
Chapter 331 - Merumi’s Battle Form

Chapter 331: Merumi’s Battle Form

Merumi remained in silence for a minute before finally asking Yale.

“Can I really become a Law Master without difficulties?”

For Merumi, Law Masters were entities of legend, so it was quite difficult to believe that she could become one just because Yale said it.

“As long as it is only in the Water Law it shouldn’t be difficult for you; it is just a matter of time. Of course, if you train hard you can reach that level earlier, and maybe you can have a chance to rise even higher, but that will depend on your own effort.”

The only law related to the new bloodline of Merumi was the Water Law, so it was the only law that would be boosted for Merumi.

Compared to powerful divine bloodlines like the Time Freezing Wolf that was related to three Laws or the Sun Eater Lion that was related to two Laws, Merumi’s new bloodline was a little lacking in quality, but it was still at the same level of most divine beasts that were related to one Law.

“Master, will my Sword Bloodline do the same?”

Mercer couldn’t avoid asking that question after hearing that Merumi would have an easy way to become a Law Master even if it was only in the Water Law.

“The Sword Bloodline and the other divine bloodlines were created to help my reincarnation, so their effects differ based on the purity of the bloodline and your similarities with me. If it is you, becoming a Law Master shouldn’t be difficult, and you have great chances of becoming a Law God, but you need to work hard, the divine bloodlines aren’t as automatic as the divine beast bloodlines even if the potential of the divine bloodlines is higher.”

Mercer was happy hearing that because he had heard that a lot of people failed to become Law Masters even with a lot of hard training, being able to become one just by continuing training was already a lot.

However, not everyone with a perfect Sword Bloodline like Mercer would become a Law Master with high chances of becoming a Law God because the affinity between those people and Yale wasn’t as good as the one between Yale and Mercer. After all, both had similar tastes and were master and disciple.

In fact, all the people in the ship with a divine bloodline had good prospects because being near Yale for long periods also increased the affinity between them, increasing at the same time the potential of their perfect grade bloodlines.

However, no one on the ship was aware of that fact besides the Mysterious Expert that was hearing the conversation from the shadows.

The Mysterious Expert was an incarnation, so he didn’t count in the limit of the Storage Space and Yale didn’t notice about the Mysterious Expert’s presence when he stored the ship because the Mysterious Expert didn’t try to resist entering into the Storage Space.

The Mysterious Expert was on the ship since the first day as the others couldn’t discover its presence even if the Mysterious Expert were to be in front of them. Moreover, it was also more comfortable to know what was happening inside the ship being inside it than flying near it.

Since the Mysterious Expert had been there the whole time and no one could hide from its eyesight, there was no way that the Mysterious Expert didn’t notice the change in their potentials since the travel started.


Merumi heard Yale saying that word, but she wasn’t sure to its meaning. She had the feeling that having read about it in some book, but she couldn’t remember it well at that moment.

“Right, I was going to explain this after you woke up. I am a reincarnated expert, which means that this isn’t my first life and previously I was at least a law master. Well, in my case I was one of the strongest Law Gods in our universe.”

Yale’s identity wasn’t a secret to for those traveling with him because everyone had learned about that a long time ago, but Kaigur and Merumi had no idea about it, and Yale felt that they should know since they were planning to travel with them.

Although Yale hadn’t asked if both wanted to travel with him, Merumi and Mercer were lovers and would remain together, and Mercer wouldn’t leave the group because Yale wouldn’t allow him to do it. Since Merumi would stay, Kaigur would also stay because Yale could easily see that Kaigur worried a lot for his sister.

“One of the strongest Law Gods...”

Kaigur replied that while feeling to the ground in shock. He knew that there was a Law God in the Sea Race before leaving their original world, but that ancestor died back then, and Kaigur didn’t think that the enemy of the Sea Race was something stronger than a Law God because he doubted that the Sea Race would have managed to escape sacrificing only the strongest members.

Thus, Kaigur didn’t feel that his ancestor could be considered one of the strongest Law Gods like Yale claimed to have been in his past life.

Yale continued explaining about his identity including the fact that he was Mercer’s ancestor and the creator of his bloodline. Of course, Lar didn’t lose the chance to point out that she was the one who helped Yale to that.

“So, that is how it is...”

Merumi was also shocked, but her adaptation capabilities were far higher than Kaigur’s.

“Recently I recovered a fragment of my memories while dealing with that evil matriarch. I was there the day the Sea Race, and the Mermaid Race joined together, the story you heard from that matriarch is wrong.”

Yale explained the true story to Merumi and Kaigur because Yale felt that it was important that both knew the truth about their existence.

“Merumi, the evolution of your bloodline is what your ancestor wanted to create back then. You shall feel prideful for having accomplished it.”

Having two powerful bloodlines usually led to problems which were the reason for Merumi being unable to awake correctly her Sea Race Bloodline back them or the reasons for Wyba suffering before receiving Liye’s help. In fact, if it weren’t because Kaigur’s Sea Race bloodline was far stronger than his other bloodline, he wouldn’t have been able to awake the Sea Race Bloodline easier either. Of course, in exchange, Kaigur lacked a lot of mermen’s abilities.

It was only because of the success on Yale’s plan that Merumi managed to merge her bloodlines making them evolve into a new one. If Yale had followed the original plan, Merumi wouldn’t have been able to merge her bloodlines, at least not without Yale helping her later to artificially improve her bloodline as he did on Shirk back then.

“Mercer, I will try to change into my battle form, but I don’t know how it will be. If I am ugly, will you hate me?”

Merumi didn’t know how her battle form would be, but Kaigur wasn’t handsome at all in his battle form, so she feared that Mercer would dislike her. As for the fact that if Mercer stopped to love her, she would die, she didn’t even think about it because Mercer’s opinion about her was something that she valued more than her own life.

“It didn’t matter how you are on your battle form! I will still love you!”

Mercer was a kid, but he wasn’t someone who would start to hate his lover because she turned ugly.

Merumi was relieved after hearing Mercer and tried to change her form. A pink light surrounded her body as she changed.

Two seconds later, Merumi had already transformed into her battle form.

She had a pair of legs covered by pink scales and the same applied to the rest of her body. The scales were very small and seemed like a skin which was similar to Kaigur’s battle form, but Merumi’s scales were smaller and more compact. However, Merumi’s body had more fish-like traits than Kaigur’s battle form.

She wasn’t ugly at all, but clearly, her face couldn’t be considered human. Moreover, she still had a pink tail on her back that looked exactly like her tail in her mermaid form.

Merumi tried to speak, but only a strange and cute sound appeared from her mouth.

“It seems that the vocal cords in your current form have some difficulties to speak in our language. Originally, the members of the Sea Race had that problem when learning the language of this world. Don’t worry because it is just a matter of time until you get used to speaking in your battle form, at least you can still use your Spiritual Sense to speak.”

Merumi relaxed after Yale said that because she was really scared when she felt that she was unable to speak, but after trying to use her Spiritual Sense, she confirmed that Yale was right.

Moreover, since usually, the Merumi was in the water she was more used to her Spiritual Sense than to speak normally. In fact, among mermaids and mermen, they barely used their real voices after reaching he Novice Rank because under the water the sound didn’t transmit correctly and besides when they learn to speak and to use Mesmerizing Voice, they didn’t go to the surface of the water too much.

“Mercer, what do you think?”

For Merumi, Mercer’s first impression of her battle form was extremely important.

Mercer stood up and hugged Merumi before answer.

“You are beautiful.”

Mercer was sincere with his words. He didn’t dislike Merumi’s battle form because she looked adorable despite not looking like a human at all. If she looked as muscular as Kaigur, then he probably would have had some problems in praising her appearance.

Merumi blushed when she heard Mercer, and after their hug ended, she tried to walk a bit for the first time in her life.

“It isn’t as difficult as I thought.”

Kaigur had told Merumi that it was difficult using the legs for the first time, but she didn’t feel that it was difficult.

“Merumi, try to change to your human form before trying to walk again.”

Yale had guessed that the reason for Merumi being able to walk easily was that mermaid tail on her back that gave her stability, so he wanted her to try to walk in her human form to confirm it.

Mercer also wanted to know how Merumi would look in her human form, so he was expecting it, and Merumi didn’t fail to notice that.

A pink light surrounded her body again while she changed to her human form.

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