
Chapter 405 Dwarf Kingdoms Prison

However, the buyers of the slaves hadn’t visited the prison since the Death God appeared, and the innocent people getting incriminated and kidnapped continued to grow, so the number of prisoners was quite huge.

The prison was huge, but it started to show that if they continued at the same pace, it would be full soon.

The king had thought of making reforms to increase its size, but the materials capable of block Laws were too scarce and expensive, so the king needed to forget about that idea.

He didn’t dare to use materials that didn’t block the Laws because if someone managed to escape, it would be a huge problem since the truth about the inhumane conditions that the prisoners had would be revealed.

Moreover, once one was free, it wouldn’t be difficult to freed others in the area without restriction of laws and with enough people, rescuing the rest was also possible.

The worst scenario for the king would be that his brother was released and explained the truth to the masses.

Although he was stronger than his brother, without playing tricks as he did before, it would be a long battle and capturing him alive would be almost impossible.

If his brother fled and joined another country in exchange for revenge, the Dwarf kingdom would suffer a lot, and probably it would disappear from the world.

However, the king couldn’t kill his brother because that could provoke that other countries decided to attack the Dwarf Kingdom, so he had been waiting for someone else to become a Law God before stealthy killing his brother in prison.

There were ten guards in front of the single door of the prison, and all of them were at the Sage Rank, so it was quite a big deterrent for any attacker. Moreover, it was well known that there were two Law Masters inside the prison as supervisors and that in case of alarm, all the royal guards would appear there immediately.

The guards were static which anyone would consider that was part of their formality, but that was far from being true because anyone who looked them properly would see that they weren’t living beings, but ice statues.

However, since it was quite difficult that someone went near the prison, no one noticed about that.

Moreover, the focus of everyone was in the mysterious person who killed his way into the royal palace, so no one thought about the prison.

The ice statues were identical to the real guards, but they were starting to melt, which would provoke clear differences with the real ones after a while.

Of course, they were melting because Lina wanted to happen. Those weren’t statues that she created imitating the guards because she transformed the real guards into living ice statues letting them suffer while their bodies slowly melt under the sun.

The living ice statues couldn’t move, speak, or use Spiritual Sense, so no one would notice that they were real people unless one had enough mastery in the Water Essence.

Lina used that method a lot to punish others, and she had seen that sometimes, the allies of the ice statues broke those statues on rage, which was equivalent to killing the people converted in ice statues. They were going to die anyway, but Lina would undo the ice transformation when someone broke the statues to destroy mentally the one who did it.

The interior of the prison had turned into an ice hell where all the guards including those two Law Masters suffered the same fate as the ones outside.

The ice broke the jails of the prisoners and Lina controlled the Water Essence to avoid that the ice affected those inside the cells. Even without jails, the prisoners didn’t dare to leave fearing the ice outside.

Moreover, no one knew who Lina was, so they were afraid that she would also kill them.

"I don’t care about your crimes, but the one who put you all into the jail is already dead, so you are free now."

Lina didn’t know if Yale had already killed the king or was still toying with him because the area of the royal palace became an area that even an Essence God couldn’t spy since it was covered with the fearsome aura of the one with the highest authority in the world.

No one except the Mysterious Expert could spy what Yale was doing, but that served as a deterrent to other countries to use the chance to attack since they feared that aura. Of course, that was Yale’s intention when he used that aura to block the perception of outsiders.

Since Yale was planning to ask help from the next king of the Dwarf kingdom, it would be impolite if the Dwarf Kingdom disappeared because the previous king was killed by Yale.

The prisoners couldn’t believe Lina’s words, but as long they were free, they didn’t care about if it was true or not.

Lina waved her hand, and all the men in the prison disappeared after entering into her world. All the prisoners were naked, and those who had lived there a lot of time there were in a sorry state due to the lack of food. Lina had to control the ice to voice any cold from entering the cells, or they might have died due to it.

They only received food once in a month, and a portion that was barely for one people should be distributed between everyone in the cell, and each cell was full of prisoners.

Most of them could survive with a low supply of food due to their levels, so they usually tried to give everything to those who needed it the most, and it was a miracle that they avoided that someone died.

Lina walked towards the part of the prison where women were kept. At least they left women separated from men. However, that wasn’t for consideration, but because their client paid more for virgin women.

Seeing so many naked men made Lina sick, so she transported them quickly to her world without caring about the state of their bodies. The only men who were still there were those in special cells that Lina had jet to break since they were in an underground area like the cells of the brother of the king and Shirk.

Only those who were at least Law Masters or were considered especially dangerous like Shirk and Driwna were sent to those cells.

Shirk and Driwna almost managed to escape from the prison soon after getting caught before being tossed in their cells, so they were sent to those special jails, and since Julie was with them, she also ended there.

Ange was already a Law Master in the Life Law when she was caught, so she also ended in that place. Thus, only Aizu and Lar were in normal jails with other captive women.

Lina healed all the women with a healing skill based on the Water Essence and give them some clothes before sending them to her world. The way she treated them, and the men were far too different, but no one could complain about that to her.

The only two who were left behind were Aizu and Lar who were both in the same jail.

"Who are you? Why did you leave just the two of us behind?"

Lar said those words with fear; she had a huge trauma due to her time living in that prison.

At that time, Lar still looked like a child since she was caught when being in that form and she couldn’t use any skill in the prison.

Aizu was also looking at Lina with distrust in her eyes.

"My name is Lina. You two are left behind because Yale asked me to do it. Shirk, Driwna, Julie, and Ange are still captive in the underground cells. I will explain everything after you are all together. Follow me."

Lar and Aizu didn’t trust Lina, but since she mentioned Yale’s name and they were unable to use any of their power in that place, they obeyed.

They could only use their physical strength in prison, and due to how they lived, they were quite weakened. Moreover, the jails were resistant enough to endure their attacks when they were just captured.

If they had seemed capable of breaking the jails with just physical strength, they would have been sent to the underground cells.

"Based on what you said, I guess that you saved us because Yale asked you to do it. However, may I ask what relationship you have with Yale?"

Aizu was the one who dared to speak those words while they just reached the underground after walking in silence until that moment.

Lar was also curious about it, but she felt quite humiliated by having been caught and turned into prisoner given that she was a Law God in her past life. She always hoped that Yale would rescue her, but after Lina was the one who finally did it, she felt that it was better that way because she didn’t want Yale to see that pathetic side of herself.

"That is a good question. I am Yale’s girlfriend, and his father wants us to marry."

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