole Kunlun quieted a lot. Zhou Yi dared not act rashly. The death of his brother was a big blow to Zhou Yi, but it also made Zhou Yi more persistent. In order to avenge his brother, Zhou Yi had never been remiss. Kunlun was no longer his home, and his fellows of the Reward and Punishment Hall were all gone. What Zhou Yi had was suddenly uprooted by Shenzong. But heaven never sealed off all the exits. He found help. He thought that what he had done and was about to do was forced by his teacher, and that he could not be blamed for being cruel.

“Junior Brother Ye, your drawing skills are remarkable and more skilled than mine.”

Although Ye Juechen looked impassive, he was wondering, “Does Zhou Yi know anything about drawings? No, that’s impossible.” He immediately dismissed the idea because no one knew anything about the map except Shenzong.

“Junior Brother Ye, my younger brother died distressingly.”

Zhou Yi was staring at Ye Juechen, trying to find some clues, but Ye Juechen was a man who had seen difficulties and could stand the pressure.

“I admire your lack of desire, Junior Brother Ye. In a few days, Xu Linghe will be the real God of Kunlun. I wonder if you would be as calm as you are now.”

Zhou Yi gave a sigh and walked through a small door. But he had hardly gone a few steps when Ye Juechen came riding the wind and blocked his way.

“What’s your plan, Senior Brother?” Ye Juechen asked directly.

They were well aware that both of them were ambitious men. Although Ye Juechen hid his ambition a little deeper, they all wanted to achieve something. Unfortunately, only one man could be the Sect Master, and becoming the Sect Master was Zhou Yi’s lifelong dream.

“Senior Brother Zhou, you’ve got a rescuer, which increases your chances of winning and confidence, but since the Heavenly Book is in Kunlun, Chidi could do nothing about it.”

“Junior Brother Ye, do you mean that the Heavenly Book is so powerful that no one can shake it?”

When Zhou Yi left, he assured Di Qing that he would got the Heavenly Book for the Human Sovereign, but now he didn’t know what to do.

“Junior Brother Ye, is the Heavenly Book really that amazing?” Asked Zhou Yi tentatively.

He wanted Ye Juechen to give him an idea that no one could tell. Everyone could be afraid of such poisonous things. Now Jiang Wuyou was a real favorite in Kunlun and the savior of the Black Emperor. It was even more difficult to steal the Heavenly Book. Because of the inauguration, ordinary disciples were not allowed to enter Ao Ze. Zhou Yi got in with the help of some old friends. Now the whole Ao Ze was being guarded closely, it was very difficult to capture the new Sect Master’s family. He had to do something. Only when he got the Heavenly Book, he would have the chips that the Mount Da Huang wanted. Zhou Yi knitted his brows deeper. He wanted Ye Juechen to help him, but he couldn’t handle this guy.

“Of course it is amazing. The inauguration of the new Sect Master will be held on the 6th day. Until then, you must get everything done; If you are late, and the name of the new Sect Master is written on the Deification Pillar, it will be a done deal.”

Ye Juechen had his purpose, but he was more sophisticated than Zhou Yi. What he said threw Zhou Yi off his feet. Time was short, and he had to find a way to get the child first. Zhou Yi, however, was not stupid. Disturbed by Ye Juechen, he still guessed Ye Juechen’s meaning. “This old and crafty fellow is waiting for me to give him the benefit. I won’t yield to him, but there’s only one Sect Master. To give this position to someone else is to put me to great inconvenience.” Zhou Yi was not reconciled to give in, but he could do nothing about it.

“Junior Brother Ye, do you have any good idea?”

“I don’t have any good idea, but human effort is the decisive factor. Maybe it will be done.”

By his words, Zhou Yi knew this guy was keeping his cards close to his chest. It was clear that Ye Juechen had already had an idea, and now he just wanted the benefit.

“After the matter is done, this position will be yours, Junior Brother Ye.”

Zhou Yi gritted his teeth, annoyed. Without leverage, no one would risk it for him. Ye Juechen was just like himself. To get help, he had to offer plenty of temptation. Ye Juechen wouldn’t get carried away by Zhou Yi’s words. After the matter was done, the ownership of the Sect Master was determined by the Mount Da Huang, and Zhou Yi’s words carried weight!

“Do you have a bigger plan, Junior Brother Ye?”

“It’s not clear what’s going on at the moment. I’ll have to wait...”

Ye Juechen strode off briskly. When he was out of sight, Zhou Yi came to his senses, unable to tell whether Ye Juechen had agreed to his request or not... Zhou Yi walked out the door, disappointed. Along the way he saw the disciples were all cheerful, and he got more depressed. The matter was on the way, and he had not figured it out yet.

That night, Zhou Yi took advantage of the moonlight came to Ao Ze. He was familiar with every inch of ground under his feet. Seeing the cloud bed floating in the distance, he was deeply attracted. It was a symbol of power and the source of his desires. Zhou Yi entered the hall cautiously, walking very slowly. He became more determined with every step he took. By candlelight, the cloud bed became even more dazzling. Zhou Yi flew into the cloud bed and was immediately enveloped by it. The auspicious clouds swirled around him, and Zhou Yi was so intoxicated with power that he didn’t wake up until there was a noise outside the hall.

“They say the new Sect Master’s wife is a fox.”

“Don’t talk nonsense. If the new Sect Master hears you, you’ll have to stare at a wall.”

“It’s true. Junior Brother Xiaoyun said, tomorrow they will go to the human world to invite the mother of the new Sect Master’s wife to come.”


“Of course.”

Zhou Yi came down from the cloud bed, wondering how he could get it. “Looks like it’s a right decision to come here tonight. I can start with the mother of the Sect Master’s wife,” thought Zhou Yi, growing more complacent. He took another glance at the cloud bed before disappearing into the moonlight. Then Ye Juechen came out of the corner. The words of the two young disciples stirred Ye Juechen as well. Zhou Yi was sure to follow the new Sect Master down the mountain tomorrow, and he decided to keep an eye on Zhou Yi. Ye Juechen was good at waiting for the perfect moment, just like a hunter. In this respect, Zhou Yi was inferior to him. In Ye Juechen’s opinion, good things should be enjoyed slowly. Who would be the next Sect Master was uncertain, and Ye Juechen would wait patiently.

“Dad, get up.”

Xiao Douya liked to play with his eldest uncle. He woke up with his uncle during his mother’s absence. When he woke up this morning, he wanted to kick his father’s door. When his little hand turned red from knocking, the door finally opened from the inside, and he found that his father looked different. Xiao Douya ran into his father’s arms and fingered Xu Linghe’s hair. He marveled at how long his father’s hair was, while wrapping it around his little finger. When he tamed the hair, his father was blue in the face. Then Xiao Douya let go of his hair and struggled to the ground.


Xiao Douya rushed into the bedroom. When he saw that his mother was not properly dressed, he immediately covered his eyes with his little hands. Then he peered at his mother through his fingers. Wuyou was speechless with the child’s reaction. She just left the corners undone. She almost wanted to crack the boy’s head open to see what he was thinking.

“Xiao Douya, why are you covering your eyes?”

“This is ‘see no evil’, mom.”

Wuyou’s mouth twisted. Xu Linghe was also shocked by his son’s words. The boy now had the IQ of a 10-year-old at least.

“Eldest uncle’s going back to the human world today. Xiao Douya, do you want to go there with eldest uncle?”

“I don’t want eldest uncle to leave,” Xiao Douya pouted.

“Mom and dad are going to see your eldest uncle off, and Xiao Douya can do the same!”

Xiao Douya was not an ordinary child, but was the son of the God of Teal Hill and the God of Kunlun. He was naturally intelligent, so Wuyou would not lie to her son. When they had finished breakfast, Xiao Douya put on a new suit. As his father held him, Wuyou, dressed in purple, walked towards them in the wind. Xu Linghe looked at her quietly. The woman in front of him was like the iris in the mountain stream, scattered with different fragrance. Xu Linghe became obsessed with her beauty for a moment... Xu Yin gave a slight cough. His youngest brother made a fool of himself when he saw Wuyou, regardless of the fact that Xiao Douya was right in his arms. Xu Linghe’s face turned as red as the pomegranate flowers. Xu Yin wondered if Xiao Douya would be a spoony like his father when he grew up. Then he remembered that Xu Linghe had publicly broken his engagement with another woman for Wuyou, and now he could only envy them.

“Eldest uncle, my dad’s behavior shows that he loves my mom. Your cough won’t make any difference.”

Xu Linghe was startled by his words again. The boy was really clever and naughty. Subsequently, they rode auspicious clouds towards the human world. Shenzong didn’t come to his senses until their figures were blurred.

“You don’t want Xiao Douya to leave, right?”

Ying Fu, too, had an empty feeling in his stomach. Who wouldn’t like a smart kid like Xiao Douya? Although Shenzong didn’t say that he didn’t want Xiao Douya to leave, he admitted in his heart. Kunlun had been quiet for 10,000 years, and it was a little weird to have a child here all of a sudden. However, there was no denying that the boy had added life to the place. The boy’s laughter had become part of Kunlun. Listening to the kid’s laughter every day, Shenzong felt younger. Ying Fu followed his old friend, looking back in the direction Xiao Douya was leaving. He thought that maybe he was really old. They walked towards the back mountain, one behind the other.

Zhou Yi certainly wouldn’t miss this opportunity. He quietly followed Wuyou and Xu Linghe to the human world, hoping to get hold of the little boy earlier, while Ye Juechen went down the mountain early before Xu Linghe went to the human world.

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