
Chapter 169 - Great War’s Understanding

Chapter 169: Great War’s Understanding

Sebe’s friends didn’t take the story seriously, they found it too fantastic to be true, but they didn’t dare to say anything as that story was passed down by the royal family.

“Sebe there are any books with more information about the invaders?”

Yale knew that the chances were low as information previous to the formation of the kingdom was far too scarce, but maybe Sebe knew of some hidden book written by Anpaes.

“There is one; my father has it. As far as I know, the rulers of the three countries are the only ones with such information.”

Tar also had that information, but as he thought that Yale knew that topic far better than him, he didn’t speak about that topic.

That information was supposedly secret including the information of the great war Sebe had explained, but the main reason for being secret was that for almost everyone that would only be a legend and a fantasy, they simply wouldn’t believe it.

After all, speaking of different species and the origin of half-beasts was something people had difficulties to imagine, their ego was too high, almost everyone in the Anpaes Kingdom considered that half-beasts were superior beings, knowing that they were the result of some experiments to make slaves was far too shocking for them.

However, Sebe noticed that Yale didn’t react like the others, he seemed to know some things from beforehand and just confirmed them hearing Sebe.

Sebe didn’t find it strange Yale’s reaction, knowing that his background wasn’t weaker than the king, the chances of him also hearing some of that information previously from that mysterious expert were high.

“Will it be possible to borrow that book for a while? I just want to read it once.”

Sebe was expecting that question, but the others were surprised by the fact Yale believed the story and wanted more information about something it was just a legend in their eyes.

For them, it was easier to think that the story was invented by the royal family to ease the conflicts with humans and that half-beasts were the true invaders being a superior race who managed to remain in the continent.

As for that expert, he should have been the one who stopped the war, and that wasn’t incompatible with being Anpaes master and the king meeting him once. For them, the fact of killing everyone with a word seemed more like stopping the war just with his words.

That was the normal way of thought for normal half-beasts who had been living isolated from the external world. For people like Sebe who gathered an extensive knowledge thanks to his father, the story of the invaders made much more sense that those delusions of greatness.

“I will ask my father.”

Sebe felt that Yale would have no problems to borrow the book knowing his background.

“Prince Sebe, can I enter?”

The voice was from one of the servants, Sebe recognized that voice as one of the maidservants from his father.


Sebe didn’t know why that maidservant came, but she would probably be under the king’s orders.

“I have received orders from the king to deliver this book to prince Sebe’s friend, the one named Yale.”

Sebe couldn’t believe the book in the hands of the maidservant, that was just the book Yale had just asked for. Moreover, to be able to give them just at that moment, the king should have ordered to give them the book before Yale even ask for it.

“Oh, thank you.”

Yale received the book without thinking it two times; he guessed that his own mysterious backer was that fortune teller and if that person could see the future, knowing when he would want the book wasn’t that difficult.

Yale started to read the book ignoring everything else, that book was an encyclopedia with information from all the species which attacked the continent in the great war.

The others just continued speaking, and the topic about the story disappeared quickly in their memories, they were just impacted hearing it, but for them, the story didn’t make sense, so they forgot it quickly.

They didn’t even show interest in the book the maidservant gave to Yale because they started to think that Yale and Sebe were colluding to fool them all, the timing was far too perfect.

Sebe was disappointed with his friends, he wanted to increase their worldview, but although they were all hard-worker and had a good nature, they were too narrow-minded in that aspect.

Yale suddenly stood up after having finished reading the book, he returned that book to the maidservant who had been waiting beside the door, and then Yale left the library after saying goodbye to Sebe.

Yale didn’t have any intention to keep the book as the system already had all the information collected in it. At that moment, Yale just wanted to try his new ideas because, after studying about the invaders, Yale understood well their original idea of modifying humans.

Sebe was wrong; the story he told was flawed. After having researched bloodlines and read that book, Yale understood the true reason the invaders had to create half-beasts.

As Sebe said, those with good bloodlines were experiment failures because they didn’t look like the invaders, but those with bad bloodlines were still a failure, they weren’t their objective either.

The invaders had just turned them into slaves because they were failures, that wasn’t the original intention. If they just wanted slaves similar to them, all the failures with good bloodlines would have been killed.

Yale even doubted that his past life had killed them all, he really thought that it was an exaggeration from the story and he just killed the masterminds of the invasion. In the eyes of someone like Anpaes, killing all the experts in the invasion would be the same that killing everyone. Knowing who told the story for the first time was important to understand the story well, those weak invaders never mattered for people at the level of Anpaes; of course, they were weak only compared with Anpaes, for Sebe and the others those invaders were still extremely strong.

Those invaders who created half-beast were just pawns used by experts at the level of Anpaes; those experts completely fooled the weaker invaders, the true objectives of both parties were completely different.

Yale felt an extreme certainty about those thoughts, like if that was something evident to him. Thus, he didn’t doubt that in his past life he had reached the same conclusion.

Ancient stories couldn’t be believed completely, although the origin of them was real, the details messed up with the time, Yale understood it completely after hearing Sebe’s version of the story.

Yale returned to the room where he did experiments with Shirk and asked Aiwai to leave. Aiwai saw Yale’s serious face, so she left without asking questions.

“Shirk, now I understand that my previous methods were wrong, trying to turn your bloodline into something similar to Sebe’s bloodline is foolish.”

Shirk was shocked by those words because before Yale was sure to be able to do it someday. The complete change in opinion was difficult to endure for Shirk.

“Then, I will remain like this for my whole life?”

Yale smiled, that was the usual way of thought for everyone, the more human-like, the better, but Yale knew that for Shirk there was an easier method to turn stronger.

“Your looks probably won’t change too much, but that didn’t mean that you can’t turn stronger. Instead of making your bloodline more near of a divine beast, if I manage to remove the restrictions of your bloodline to make you integrate with it perfectly, you wouldn’t have anything to envy to other half-beasts even if they look more human than you.”

Shirk was shocked; he hadn’t thought about that possibility, he just wanted to turn stronger, so his looks weren’t that important to him as he was already used to his body.

“Is that possible?”

Yale nodded with a fake smile because he wasn’t telling the truth to Shirk. For someone with such a bad bloodline, removing the restrictions by perfectly integrating the bloodline wasn’t easier than turning him into a divine beast, both things were outside the current Yale’s capacities.

However, Yale didn’t plan to turn Shirk into a half-beast with a perfectly integrated bloodline; he wanted to turn him into a completely different species. That was the original intention of the invaders when they created half-beasts, increasing their population turning humans into people of their species.

Humans had a high fertility rate compared to other species, but they lack any special strength if they weren’t practitioners; other species had some innate powers that make them stronger and talented than a normal human.

That disadvantage of humans completely disappeared on half-beasts in the Anpaes Kingdom and in the noble clans in the Revgen Empire. The half-beasts won other disadvantages, but there wasn’t any on the noble clans. Yale guessed that the bloodlines of the Revgen Empire also appeared after the war based on knowledge obtained from the invaders.

The reason for deciding to turn Shirk into someone like the invaders was that those invaders didn’t have any bloodline restriction even though their looks weren’t that different from Shirk. The easiest thing to turn Shirk stronger and remove the curse of his bloodline was complete the research of the invaders.

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