
Chapter 55: Second Banquet

Chapter 55

After all, no matter how successful one\'s business becomes, everyone must face the inevitable cycle of birth, aging, illness, and death.

At his age, the competition was no longer about who could earn more money, but rather who could live longer.

Class Leader\'s Dad thus made a firm resolution to take better care of his health, determined to outlive all his enemies.

Of course, all of this occurred before Class Leader\'s Dad learned the details of Xue\'s Father\'s kidnapping.

When he discovered that Xue\'s Father had been abducted at the same time and place as Mr. Hei, he turned a scrutinizing gaze towards his son.

The intensity of his father\'s stare made Class Leader feel extremely uncomfortable.

Class Leader\'s Dad examined his offspring from head to toe, unable to see anything that suggested connections with powerful figures.

Yet it was this very boy who had given him an address and date, coinciding with his arch-rival\'s misfortune.

Could it be that his son had become involved in illegal activities without his knowledge?

With most of the kidnapping gang now arrested, would they implicate his son?

If his boy had indeed broken the law, should he, as a father, choose justice over family loyalty, or family loyalty over justice?

Class Leader was oblivious to his father\'s inner turmoil, unaware that his dad was already preparing himself to prioritize the law over family ties if necessary.

However, Class Leader\'s Dad didn\'t just ponder; he opened a search engine to find out how many years in prison his son\'s alleged crime might carry.

He dared not consult the legal department of his company, believing that family disgrace should be kept private.

On Baidu, every health search starts with cancer; on Weibo, every legal query begins with the death penalty.

After his online research, Class Leader\'s Dad could already envision his law-abiding but legally compromised son\'s life behind bars.

When they were alone, Class Leader\'s Dad spoke to his son with grave seriousness, "Son, you\'re still young, not yet eighteen. If you turn yourself in, the judge will be more lenient."

Class Leader was bewildered.

His only thought was that if his father could speak plainly for once, he might actually understand what was going on.

However, being father and son, Class Leader quickly grasped his father\'s meaning.

With an exasperated tone, Class Leader dropped a parting shot before leaving, "Dad, I\'m starting to suspect that the reason Mr. Xue keeps outbidding you for contracts is because your thought process is so... unique."

He slammed the door as he left, leaving Class Leader\'s Dad staring blankly into the air.

That ungrateful brat, how dare he speak to me like that, he thought.

However, judging by his son\'s reaction, it seemed he hadn\'t been involved in any illegal activities after all.

As for the rest, Class Leader\'s Dad decided not to pursue the matter further.

Shi Li and all her classmates received invitations to attend Xue\'s Father\'s funeral.

It felt strange to be invited to a funeral for the first time.

Xue Xuejia: "Don\'t you remember attending Wei Yi\'s father\'s funeral before?"

Shi Li: "Hehe, that was different. I went of my own accord then."

Xue\'s Father\'s funeral bore similarities to Wei Yi\'s father\'s funeral; both were hastily arranged.

In both cases, the body was quickly sent for cremation.

Xue\'s Father\'s funeral didn\'t simplify the proceedings, following all the usual complex rituals.

The only difference was that instead of a body lying in the coffin, there was now an urn of ashes.

Xue Xuejia had learned from Wei Yi\'s father\'s experience. To prevent any potential claims from unknown children, she opted for immediate cremation, putting an end to any such possibilities.

As it turned out, this strategy proved effective.

During the funeral, several young women showed up with their daughters, demanding a share of the inheritance.

Just like at Wei Yi\'s father\'s funeral, Xue Xuejia\'s prowess in arguing was second only to her desk mate.

Using only thirty percent of her full capabilities, she managed to rout the women, sending them fleeing in defeat.

Shi Li, who had witnessed the entire spectacle, couldn\'t help but remark, "Now that was a thoroughly satisfying communication."

Others: "You call hurling insults about each other\'s ancestors \'communication\'?"

After the ceremony concluded, Xue Xuejia, like Wei Yi had done, treated everyone to a meal.

Thinking back, the last time the entire class had gathered for a meal was due to Wei Yi\'s father\'s passing.

Shi Li voiced a wish as earnest as hoping for world peace.

"I hope the next time our whole class gets together for a meal, it won\'t be because something bad has happened to someone."

Everyone: "We share that hope, but it seems unlikely."

By the time they finished eating, it was quite late. Those who had drivers to pick them up were fine, but some classmates needed to take taxis or public transportation home.

The location was rather remote, with limited access to buses and subways.

Taking a taxi late at night wasn\'t particularly safe either.

Considering this, the class leader asked about everyone\'s addresses and arranged for those who lived nearby and had drivers to help drop off the others.

In other classes, where relationships between classmates might be more casual, this situation could have been awkward. Some might feel uncomfortable asking for a ride, while others might feel burdened by the unexpected task.

But this class shared a deep bond, forged by their shared secrets and experiences over the past few months of the school year.

Their relationship had evolved to that of family members.

Dropping off a relative on the way home? That\'s just a small favor among family.

Sitting in the hotel\'s private room, some students called out their addresses while others listened attentively, ready to volunteer for the task.

Shi Li was no exception.

However, upon hearing one particular address, she suddenly became uneasy.

"If I remember correctly..." she thought.

Others: Here she goes again with her "if I remember correctly." Let\'s see who\'ll be the next lucky star.

"There was a perverted underwear thief active in the University\'s faculty housing complex just before the Winter Solstice."

This news was both bizarre and disturbing, making it difficult for Shi Li to forget.

Duan Yaojing, who became the next "lucky star," had mixed feelings about this turn of events.

Not wanting to be favored by the goddess of fortune in this way, she thought to herself, surely she couldn\'t be so unlucky as to be one of the victims of the underwear theft?

"The pervert stole underwear from every first and second-floor apartment balcony in the entire complex."

While news of underwear theft wasn\'t uncommon, what made this incident memorable to Shi Li was its sheer audacity.

Duan Yaojing\'s gentle smile froze on her face; her family lived on the second floor.

Shi Li volunteered, "My home is close to the University complex. I can drop you off."

Her house and the University complex were actually in opposite directions, but Shi Li wanted to warn Duan Yaojing during the car ride.

Sitting side by side in the car with Shi Li, Duan Yaojing\'s emotions were indescribable.

After dropping Duan Yaojing off at her destination, Shi Li got out of the car and made a show of visiting Duan Yaojing\'s home. Then, this tactless guest suggested that residents on lower floors should take appropriate anti-theft measures.

Duan Yaojing\'s parents worked away from home, so she lived with her grandparents in the assigned apartment building.

This apartment building was also about 50-60 years old. When it was originally constructed, security measures against theft weren\'t taken into consideration.

Her grandparents were also quite elderly and had never really thought about the issue of theft prevention.

Living on a university campus, the elderly couple felt that those coming and going were mostly students, so it was relatively safe.

Knowing the background, when she heard Shi Li remind her about improving security measures, Duan Yaojing didn\'t find this guest overly meddlesome. Instead, she felt a warmth in her heart, which slightly dispelled the nauseating feeling she had upon first hearing about the underwear theft incident.

Duan Yaojing gratefully expressed her thanks, saying, "Thank you, I\'ve noted your suggestion. When I have time, I\'ll call someone to install security grilles."

Shi Li had originally come over to remind Duan Yaojing to be careful about safety. Her grandparents, being courteous, insisted that since their granddaughter\'s classmate had escorted her home, Shi Li must take some local specialties with her when she left.

Unable to refuse the two elderly people, Shi Li finally went downstairs with a jar of homemade pickled radish from the grandparents.

After returning to her room, Duan Yaojing received many caring text messages from her classmates.

Her classmates mentioned that they had tagged her in the group chat, asking what she wanted to do.

She replied: [I plan to follow Shi Li\'s advice and install protective grilles on the balcony]

Seeing her reply, someone said their family had a home improvement business and could provide the sturdiest and most useful protective grilles for free.

After this classmate\'s comment, the discussion completely derailed.

[Does your protective grille come with an electric fence service? The kind that zaps with 100,000 volts on contact]

[Honey, that\'s for special facilities like prisons, not really suitable for our homes, right?]

[Why not suitable? Let\'s make sure that pervert has no way back]

Based on the discussion above, someone gave a more reasonable suggestion.

[Jing Jing, you could have your dad stake out the pervert with a baseball bat]

[That\'s right, that\'s right. If that pervert dares to show his face, give him a good whack]

Duan Yaojing appreciated her classmates\' good intentions in offering suggestions.

[Thank you all for your kindness, but my parents aren\'t home. I live with my grandparents, and nighttime burglar-catching activities might not be suitable for our family of elderly, women, and children]

[If your parents aren\'t home, you\'ve still got us!]

[Yeah, we can help you catch the thief]

Duan Yaojing: ??? What on earth are you all talking about

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