
Chapter 14: What a “soya powder” family (1)

Chapter 14: What a “soya powder” family (1)

(TL: A “soya powder” family is a Korean slang term denoting a totally dysfunctional family and all the dynamics that come with one.)

“Well, then – until next time, take care.” (Choi Jung-Hoon)

“Yes, thank you.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Choi Jung-Hoon waved his hand outside the car’s window, and then drove away.

However, did Yi Ji-Hyuk make a mistake when he thought he saw a mysterious hint of relief briefly flashing by on Choi Jung-Hoon’s face? Probably.

“My home is....” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yi Ji-Hyuk frowned deeply.

He groaned out while gazing at the apartment building that looked even more ancient than the ‘Jugong’ building from before.

“They must’ve been suffering a lot.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

There wouldn’t be a reason for anyone to leave behind a perfectly nice home and move to an even worse place. However, judging by the fact that they were still staying at an apartment, the financial health of the family must not had declined completely, it seemed.

While riding in Choi Jung-Hoon’s car, he got to learn about quite a few things. Well after the advent of the Black Monday had come and gone, many folks who had lost their jobs and were worrying about their livelihood, continued to appear everywhere. Some stability had finally settled on the world, yet, there were still a lot of people going through hardship at the moment.

The financial state of Yi Ji-Hyuk’s household before his excursion to Berafe couldn’t have been described as secure, but neither was his family starving outright. His mom worked in a restaurant, while his dad was a perennial middle-level manager in a middling corporation. And also...

“I wonder, has Ye-Won grown up well...?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

The last time he saw his little sister was when she was still a fifth year elementary schooler, so she should’ve become a high school student by now. Thinking of a little kid that kept on chasing after him while calling out Oppa, oppa, brought a smile to his lips.

He entered the foyer and climbed into the elevator. Exiting on the seventh floor, he searched for the apartment number written on the piece of paper.

‘It’s already so late now.’

What with being dragged around here and there, the time now had passed 11 in the evening. The first day of his return to this world was coming to a close. Although it sure had been a ‘colourful’ day so far, it was a relief to return to the loving embrace of his family at the end of it all.

He took a quick breath and pressed the doorbell.


– “Who is it?”

A familiar voice came out from the intercom.

Ah, it’s really mom this time. (Yi Ji-Hyuk’s internal monologue)

“Mom, it’s me.”

– “Who is ‘me’?”

“It’s me, mom. It’s Ji-Hyuk.”

A heavy breathing could be heard from the other side of the door. Her reply couldn’t he heard.

“Mom, it is really me, so please open the door.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

– “Ji, Ji-Hyuk-ah!!!!”

A loud cry that bordered on screaming, and a couple of thudding footsteps, could be heard from other side of the door.

Then, the said door got flung open, and a woman leapt out from within. When she spotted Yi Ji-Hyuk, she powerfully hugged him.

“My boy!!! Aigoo, it’s my boy!!”

“Mom!!” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Even in the midst of this, Yi Ji-Hyuk sneakily confirmed mom’s face first. Well, he’d like to avoid an event similar to the last time, after all.

“Aigoo, my son! We thought you had perished!!”

Yep, you registered me as a deceased already. Without hesitation, even. (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

He was slightly annoyed inside, but Yi Ji-Hyuk didn’t show that outwardly. It was his fault for disappearing for five years before coming back, after all. It should be more strange to say they didn’t wait for him for five years, especially under the current state the world was in.

“Just what were you doing until now? Just what?”

“I’m not sure myself. Might get complicated if I tried to explain it.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“No, no, it’s fine. It doesn’t matter what you’ve been doing. Let’s go in, my boy.”

Mom wiped tears off her face and continued to pat Yi -Ji-Hyuk’s back.

‘This... this feels kinda strange.’ (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

He did feel good and happy after seeing his mom, but still, his emotions didn’t waver enough for tears to flood out, either. No, instead, it felt like his emotions were acting up only because his head said now was the correct time to feel emotional.

This might be an obvious occurrence, though. To Yi Ji-Hyuk, the last time he saw his mom was the proverbial eons ago, yet, it could also be seen as the proverbial ‘yesterday’, too.

Yi Ji-Hyuk entered the apartment, pulled in by mom’s hands.

His heart quivered faintly, but his mind didn’t seem like so. Just how much did they suffer? While he was absent, just how bad have the situation with his family become, what with monsters appearing everywhere?

‘Mom, don’t you worry now. I’ll soon make lots of money, and then.... Then...’

Eh? What’s going on? (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

The place was.... huge.

No, not only that. The furniture filling up the house seemed somewhat more upmarket than what he remembered, too.


Now that he took another look, the clothing on mom seemed luxurious as well, with all those fur bits ruffling about.

From the outside, this whole apartment looked ancient and decrepit, yet the inside was somewhat unexpectedly grand.

Yi Ji-Hyuk settled down on the couch that shined brilliantly and tried to console his mom. Mom continued to pat and stroke her son’s face and back, while simultaneously wiping away her tears.

Some amount of time was needed before mom could calm down sufficiently enough. Even though her pounding heart had regained composure, she still held onto his hands tightly and didn’t let go.

And she began sobbing once more after hearing her son couldn’t remember the events of the past five years. But she still patted his head while repeatedly mentioning how relieved she was when he told her that he was only able to come home after regaining his mind earlier in the day.

“Mom, just how did we get this place?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Mom wiped away the pooled tears and smiled brightly.

“What do you mean, how? With money, of course!” (mom)

“Where did we get that money from?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“You really don’t remember anything, do you, son? The one thing that’s available in abundance is empty houses. You know, what with many people dying. Also, a Gate opened in the vicinity, so the prices around here are really low, you see?” (mom)


“Ohoho~. It’s 48 pyeong here, but cost us less than half the price of the old house. That’s why we moved.” (TL: 1 pyeong = 3.3058 square metre.)

So, that’s how it was.

Really, this was for the best.

Yet, why was he feeling this hollow emptiness right now?

“Then, what about the furniture?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Your father works for an energy company, no?” (mom)


“Nowadays, those companies make a lot of money, you see? I can’t even tell you just how high your father’s salary has become now.” (mom)


So, even dad was doing really well.

What a relief.

He should’ve been relieved, yet why did he feel so weird right now?

“Look how thin your face has become. Aigoo, my boy...” (mom)

Mom, my face looks exactly the same as it was five years ago. Even if you deduct the calories I used up today, my face has not thinned even by a single millimetre. (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Mom stroked Yi Ji-Hyuk’s face repeatedly, before resolutely making an announcement.

“You must have suffered so much hardship, getting so thin like this. But, don’t you worry about a thing anymore. Mom will take care of everything!” (mom)

‘But, those lines weren’t supposed to be spoken by mom...’

Those should’ve been my lines... (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“There’s nothing for you to worry about now. Just trust your mom from now on!” (mom)

Even those should’ve been my lines.... (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

How odd.

Whenever he thought about his family while still stuck in Berafe, he planned to say those words out aloud when he’d eventually make his return.

He had spent many hundreds of years dreaming of what he should do, if he got to return home. Hell, he was this close to perfectly organising every solution to all the problems he might face this side.

However... even before it could properly start, Yi Ji-Hyuk’s ‘Family Support Project’ that he had mapped out for centuries, was torpedoed already.

“Where’s dad?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Oh, my!! I completely forgot!” (mom)

Mom hurriedly pulled out her phone and called someone.

“Dear! Where are you?! Come home, right now, quickly!! Ji-Hyuk came back. Your son Yi Ji-Hyuk came back home!! Ng? No, I’m saying, it’s Ji-Hyuk.... Wait, are you drinking right now, dear?” (mom)

The tone of her voice was gradually rising up higher.

And Yi Ji-Hyuk found himself slowly retreating into the farthest ends of the couch, away from her.

“What in the blazing hell do you mean, you want to see him?! I told you, he’s home right now!! Just how much did you drink that you can’t even understand what I’m shouting about?! You know what, don’t come home!! Just b****r off, you bloody idiot!!! On a day like today, you drown in liquor until you p*ss on yourself?! The moment you come home, I’m going to kill you, you hear?!” (mom)

And the call got ended there quite violently.

Mom quickly took several deep breaths to compose herself, then a gentle smile formed on her lips and she began patting Yi Ji-Hyuk’s head. Somewhat thankfully, she didn’t seem to notice him getting ever so slightly startled by her approaching hands.

“Your father might be arriving home a bit late today.” (mom)

But, you just told him to b****r off, mom... (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Of course, he couldn’t say that out aloud.

“Well, being a salaryman, you’ll have to meet clients every now and then, and work can get busy sometimes, right?” (mom)

Ah, so that’s why you told him he’d be a dead meat if he comes back home. So he can remain ‘busy’.... (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Mm. Right, right. My son....”

Perhaps recognising that she had shown a side of her that shouldn’t be shown to her missing-for-5-years son, mom became quite embarrassed. And well, wasn’t it a proper display of filial piety to help disperse that embarrassment in moments like this one?

“Mom, I’m starving.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Ng? Right, you must be hungry. Mom will ready dinner for you quickly.” (mom)


While wiping the tears away from her eyes, mom headed off to the kitchen.

What was filial piety, by the way? It’s actually giving one’s parents a peace of mind, really.

Satisfied now, Yi Ji-Hyuk gazed at mom’s departing back. However, mom’s thought train seemed to have headed to elsewhere.

“This won’t do. There are nothing but leftovers. Wait a little while longer. Mom will have to go to the shops for a bit.” (mom)

“Uh? Mom, It’s midnight already.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“I’ll go to a supermarket that opens for 24 hours. Wait for me. I’ll finish shopping really quickly. For today, we’ll just have to make do with Bulgogi and doenjang stew. Tomorrow, I promise, mom’ll come up with something even more delicious.” (TL: Bulgogi is a beef dish. Very tasty. And anyone who’s read a Korean novel before should know what is a doenjang stew by now... If not, Google can explain far better than I can.)

“Mom?! It’s midnight, right now!” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“I wonder if the veggies are still fresh, what with hours being so late and all. Son, you can watch the house alone for a little bit, yes?” (mom)

“Moooom!! It’s 12 in the night!” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

She was exactly like an unstoppable bulldozer.

Only after he had begged her that he was too hungry to wait and she should just give him whatever was left in the house, along with a promise of eating something good on the following day, mom began preparing the meal.

She only pulled out some leftover dishes from the fridge and some soup, yet it looked like a veritable feast to his eyes. It wasn’t simply because his mom’s cooking skills or whatever, but actually, every type of cuisine from the Earth felt like a feast to Yi Ji-Hyuk at this moment.

Stuff from the other side wasn’t on the level of whether he could adopt to the taste or not. He just shoved them in, that was all.

And just as he was about to eat his first spoonful while deeply moved by this sight, the front door was pushed open, accompanied by the electronic door lock bleeping.

“Uh? The man of this house has arrived, yet no one opens the door for him?!”

It was a somewhat inebriated voice.

Yi Ji-Hyuk stood up from his seat.

“Aigoo, you foolish man!! Just how much did you drink today?!” (mom)

“Ohhh, is my lovely madam Park feeling lonely today? Busy talking about a son, out of the blue like that. How ’bout it? Wanna make another son today?”

Annnnd, with the repeated sounds of her palm slapping something, dad’s screams could be heard. Carrying an awkward expression, Yi Ji-Hyuk popped his head around the corner and showed himself.

“Dad.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Uh, uh? Hang on, who are....” (dad)

“It’s me, Ji-Hyuk.”

“Yes, Ji-Hyuk is my son’s name, but.... Uh?” (dad)

Dad began inspecting Yi Ji-Hyuk’s face with a pair of reddened eyes, before he cried out in alarm.

“J, Ji-Hyuk-ah!!!!!!”

“Dad!!” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Dad powerfully embraced him.

Yi Ji-Hyuk could feel dad’s thin.... no wait, surprisingly strong arms wrapping around him.

Has dad been working out? If he hugged any tighter, Yi Ji-Hyuk’s spine might break in half.

“You unfilial son!! My son!!” (dad)

“Yes, dad. I’ve come home.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Right, right! Right, my son! It’s fine, fine...” (dad)

Dad firmly held Yi Ji-Hyuk’s face with both of his hands and stared long and hard, before opening his mouth.

“By the way, who are you?” (dad)


“AIGOO!!!! You stupid husband of mine!!!” (mom)

And so, pinkish handprints became engraved on dad’s back nonstop. Along with Chwack, Chwack!!, sounds of harsh impacts.

Dad’s body twerked painfully every time mom’s hand spat out the proverbial flames. (Not real flames, obvs.) This scene reminded one of the distant past when the slaves were getting mercilessly whipped by their masters.

“R, right, Ji, Ji-Hyuk!! Ji-Hyuk-ah, you’ve come home.” (dad)

“Yes, dad.”

“Right, my boy! Just why have you only come home now? You foolish son of mine!” (dad)

Thick tears fell from dad’s eyes.

“Something happened back then. I’m truly sorry, dad.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“No, no. Everything’s fine now. You’ve come home, so it’s all good. All....” (dad)

As if it was difficult to control the overwhelming emotions, dad’s head dropped lower as he continuously wiped his tears away. He trembled ever so gently while rubbing his face, before raising his head again and firmly grasping Yi Ji-Hyuk’s shoulders.

“By the way, who are you and what are you doing in my house....” (dad)

Please stop!!

Please stop with this. My dad wasn’t like this at all!! (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

When dad began spouting out nonsense once more, mom wordlessly dragged her husband and deposited him into the couch.

“Dear, please get me a cup of honey tea.” (dad)

“Better shut your damn mouth unless you want see blood.” (mom)

“....Yes, ma’am.”

Mom’s thick killing intent seemed to be rather effective in dispersing dad’s intoxication.

Yi Ji-Hyuk went back to the kitchen and sat down on the dining chair. It looked increasingly likely that the joyful reunion with his dad would have to be postponed until the following morning. So, he should just finish this meal first...

*SFX for electronic door lock bleeping*

*SFX for a door being pushed open*

The front door was pushed open gallantly, and yet another figure stepped in.

< 14. What a “soya powder” family -1 > Fin.

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