
Chapter 600 Reason to Take a Disciple

"No, this isn’t against Yaleyale. They told me that those who weren’t in the last meeting aren’t allowed to learn about this matter, and Yaleyale wasn’t there, so I can’t tell it to Yaleyale. They told me that they will tell everything to you all later, but you aren’t allowed to know it until then."

Yale was relieved that at least it wasn’t some plot directed at him, but the other members were definitely planning something, and learning that earlier should have some advantages.

"Barha, if you don’t tell me, I can’t allow you to take Wyba as your disciple. You know how much I care about her. So, be a good girl and tell me, alright?"

Those words were like a bomb for Barha. Looking at Yale and Wyba together with both showing the wolf parts was something she wanted, but she could still endure it if it was just that. However, she really didn’t want to give up taking Wyba as her disciple.

After all, Barha was sure that she wouldn’t find someone else as cute as Wyba easily, and she was told that she needed a disciple, so obviously, the disciple needed to be the cutest or she wouldn’t be happy.

"I will speak! I will speak, so promise me that you will let me take Wywy as my disciple, and you will show me your wolf ears and tail and hug Wyba afterward like in the plushie released last year by the Multiverse Trading Association."

Barha stopped caring about what the other members told her to do. She obeyed because she didn’t have anything to lose, but she never had any loyalty towards them, the Council of Gods was just the place she went to take naps.

On the other hand, she was a fan of the plushie collection of Yale and Wyba. After the first one, which she bought enticed because she was told that it was a limited edition, she turned a real fan and bought everything related.

If she needed to offend one party, she would rather offend the Council of Gods than Yale and Wyba.

"Deal. I promise."

Yale agreed immediately because hugging Wyba wasn’t strange at all for him. Obtaining valuable information for that price was practically obtaining it for free.

"I wasn’t paying too much attention, so I just heard it from one of my fans, don’t blame me if I can’t tell you all the details."

Being someone with the True Cuteness Divinity, she also had a lot of fans that would tell her anything important even if she always slept at the meeting.

She just needed to smile at them afterward, and the fans would be happy.

"Alright, just tell me what you know."

Yale never expected that Barha would know too much anyway.

"Something like a war will happen... in the next hundred years? Thousand years? Million years? I forgot when, but someday! The Council of Gods will organize the hierarchy of command in that war using some kind of competition between disciples. Moreover, there is a rule that we need to have accepted those disciples before they reached godship. They said something like that I must pick up a disciple and train her before that day to ensure that I don’t finish without any power when the war starts."

Although the information was a mess and lacked many important details, Yale could see why Barha wanted a disciple, and that the other members were wandering through universes looking for disciples. Moreover, it was obvious that Barha’s fans specified that Barha needed a female disciple instead of a male disciple, or they would be far too jealous of that disciple.

Most of the members had very high standards to accept disciples, so it was strange that they had accepted someone who hadn’t reached godship, so they started to rush to accept one with enough potential.

For even the Council of Gods being so serious, it was clear that there was a strong enemy, and no one wanted to let others give them orders.

However, in a war, the hierarchy was important, or they would be a mess of unorganized people, so there was a need to create one.

If they went strictly by strength, no one doubted that the Time Faction would be at the top, so since there wasn’t any member of the Time Faction present, they decided to use that method with disciples while saying that those capable of training good disciples were better at commanding others.

No one wanted to die pointlessly at war due to having to follow the orders of others, so everyone thought the best way for them to be at the top, and training a good disciple seemed easier than beat Kroh, Yale, and Alrein.

They planned to tell everything to those who weren’t in the meeting, but just before the day that they would decide the hierarchy. Thus, those without disciples would directly be at the bottom automatically or be able to recruit a ninth level immortal at most.

Strictly speaking, even if Yale learned about that a minute before the start, he would be able to teleport Shiba to his side, so that trick was useless against him.

Kroh had already taken Kanai as a disciple before she reached godship long ago, and she already was a Great God, so it wouldn’t be a problem for Kroh either.

Yale was worried about Alrein since he didn’t know if Alrein had a disciple that powerful, but there were a lot of powerful people in Alrein’s generation, the problem was if he had accepted anyone as a disciple in the past.

"Good girl. Now I will give your reward."

Yale patted Barha’s head by instinct since he felt like if he was speaking with someone of Wyba’s country rather than a True Goddess, but Barha seemed to like it.

As he promised, Yale changed to half-beast form and hugged Wyba, leaving Barha very pleased.

"Now, hug me."

Yale didn’t expect that Barha would have another request after that.


People usually begged Barha to let them hug her, yet she always refused, so it was shocking that she requested it.

"Because it is unfair that my disciple can enjoy it, and I can’t."

That reason was unreasonable, but Yale decided to just hug her and avoid an argument.

"No, my big brother is mine. No matter how cute you are, I won’t give my big brother to you!"

Wyba needed to admit that Barha was very cute. Cute enough to make Wyba acknowledged her as her master without hesitation, but the position as Yale’s little sister wasn’t something that she was going to give to anyone else.

"I don’t want to steal your brother, just let him hug me a bit. You can also come to hug me together with him if you want. I won’t reject the hug of my cute disciple."

Barha owned real size plushies of Yale and Wyba, so she wanted to feel how it was being hugged by the real ones. She really wasn’t thinking about anything else; it was just because she wanted to be hugged.

"Don’t worry, Wyba. No one will steal your place. We can just hug her together, alright? She will be teaching you from now on, you need to treat her well."

Given Wyba’s personality, Yale felt that Barha was really suited to be her master, so he wasn’t planning to stop her. Yale didn’t think that the Council of Gods would put a deadly method to decide the hierarchy. If the method was something similar to sending the disciples to death, Yale would rather use strength against the Council of Gods.

Although Yale could resurrect them, he wouldn’t let them die just for that reason. He didn’t want to become a monster that didn’t care for the lives of anyone else just because he could resurrect them. It was just for those thoughts that the Gods Calamity happened.

"I understand."

Wyba stopped arguing and went to hug Barha. Yale followed her.

Usually, True Gods would have harsh requirements to accept a disciple, having a True Goddess asking Wyba to become her disciple was already something for what a lot of people would use their whole fortune. Moreover, Barha didn’t have other disciples since she never cared about that, so Wyba wouldn’t need to face other jealous disciples like sometimes happened when a True God picked a new disciple.

"Thank you! I am happy now."

Barha smiled while speaking. If it wasn’t because Yale had his consciousness in another dimension separated from his body, he felt that he wouldn’t have been able to resist the charm of the True Cuteness Divinity. It was really a scary one, but Yale wasn’t interested in it.

Everyone with the Cuteness Divinity showed serious problems of naivety, and while that naivety could be cute and trick opponent unconsciously, that trait didn’t fit Yale’s personality.

Only those naturally compatible would obtain that Divinity, like Wyba, but others wouldn’t even be interested in having it.

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