
Chapter 623 Hidden Dimension

"There is a hidden dimension near here. Only those with permission should be able to notice it, but I can detect it without problems. However, I need to say that to someone without at least the Minor Dimensional Divinity, discovering this hidden dimension would be impossible without spending several years investigating the area carefully."

The hidden dimension used a method similar to the one of the Sealed Universe, but due to the difference in sizes, the Sealed Universe was far easier to discover.

The hidden dimension in front of them was still of an unknown size, but Shiba can guess that it was smaller than a planet to remain so perfectly hidden.

"You are amazing. Now, stop showing off and open it."

Although her words would make people thought she was angry, her face showed that she wasn’t angry at all. She was even hugging Shiba’s arm happy that Shiba had been the only one to notice it because it would mean that others would see him with more importance.

Eini knew about Shiba’s humble origins, so she always liked making him stand out more when there was a chance. There hadn’t been any need for something like that since they meet Yale, but at that moment, they were without Yale and Lina due to the restrictions of the Sealed Universe, so Eini thought back about old times and ended up acting in the same way.

As for the others, some understood the situation while others not, but it wasn’t like if Eini cared about that.

A few seconds later, Shiba had already opened the hidden dimension.

"I don’t dare to use the divine sense to investigate, but I bet that the inside isn’t completely empty."

They hadn’t met a single person outside, but no one believed that the hidden dimension would be empty.

Although Pavel wasn’t there based on what they heard of Yale, they didn’t believe there weren’t some subordinates left behind.

The group went slowly into the hidden dimension, and in just three minutes, they had already discovered some guards.

However, before others had time to reach, Kanai and Astel had annihilated them.

They had been in silence since they entered the Sealed Universe and even seemed to not care about the situation at all being just sightseeing the scene.

However, the truth was that both were strong enough to react faster than the others, even in that state.

Shiba was also able to react, but he noticed the other two and stopped since the attacks of the Dimensional Divinity were dangerous if they were to hit an ally. Before he had time to readjust the attack, the other two had already killed all the guards that appeared before them.

It had been just an instant.

Although it was impressive, no one was surprised, not even those at the Council of Gods looking at the scene.

After all, the disciples of the Time Faction being incredible was something they already considered a fact form the start.

Until that moment, the others seemed more just to be tagging along with them.

They were the second group on facing a battle, but in their case, they just annihilated the opponent in an instant while the other group was still struggling.

Of course, the guards were just Minor Gods and Gods, so the lack of Great God made a difference in the difficulty, but it was still obvious that Shiba’s group was far stronger than the other one.

While the group continued advancing, they met several other groups of guards, but they were all killed easily since the strongest was only a God.

However, all those guards seemed quite strange because they didn’t seem to be really paying attention to the security at all. Unless they appeared in front of them, they wouldn’t notice anything. They were far too stupid for being Minor Gods and Gods, so something felt wrong.

At that same moment, a man was inspecting a lot of files in a hidden chamber.

"Useless. All useless. Those are just the investigations of that woman trash; I can’t find anything regarding Lesta’s investigation. Not even Pavel has anything here. Is this really his research dimension?"

The man felt really frustrated. He went all his way to that place while Lesta was outside with the hopes of obtaining the results of Lesta’s investigations, but he just found the information left behind by a subordinate that wasn’t even the most important one.

"I can’t believe that someone without parents that reached godship can be better than me. He must have cheated to get those results. I am sure they are all a fraud. I am the only holder of the truth, and everyone who wasn’t born from at least Minor Gods is just a slave for us. How can someone like Lesta become that important? Even that Pavel is as important as me despite being from this shitty universe."

He had been investigating in that universe from far before Lesta joined them. He could be considered to be among those who initiated the investigation. The method to increase the potential was initially created by him. The flaws included. He didn’t know how to erase those flaws, but he didn’t even try. He considered that giving talent to ordinary mortals was a blasphemy, so he liked to see them die without apparent reason. He considered it divine punishment for receiving a talent that should have belonged exclusively to people like him, son of powerful entities.

He was a son of two True Gods, but they were killed by the Council of Gods due to their supremacist ideas since they started to kill anyone who didn’t have parents that were at least Minor Gods if the others didn’t willingly become their slaves.

He hated the Council of Gods for killing his parents, but even more for frustrating the plan. He could only imagine how everything would have been if his parents succeeded.

Of course, almost everyone who heard such an idea felt that it was stupid since, in the end, all the original Gods couldn’t have children, so all the others at some point started as mortals even if it was long ago. Creating lives with their powers wasn’t counted as children for people like him. Those were just servants.

However, it was slightly different when others heard it from him. He was only a Great God, but a long time ago, he had been the first to obtain the True Brainwashing Divinity. He could brainwash even Gods with just a few words. However, it wouldn’t work with great Gods unless he advanced to True God, but he didn’t want to reach such a dangerous level just before the war because True Gods would still be without his reach. He could only brainwash those a level below him, so he never considered that brainwashing a True God was possible.

He had other forms of brainwashing, but those needed time and any Great God or True God would notice if he used them, unless they were stupid or were completely unable to react.

All the beings born in the Sealed Universe should have been brainwashed from the moment they were born due to how he created the process for the talents, so he was able to make any of them commit suicide whenever he wanted. He feared that some may succeed and go against him.

Most of the successful ones had sworn loyalty to him regardless of who they served officially. If not, he would have made them die at the moment. That type of brainwashing only let him order them to die, but it was enough to make them fear to betray him.

However, it didn’t work with those serving Lesta, so Pavel wasn’t under his control. He knew that Lesta found some way to erase that innate brainwashing, and it was extremely frustrating since that was his area of expertise.

When Lesta announced the experiment to create someone with the Resurrection Divinity, there was no way the Brainwashing God wouldn’t be sent to assist him. However, Lesta always refused to let him met Devy, and instead, he was sent to a remote area to work on his own experiments.

He had guessed that Lesta probably also obtained the Brainwashing Divinity, although he was unsure about what level the Brainwashing Divinity reached. He feared an existence like that since he didn’t want to be brainwashed by someone else. He loved to force others to forget everything in what they believed to start thinking exactly as he wanted them to think, but the opposite would be a nightmare for him.

Although he was just a hypocrite, despite being a very dangerous one, he really believed that he was always on the correct and that he couldn’t be mistaken. Brainwashing others was to made them follow what he believed to be the absolute truth. Anything else was just lies that needed to be erased. Provide arguments when speaking with him was completely useless; he would rather die than change his opinion or accept what someone else thought.

While he was busy cursing Lesta and Pavel due to the lack of documents of their investigations, Shiba discovered the hidden chamber where the Brainwashing God was checking the results of the experiments registered there.

He discovered the place after investigating the behavior of the guards. The group managed to notice that those guards were brainwashed by someone and that they weren’t the only invaders.

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