
Chapter 207 - Cheap Food

Perhaps seeing its comrade’s death, the other giant boar struggled even more to free itself.

When Wei Xiao Bei had pulled out the spear, the sound of ice breaking echoed as the other wild boar was able to get out.

The wild boar’s line of thinking was truly different from a normal person.

If it was a human, the majority would escape after seeing a strong enemy or look for an opportunity.

The wild boar tried to run away after breaking the ice, but after seeing Wei Xiao Bei, it lowered its head and charged at him with a rumble.

Against this charge, let alone Wei Xiao Bei, even two or three of him would not be enough to face it.

However, Wei Xiao Bei was not a boar, but a living, thinking human being.

He immediately jumped from the ground and made a full rotation in midair. Then he pointed the spear downwards, as the boar passed by below him.

When Wei Xiao Bei landed, he was facing the boar’s butt. With a fast thrust, the spear penetrated the boar from the anus, causing disgusting yellow fluid and blood to come out.

When the boar received this heavy attack, it painfully cried out, but it did not know what to do with the opponent now behind him. It increased its speed and charged forward faster, causing the spear to pull out from its anus.

How could Wei Xiao Bei let the evolution points that he was about to obtain escape. Eight Step Cicada. With strides, he had quickly caught up and thrust again.

The boar’s mind was in the end useless.

Wei Xiao Bei continued to thrust, causing blood to flow out continuously. In the end, it could not bear it any longer and collapsed on the ground. It made attempts to get back up, but it was too weak and suffered from extreme pain.

At this time, Wei Xiao Bei pulled out his White Mist Knife and walked beside the boar. Then he thrusted the knife into the boar’s ear and twisted it, instantly ending the boar’s suffering.

Two Dang Kang’s had given Wei Xiao Bei 600 evolution points.

Wei Xiao Bei could not help let out a smile. After dipping the White Mist Knife in the blood of the boar for a while, he saw that it had changed again. Now, the knife was letting out a red and green colored mist that interweaved with each other. Only then did he put it away.

Afterwards, Wei Xiao Bei busied himself.

He stripped off the boar’s skin and cut the good partsfrom the boar. Then he placed the Small Holding Bag closer and with a thought, the cut parts disappeared into thin air.

After busying himself for a while, he had finished and had a bit of regret.

Gaining this much food was hard to do in the Dust World.

However, the Small Holding Bag could only hold one cubic meter of items.

The boar’s entire meat would probably take several times the capacity of the Small Holding Bag to store everything.

In the end, he placed the meat into his backpack and stuffed it full.

Afterwards, Wei Xiao Bei took the four Dang Kang’s Tusks and bound it with the root he obtained previously, carrying them on his shoulder. Then he chose a big boulder to hide behind. If he wanted to pass through the place, he needed to wait for the battle to finish, or he could take a detour.

Wei Xiao Bei believed that taking a detour in the Dust World was dangerous. At the very least, it was better to wait for the battle to finish and walk on a familiar path.

Soon after, the giant Monster Tree approached the battle. Following the giant Monster Tree’s approach, the boars came to their senses, and those that were not bound ran for their lives.

As for those bound by the Monster Tree, they could only pray to the gods.

The battle ended quickly. Those boars that were bound had been sucked dry of their bodily fluids by the roots of the giant Monster Tree. Even their corpses were dragged away and pulled into the ground to become its fertilizer.

After the Monster Tree returned, it took root again and returned to its unmoving state. Only then did Wei Xiao Bei stand up again and continued to advance by the river bank.

No more accidents happened in his path, and he reached the outer side of the Bai Ta Hill.

When Wei Xiao Bei had just stepped into the meadow, the stone card on his neck lit up.

Following the light, a rainbow light flew out from the white tower. In an instant, it landed in front of Wei Xiao Bei, becoming a cute little girl.

It was the Ming Lun Envoy.

Seeing Wei Xiao Bei arrive, the Ming Lun Envoy became very cheerful. Her white face let out a happy smile. She immediately grabbed Wei Xiao Bei’s hands, “I forgot to ask about your name last time.”

Wei Xiao Bei could not help but let out a bitter smile. His charm was not that high, but why was the Ming Lun Envoy so intimate with him?

Additionally, the Ming Lun Envoy only gave Wei Xiao Bei a feeling of strangeness, as if she was not aware of the ways of the world.

However, no matter what was said, he did not dare offend this Ming Lun Envoy. He smiled and told her his name.

The Ming Lun Envoy thoughtfully looked at Wei Xiao. She seemed to want to say something but eventually chose not to. In the end, she smiled, “My name is Ming Lun.”

Saying this, the Ming Lun Envoy appeared to be impatient. She beckoned with her right hand, causing the dried up leaves and branches to be collected from afar, creating a pile of firewood.

This was not the end. Afterwards, she beckoned at the creek, and two silver carps came out. Then she gave them to Wei Xiao Bei and blinked her eyes, waiting for Wei Xiao Bei to start cooking.

The Ming Lun Envoy’s action made Wei Xiao Bei not know whether to laugh or cry, but he was definitely envious.

In his heart, Bai Ta Hill could be called the home of the gods.

Even though the Ming lun Envoy looked like a little girl, her strength was like an elephant staring at an ant. He wondered how such an existence took fancy to his roasted fish.

It must also be understood that Wei Xiao Bei’s cooking skill had not yet appeared.

From this, it could be seen how miserable the food must be in the Bai Ta Hills.

Naturally, he did not rule out the possibility that they might not need to eat food at all.

As he thought further, he remembered the boar meat in his backpack.

The Small Holding Bag might be able to keep the freshness of the meat, but the backpack could definitely not.

Moreover, the Ming Lun Envoy had already gathered the firewood, so there should be no problem in turning the boar meat into jerky.

The only problem was salt. If he did not have salt, the jerky’s taste could only sate hunger and would not be something to be praised about.

After hesitating, Wei Xiao Bei told the Ming lun Envoy about this.

What he never imagined was that the Ming lun Envoy would answer him with, “Salt? What’s that? Is it delicious?”

Wei Xiao Bei could only sigh in his heart. He wondered how the Ming Lun Envoy lived without knowing about this kind of food or even salt.

Luckily, Wei Xiao Bei described how salt was like. The Ming Lun Envoy thought for a bit and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Seeing the Ming Lun Envoy leave, Wei Xiao Bei had nothing to do. He decided to clean the fishes first, and then took out the boar meat, cleaned them, and cut them into smaller pieces. Afterwards, he skewered the fish and boar meat with a stick and inserted the stick into the ground.

The Ming Lun Envoy did not leave for long. When Wei Xiao Bei finished skewering, the Ming Lun Envoy once again appeared. She carried a small pouch with an image of the white tower.

When Wei Xiao Bei saw it, he understood that the pouch should be like his Small Holding Bag.

Sure enough, the Ming Lun Envoy pulled out a large white cloth and poured from it. Countless tiny white granules came out from the pouch, quickly piling up into a small human sized hill.

“Is this enough?”

The Ming Lun Envoy smilingly asked.

Wei Xiao Bei tasted it, and it was indeed salt. However, he bitterly smiled and nodded his head. He wondered where she found such a huge amount of salt. Let alone the fish and boar meat that he had, even an entire Dang Kang could be marinated with it.

Wei Xiao Bei used his Small Holding Bag to store a bit of salt in reserve.

It was impossible to bring salt from the real world into the Dust World.

Seeing Wei Xiao Bei use the Small Holding bag, the Ming Lun Envoy suddenly spoke, “The capacity of this kind of Small Holding Bag is small. Unfortunately, we cannot simply give away the treasures of Bai Ta Hill.”

Wei Xiao Bei looked at the Ming Lun Envoy and sighed. She truly did not know how to speak.

When he thought about it, the pouch in the Ming Lun Envoy’s hands was much better than the Small Holding Bag that he had.

Towards roasting meat, Wei Xiao Bei was already quite familiar with it.

He skillfully took the firewood and piled it into a spire. Then he used thicker branches to create a simple rack. Afterwards, he placed the skewered meat onto the rack and lit up the bonfire.

He flipped the meat around while putting a bit of salt on top. He was slightly regretful that he did not have oil. However, it was impossible for him to ask for oil from the Ming Lun Envoy at this moment.

He could not simply order her around. Although she appeared like a little girl that was pure and innocent, there was no certainty that she was just pretending.

Moreover, the Bai Ta Hill might not have such a thing like vegetable oil.

With excellent control of the fire, the meat were quickly cooked. When Wei Xiao Bei gave the Ming Lun Envoy the fish, she immediately crouched on top of a rock and ate as if her life depended on it.

Her appearance made it seem like she had not eaten anything for hundreds of years.

In truth, if the opponent was not strong, Wei Xiao Bei would not hold back his laughter.

“So delicious! Even better than last time.”

As she ate the fish, she vaguely praised it.

It was indeed so. Last time, there were no seasoning on the fish. Although its meat might smell very good, the taste was not that great.

Wei Xiao Bei was even reluctant to eat it without seasoning.

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