
Chapter 577 Invasion Plan

"I will decide if it is extraordinary or not. Speak."

The Emperor didn’t dare to stay silent after Yale’s order, so he started to speak.

"Well, the plan consists of using our superior numbers to isolate the strongest ones of the universe first, and then conquer the rest. This is quite standard when conquering universes, but it is difficult to do without sacrifices, so we will tire them slowly instead of battling directly. I have trained a lot of ninth level immortals to overpower them enough to reduce the damages to the minimum if we follow this strategy. Of course, it isn’t like if the people of that universe have any special value, I am just being cautious since there are also several other universes planning to invade it, and the most we kill or capture, the better. After all, the experts of that universe are all quite weak despite the report I got yesterday saying that their strength is slightly better than I expected, if we don’t plan it well, other universes might catch them first."

When attacking newly ascended universes, usually, other universes were more threatening than the invaded universe itself.

There was an unwritten rule that everything would be divided based on how much a universe contributed to the invasion, so killing or capturing the strongest ones was usually the best way to obtain great benefits.

If a universe tried to break that rule, all the others most likely would start a war against that one, so it was a strange situation to happen.

The Emperor thought of breaking that rule when starting to plan the invasion, but he decided that it was too risky, so he instead changed it for a plan to trap the strongest ones and increase his share.

Killing the strongest ones might take time, and the loses could be huge, but if it was just trapping them, he believed that with huge numbers, it wouldn’t be a problem.

Once the strongest ones were isolated, it would be just a matter of endurance, which the Emperor believed that he would win since he could rotate the members enduring the attacks and just delay the end of the battle while playing safe.

Moreover, he didn’t believe that any other universe would try to steal those he captured after seeing his army.

After hearing the details of the plan, Yale really felt that the Emperor was a coward.

With so much strength, he could just attack directly, and it would have better results, but the Emperor was a man that didn’t like even the slightest risk.

However, at the same time, Yale knew that the Emperor, even if it was by coincidence, had the strategy that could harm Alrein the most.

Due to the curse, killing Alrein wasn’t something that could be done just with high numbers, so trapping him relying on high numbers while conquering the rest was the best way if someone wanted to invade.

"I know that my plan makes me look like a coward, but the safety of my subordinates is more important than the results."

Of course, that was a huge lie. The Emperor didn’t care about their well-being, they were just good tools to use.

The Emperor just didn’t want to lower the strength of his army too much because he feared that someone would attack him if that happened.

"I see that you are careful. Being this careful, I believe that you already know who your targets will be to capture and their information, right?"

Yale was curious about how strong those he knew had turned while he had been away.

However, he also wanted to test how much information could obtain those planning to invade.

The Emperor laughed before speaking.

"Of course! Yesterday I finally received information about the strongest ones, and I have already chosen our targets. Do you want to hear who they are?"

Seeing Yale’s interest on the topic, the Emperor was starting to imagine how great it would be if Yale supported him on the invasion. Just with his presence, the rest of the universes would be unable to act against him.


Yale was expressionless as if he didn’t care about the topic but decided to hear it for fun.

"Our first target id the owner of that universe, Alrein. He is the strongest in that universe, so capturing him will give us the best rewards. However, we can’t kill him before sharing the universe resources with the rest, so it is quite a difficult target. Half of the army will just be there to stop him."

If he killed Alrein, it wouldn’t be difficult obtaining everything for himself, but that would anger the other universes, as he wouldn’t be able to share it afterward.

That was something well-known by all of those that wanted to invade a universe, so the universe owners were always the most difficult to deal with since they couldn’t be killed carelessly.

"Of course, we won’t target just him. Surprisingly that universe has other ninth level immortals after ascending, so we decided to target some of them since they are still far weaker than Alrein despite being at the same level."

The number of ninth level immortals was what surprised the Emperor the most.

After all, after just ascending, it was strange that there were more than two ninth level immortals, but he discovered that there were several of them.

Of course, they were still too few compared with his army.

The reason for that was the energy Yale paid back to Alrein’s universe that allowed them to obtain more power from the ascension.

"The second one is called Astel, and our reports put him as the second-in-charge of the universe. Moreover, it seems that there are also several other ninth level immortals on his family, so they are also our targets. The names of those are Graenk, Kanai, Lina, and Ange."

Strictly speaking, Lina wasn’t related to Kanai and Graenk since they were Yale’s mother and grandfather, but the information just put them all on the same family, so it wasn’t too detailed.

"There are also some eighth level immortals there, but I don’t really care about them. Well, except for the one called Aiwai, I want to capture her. She seems to have the potential to become a good pet, I believe you understand me. I have a fetish with dog-like eared women, but I was too beastly and extinguished them all while playing with them, so I want to obtain some more... If possible, it is better if they are strong enough to not break after playing with her once."

The Emperor felt that anyone below eighth level immortal wouldn’t endure enough to satisfy him, so he was especially interested in Aiwai. In fact, the information he received didn’t mention that Ange could take that form, or he would also be interested in her.

Yale felt like attacking the Emperor on the spot, but that would only make that the whole universe turned against him, and he wasn’t strong enough to endure it despite what the Emperor believed.

Killing just the Emperor was possible, but the rest would turn crazy and attack him afterward, so Yale knew that he couldn’t be reckless.

Although Yale was able to restrain his emotions, Tofesh failed to do it for a second.

"What happens to your friend?"

The Emperor didn’t know why Tofesh released his killing intent. He didn’t fear Tofesh, but if Tofesh asked Yale to act, the Emperor wouldn’t know what to do.

"Nothing. It just happens that both of you have the same fetish, and he is angry because you extinguished them in this universe. He had been looking for one a lot of time since we reached this place, but he had been unable to find one."

Yael’s lie was convincing enough that even Tofesh started to doubt if he really had such a fetish since Clair appeared on his mind at that moment.

"Oh, so that is the case. I see that your friend is a man of culture. I can gift her any woman he likes from those we capture to apologize. I wanted Aiwai for myself, but if he wants it, I am willing to suffer the loss."

Leaving aside his perverted thoughts, he felt that pleasing Yale’s friend was more important, and doing that could potentially put Yale on his side.

Of course, if he knew that Aiwai was Yale’s big sister, he wouldn’t dare to speak like that.

"No need, he prefers the young-looking ones."

Tofesh punched Yale on the side when he heard those words because he noticed that Yale’s words were enough to make him confused since he was still wondering about his relationship with Clair.

"Oh, then I will just give him those he likes. Of course, if you like some girls, just ask for them, I will gift you as many as you want."

Yale didn’t like how the Emperor treated girls like items, but he remained expressionless.

"I am only interested in my wife."

Hearing that, the Emperor laughed.

"Of course, someone like you isn’t interested in random women."

Yale gave him a cold smile.

"I mean that my wife is on that list. Lina is my wife, Ange, my daughter, and the others, my family."

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