
Chapter 430: The Clean Up (5)

Chapter 430: The Clean Up (5)

Bang Jin-Hun\'s expression was stiff like a rock while staring at the man lying on his face beyond the steel bars of a jail cell.

He muttered to Cheon Tae-Hun next to him. “What the f*ck happened to this brat?”

Bang Jin-Hun had to ask this question since he knew who this \'mad giant\' was.

“Isn\'t this punk... Lee Seong-Hwi?”

“Yes, Assembly Master. It is him,” Cheon Tae-Hun nodded.

“Wasn\'t he Former Assembly Master Lee Jung-Geol\'s disciple?”

“Yes, sir.”

“What the hell happened to him to end up like this? And he even attacked Mister Jin-Ho in the amusement park, too?”

“Yes, sir,” Cheon Tae-Hun nodded again while refraining from voicing the rest of his reply.

\'Mister Jin-Ho didn\'t seem awfully interested in this punk, though...\'

Was Kang Jin-Ho\'s mentality forged out of solid steel? Or was he simply insane? To think he\'d not care much about someone who attempted to kill him...!

“Kekekeke...!” Lee Seong-Hwi on the floor spat out a barely-contained cackle.

Bang Jin-Ho scowled deeply at that ominous cackle of a clearly-insane man. “Hah, f*cking hell... And we went through so much sh*t just to get him over here...”

Extracting the injured Lee Seong-Hwi from the hospital after he was taken there by the cops was no easy feat. Bang Jin-Hun had to personally step in and call several government departments to gain custody of this punk.

After figuring out that a martial artist was behind the amusement park disaster from the Martial Assembly\'s sudden involvement, the government departments openly expressed dissatisfaction, but Bang Jin-Ho couldn\'t even say anything back to them since he had no excuses to offer. It looked as if the negligence in managing the martial artists was the underlying reason for this disaster, after all.

However, Bang Jin-Hun couldn\'t say stuff like, “The Assembly can\'t possibly monitor every single individual and their actions!” since that would be the same as spitting on the influence of the Martial Assembly... as well as trampling on the reason for its existence!

Which meant Bang Jin-Hun\'s fury had to be redirected to Lee Seong-Hwi.

Bang Jin-Hun grunted like a wounded bear. “Which insane bastard taught this punk demonic cultivation methods?”

“Isn\'t it obvious, sir?”

“...You think it was Kim Seok-Il? Why would he do that?”

Cheon Tae-Hun sighed before explaining his thought process. “...Assembly Master, sir. Kim Seok-Il was the only one capable of spreading demonic cultivation methods in South Korea. Remember that demonic cultivation methods basically don\'t exist in our country. Going to China and acquiring the methods is the only way, as far as I know.”

“Hang on... Doesn\'t that mean this bastard has something to do with Kim Seok-Il\'s disappearance?”

“Yes, sir. I believe so.”

“Hah. I\'ll be damned…” Bang Jin-Hun frowned in discomfort. Even before Lee Seong-Hwi became Lee Jung-Geol\'s disciple, Bang Jin-Hun was already in an antagonistic relationship with the former Assembly Master. They weren\'t acquaintances or anything like that, but Bang Jin-Hun still found the fall of a once-brilliant rising star hard to swallow.

“Stupid son of a b*tch. Why did he have to go and get involved in demonic cultivation, of all things...?” Bang Jin-Hun shook his head in lamentation.

The \'Lee Seong-Hwi\' he knew had the potential to become a big fish, a man with a bright future ahead. Lee Seong-Hwi might not have inherited Lee Jung-Geol\'s management nous, but there was no denying the fact that no one in this country dared to disparage his attainment in martial arts.

This man was someone Lee Jung-Geol picked as his disciple after careful consideration. So, this was the rare case of a good egg coming under a good teacher, but now...

Bang Jin-Hun glanced at Cheon Tae-Hun. “Why did this idiot try to attack Mister Jin-Ho? Do they have some kind of bad blood?”

“Yes, sir. It seems they had a run-in some time ago.”

“Oh...” Bang Jin-Hun sighed deeply before mouthing a cigarette. “Stupid son of a b*tch... You should\'ve picked your rivals more carefully. What an idiot. Even resentment knows who it shouldn\'t mess with.”

That was when Lee Seong-Hwi suddenly began writhing a little. “Kang... Jin-Ho...!”

Bang Jin-Hun tutted loudly. “Completely lost his mind, huh.”

“Mister Jin-Ho has destroyed several of Lee Seong-Hwi\'s major meridians, sir. It seems the demonic qi\'s flow has reversed as a result. I\'m not certain how long he will maintain his sanity.”

“That\'s why you gotta know your place, fella...” Bang Jin-Hun tutted again, this time quietly. Lee Seong-Hwi\'s crime was making an enemy of someone he shouldn\'t have. Only a wretched fate like this waited for Lee Seong-Hwi when he chose to become Kang Jin-Ho\'s enemy.

Bang Jin-Hun tapped Cheon Tae-Hun on the shoulder. “Listen, Tae-Hun. I want you to talk to this punk nicely and figure out where Kim Seok-Il is.”


“Yes, sir.”

“I\'m getting a bad feeling about this.”

“...Sir? I don\'t follow.”

“Think about it. This guy must’ve sprung Kim Seok-Il free for a reason. He must be up to something. In that case, why did he suddenly show up in front of Mister Jin-Ho? Being a demonic cultivator doesn\'t mean you suddenly become a moron, now does it?” Bang Jin-Hun narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Which can only mean this guy is definitely up to something. Lee Seong-Hwi isn\'t a moron, so he should\'ve known that trying to fight Mister Jin-Ho in his current realm is akin to suicide.”

“I agree, sir.”

“Even then, he still did it, anyway. In other words, he must think he has a good reason for it. A real good reason. My hunches are usually right, so talk to this guy nicely and find out for me, okay?”

Cheon Tae-Hun nodded gravely. Obviously, \'talking nicely\' to a demonic cultivator was a pipe dream. What Bang Jin-Hun really meant was that Cheon Tae-Hun should resort to every trick in the book to figure out Lee Seong-Hwi\'s true intentions. He must stop at nothing to uncover the truth... That was what Bang Jin-Hun wanted.

“Okay, so... I\'m gonna check out Mister Jin-Ho\'s surroundings one more time, just in case. If something happens, give me a call ASAP, okay?” Bang Jin-Ho patted Cheon Tae-Hun on the back while turning toward the exit.

“Understood, Master.”

“Gee whiz. What a crazy situation this is...” Bang Jin-Hun muttered as he exited the underground chamber.

Cheon Tae-Hun bowed his head deeply. “Take care, sir.”

Once Bang Jin-Hun was gone, Cheon Tae-Hun sighed while taking out the key to the jail cell.

\'Even if this doesn\'t sit well with me...\'

To Bang Jin-Hun, Lee Seong-Hwi was nothing more than a pitiful fallen genius. However, it was a different story for Cheon Tae-Hun.

As Bang Jin-Hun\'s favorite disciple, Cheon Tae-Hun couldn\'t help but feel this strange kinship with Lee Seong-Hwi. Obviously, even a blind could tell that their current situations were completely different. However, one slip-up somewhere, and Cheon Tae-Hun could have found himself in a similar situation as Lee Seong-Hwi.

“Why did you have to get involved with demonic arts, you dumbass…” Cheon Tae-Hun shook his head.

If only Lee Seong-Hwi didn\'t stray and get tainted by demonic cultivation methods! A new path forward would\'ve opened up for him when Kang Jin-Ho accepted Lee Jung-Geol into his fold...

Cheon Tae-Hun used Lee Seong-Hwi and his brilliant splendor under the spotlight as a way to console himself while hiding in the shadows, telling himself that he\'d one day reach a similar height of acclaim. So, seeing Lee Seong-Hwi in this state weighed heavily on Cheon Tae-Hun\'s mind, and he could only sigh deeply.

“...Kaaaaang... Jin-Ho...”

Lee Seong-Hwi repeated muttering Kang Jin-Ho\'s name as if half of his conscious mind was already gone. At this point, he was no better than a mindless demon whose reasoning was almost all gone.

“Whew-woo...” Choi Yeon-Ha sighed deeply, then lightly kicked Lee Seong-Hwi to flip him around on his back. Even if he didn\'t like it, Choi Yeon-Ha had to do his job. Besides, he shouldn\'t waste his sympathy on a demonic cultivator, anyway. “You idiot...”

“Kekekeke...” Lee Seong-Hwi cackled softly.

“This is why you shouldn\'t have attacked Mister Jin-Ho. Since you knew you were no match for him, you should\'ve just hidden somewhere and quietly lived out the rest of your life. That man is the type to never have problems with you as long as you don\'t try to antagonize him, after all…”

“...You wanna know why?” Lee Seong-Hwi muttered sardonically.

Cheon Tae-Hun\'s eyes instantly opened wide. Lee Seong-Hwi\'s aura suddenly changed without warning. His voice no longer sounded turbid and unfocused.

That blink of an eye was all Cheon Tae-Hun needed to perceive the danger and throw himself back. However...


Unfortunately, Lee Seong-Hwi was slightly faster. His hand shot out and grabbed Cheon Tae-Hun\'s throat, then powerfully yanked the latter closer. “Sooo, you still curious about why? That\'s because... I wanted to come here, you see?”


“Sooo, what will you do now? If you hear anymore, I gotta kill you. Which one will you choose? Your curiosity or your neck?”

Cheon Tae-Hun desperately tried to open his mouth. If his options were those two, wasn\'t this question way too simple and straightforward?

“Hoh-oh~, as expected of you. You chose your curiosity, eh? How manly!” Lee Seong-Hwi cackled sarcastically.

“Kkkuhuuup! Kkuuph!”



Lee Seong-Hwi\'s fist sunk deep into Cheon Tae-Hun\'s abdomen.

“Kkuuk...!” Cheon Tae-Hun gasped in shock before blacking out.

“...Tch.” Lee Seong-Hwi lightly shook the limp Cheon Tae-Hun around. Predictably, the unconscious man flopped limply according to the direction he was shaken around. “Hmm, he told me to kill anyone I meet, didn\'t he? But...”

Lee Seong-Hwi recalled what Kim Seok-Il told him. The latter made him absolutely swear it, but...

"...But do I have a reason to stick to what he says?"

What Lee Seong-Hwi was about to do was due to his rebellious streak. He and Kim Seok-Il were in a relationship of equals where neither man could order the other around. Despite knowing this, Kim Seok-Il still dared to tell Lee Seong-Hwi what to do. This was why he was letting Cheon Tae-Hun go, not because Lee Seong-Hwi suddenly found conscience in the last few minutes.

“Let\'s just say this is your reward for being a nice guy,” Lee Seong-Hwi lightly tossed Cheon Tae-Hun on the floor, then walked out of the basement jail while licking his lips like a snake.


On a certain beach...

“Today was fun,” said Choi Yeon-Ha.

“...I see.” Kang Jin-Ho replied warily.

“I\'m telling you the truth, though.”

“If you say so.”

“No, really! I wanted to spend a day with just you, you know? Without kids or incidents happening around us.”

“With this, can we consider my debt is now fully paid up?”

“Feels like it\'s my loss, but... Sure, let\'s call it even now. If I\'m being honest, it\'s not my style to drag someone around against their will, anyway.”

\'Huh. You\'ve already done enough of that today, though...\'

Kang Jin-Ho sighed under his breath while involuntarily recalling how he had been at Choi Yeon-Ha\'s mercy since the morning till now, the tail-end of sunset.

Choi Yeon-Ha narrowed her eyes. “What\'s up with that expression, Mister Jin-Ho?”

“...It\'s nothing.”

“You know something? I keep thinking that you can be too passive at times.”

“I\'m sorry?”

“You know what I mean. You want to stay still in one spot and easily get annoyed if someone is egging you on to do something. Are you a hikikomori or something?”


“You need to objectively evaluate yourself, Mister Jin-Ho. You can\'t be bothered when the orphanage kids want to hang out with you. You also can\'t be bothered when I want to hang out with you! Please, can\'t you do something about that expression of yours that says you seriously can\'t be arsed but don\'t have a choice? That\'s the fastest way to deflate your companions, you know?”

“...Do I really do that?”

“Wow, look at you, pretending to be all innocent and stuff.”

Kang Jin-Ho smiled wryly. Talking to Choi Yeon-Ha sometimes made him feel like a moron.

“Okay, so! I want you to think about this, okay?” Choi Yeon-Ha stared seriously at Kang Jin-Ho.

“About what?” Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head.

“Did you have fun today?”

“Well, yes. I...”

“Nope. Don\'t answer half-heartedly like that and give it more thought, please. I wouldn\'t have asked in the first place if a token reply was enough for me. So, please take your time and think about it. Starting from the morning until now... Were you trying to humor me despite feeling annoyed? Or you had some semblance of fun along the way?”

Kang Jin-Ho stopped talking and pondered his answer. He couldn\'t lie and say he wasn\'t a bit irked by the prospect of tagging along with Choi Yeon-Ha the whole day. However, if he was asked whether it was fun or not...

\'...Well, it was fun in its own right.\'

Kang Jin-Ho still didn\'t like crowded places, but hanging out with Choi Yeon-Ha wasn\'t all that intolerable, which had to be something. Indeed, it was fun in its own way. This kind of fun was a little different from what he might have while hanging out with his friends or family.

“Mm. I think I also had fun, Miss Yeon-Ha.”

“No! Drop the \'I think\' bit!”

“...I also had fun, Miss Yeon-Ha.”

Choi Yeon-Ha nodded in satisfaction at Kang Jin-Ho\'s reply. “Very good! In that case, I have something to say to you!”


“First of all, I really, really dislike beating around the bush and worrying myself to death.”


“Just listen, okay!”

“...Of course.” Kang Jin-Ho flinched a little at Choi Yeon-Ha\'s forceful energy. He could swear that not even Shaolin\'s head abbot was this forceful back in Zhongyuan...

“That\'s why I want to set the records straight, okay! So there can be no misunderstandings later!”


“Fuu-woo...!” Choi Yeon-Ha sighed deeply under her breath. Her face grew flushed bright pink under the amber glow of the setting sun.

For a moment there, even Kang Jin-Ho thought she was beautiful.

“Mister Jin-Ho...?”


“With me...”


“...T-t-the sunset is really pretty today, isn\'t it? The sunset over the ocean\'s horizon is probably the best, don\'t you agree?”

“...Yes, I do.”

“N-no, wait! This isn\'t it!!!” Choi Yeon-Ha suddenly began jumping around on the spot. She seemed totally flummoxed and flustered beyond reason.

Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head. “Excuse me, but...?”

“Don\'t cut me off, okay! I\'m deadly serious right now! Very serious!”

“...I see.”

“O-okay, so! What I wanted to say was, Mister Jin-Ho... Mister Jin-Ho, how about, you know, with me…” Choi Yeon-Ha\'s face reddened even more as she bit down on her trembling lip.

However, before she could finish her sentence...

Rumble, vroooooom!

A loud and rough noise echoed angrily on the beach.


“What the hell?!”

The beachgoers freaked out and hurriedly jumped out of the way. A bike broke through a crowded area and sped right toward Kang Jin-Ho and Choi Yeon-Ha before screeching to a halt.

Choi Yeon-Ha\'s expression crumpled hideously.

Why! Did it! Have to be! Noooow!

The bike rider, clearly a woman judging from the body-hugging leather romper suit, smartly dismounted her ride and took her helmet off. Her blonde hair glistened brilliantly in the amber glow of the dying sun as if this was a scene straight out of a shampoo commercial.

The blonde woman placed her helmet under her arm, then smiled confidently at Kang Jin-Ho. “Mister Kang?”

“Yes?” Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head.

“It\'s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I\'ve come specifically to find you.”

Choi Yeon-Ha ably summed up this new wrinkle in her situation with one quick-fire sentence.

“Just who the heck is this woman?!”

Choi Yeon-Ha\'s enraged yell echoed and spread to all corners of the spacious beach.

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