
Chapter 530 The Governor and His Master

The servant was quite shocked, but he didn’t dare to complain.

"Right, any person who tries to give information about Master Liye to them or even just think about acting against Master Liye should be captured. The rules of the cities of our country state it clearly; harming or trying to harm the family of the Governor can be punished with death if the Governor wishes so."

The servant could still understand that if the Governor knew that Master Liye, he would be angry with the one treating him as a criminal, but he felt that pursuing the citizens with that rule was quite extreme. After all, that rule only applied to family members, and everyone knew that the Governor didn’t have any family.

"Stop thinking about things that you don’t understand. Who do you think that taught me swordsmanship? If I am as strong as I am today is thanks to Master Liye. I owe him a lot. Moreover, there is the saying that a master is like a father, so it is obvious that he counts as my family."

Although the Governor called the other party Master Liye, the servant thought that it was just a form of respect and not that Liye was the one who taught swordsmanship to the Governor.

The Governor was quite famous for his swordsmanship, and even the whole country benefitted from that reputation. Thus, the servant knew that as the person who taught swordsmanship to the Governor, Master Liye had helped their country and those who offended him shouldn’t be forgiven easily.

Of course, the servant never thought that someone who could teach their Governor would need any protection or help; it was just a matter of reputation.

"Spread Master Liye’s image while informing everyone that he should be treated with the same respect as they treat me. Master Liye should judge by himself those who dare to have ill intentions towards him."

The servant just nodded and left.

Although he was just a servant in front of the Governor, he was a fifth level immortal, so he wasn’t looked down outside. Moreover, being the servant of the Governor was an honor, so even others at his same level looked at him with jealousy.

Under the servant’s orders, the fifth level immortal who treated Master Liye as a criminal was caught and after the news that Master Liye should be treated with full respect, even those who had learned about Master Liye from the captured person erased any thought they could have of plotting something.

After all, no one in that city believed that they would be able to escape if the Governor wanted them dead.

The strongest person in the country soliciting to capture Master Liye was just a sixth level immortal while their Governor was an eighth level immortal; it was easy to know which side they couldn’t offend.

While the servant was working, the Governor continued to look to the information given about Master Liye. He was accused of helping a slave thief to flee and killing an envoy of justice.

The Governor always disliked the culture of enslaving those without talent because he experienced that lack of talent while he was without memories in Yale’s universe. However, with the right guidance of Master Liye, he managed to overcome it, so the Governor didn’t believe that innate talent was everything.

If it had just been the Governor’s will, he would have eradicated that country and conquered the territory, giving a new chance to those living here that didn’t like the slavery system, but as a Governor, he couldn’t be so reckless.

In the case that a Governor conquered a country without a proper reason, the surrounding countries would be wary of them, and if they decided to make an alliance to attack them, they would have a hard time.

After all, they were different than the surrounding countries. They were just several cities that joined together to form country, but they weren’t as unified as other countries which for defense could be a problem.

However, all the governors were at least seventh level immortals, and everyone knew that one of them was an eighth level immortal, so the surrounding countries wouldn’t try to invade them unless they felt that if they didn’t do it, they would be the invaded ones.

The Governor wouldn’t start a war due to Master Liye’s matter, but if the other country attacked first in revenge for capturing and judging the envoy, there would be a great reason to purge that country of sinners.

At that time Yale had no idea of what was happening in the city, but after the ice wolf killed in one hit three fifth level immortals that ambushed them, Yale felt that the eyes of Jika and Dan were filled with far more admiration than before.

Those three were just bandits and jumped after sensing the auras of Jika and Dan since they were quite weak. However, they didn’t notice that Yale and the ice wolf were there until it was too late.

Those wastelands weren’t a place where people liked to live. Usually, only criminals would go there to escape from their pursuers.

Those criminals were also the main clients of the country of Jika and Dan when it came to selling slaves.

The reason for the strongest Governor of the neighboring country being in the city just beside the wasteland was also to act as a deterrent to those criminals.

Two days later, Yale’s group finally saw the city.

"The buildings are so tall..."

Jika spoke after seeing the height of the buildings in the city. After all, in the place she lived the buildings at most had two floors.

"This city gives an impression very different than ours... I read about it, but seeing it personally is even more shocking."

Dan was also shocked. He had always longed to see the world beyond his county, so that was like fulfilling a dream.

"Let’s go. You will have time to admire the city once we are inside."

Although the city was enormous and the building tall, there wasn’t anything that Yale hadn’t seen before.

In fact, Yale felt the styles of the building weren’t too much different from those he remembered, which he found it was quite strange since it was a whole different universe.

The guards were shocked when they saw the ice wolf, but an instant later recognized Yale as Master Liye and immediately fell to their knees.

"Master Liye, the Governor instructed us to guide you to his residence. He has been waiting for you."

Yale’s face didn’t change, but he was quite shocked that the guards recognized him.

Although he was still wary of a trap, after scanning the city with his divine sense, he discovered the reason and smiled.

"Guide me. It has been a long time since I saw my disciple."

Jika and Dan never expected that the famous Governor of that city, an eighth level immortal, was also a disciple of their master.

The guards had already heard of the relationship between the Governor and Master Liye, so they just nodded and guided Yale’s group.

There were guards escorting them the whole way, all of them extremely respectful with Yale, which attracted a lot of attention.

However, when the people saw Yale, they recognized the famous Master Liye that everyone knew that should be treated with the utmost respect, so they understood the situation.

"That person with the red hat want to report us to the enslavers pursuing my disciple."

When Yale suddenly spoke a sixth level immortal guard jumped and caught the person Yale indicated before Yale had time to say anything more.

Yale had been cautious, and with his level, feeling the ill intentions of those weaker than him wasn’t difficult at all when they weren’t even trying to hide their emotions.

That man was also from the same country as Jika and Dan, but he had been merging with the rest of people to seek information instead of searching actively like the one that was captured earlier.

A lot of people knew that Master Liye had been accused of collaborating with a slave thief, but after hearing him, it seemed that the other party wanted to enslave his disciple, so he made a move to protect her.

After all, they also received information about the supposed slave, and she was riding the ice wolf just besides Master Liye without any slavery mark, so it was easy to notice that she wasn’t a slave.

Nothing else happened until they reached the Governor’s house, but once inside a man walked towards Yale.

"Master Liye, it is a pleasure to meet you again!"

Yale smiled when hearing those words.

"I am also glad to meet you again, Roanmad. We really had fate between us. I never thought that the weak little kid of that time would become the Governor of a city like this one. You have done a good job."

Although at that moment the Governor was a level higher than Yale, the relationship between master and disciple wasn’t different than when the Governor was a young kid in the Roanmad Clan and received Liye’s help.

It was the same as between Yale and Swordmad. For that kind of relationships, power didn’t matter.

Anyway, the Governor didn’t believe that he could beat his master despite the level difference.

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