
Chapter 558. Taking a Leap (3)

“...Uh, well,” Lee Hyeon-Su blinked his eyes in stupefaction when Wiggins suddenly barged into his office. “Yes, that\'s how it turned out.”

“I don\'t believe this...!” Wiggins deeply frowned as if he was genuinely displeased by this revelation. The signs of shock and dismay were palpable in his expression.

Lee Hyeon-Su\'s eye-blinking intensified at this. \'Huh. And I heard that the Round Table\'s knights are like unfeeling robots, too...\'

Anyone looking at that colorful display of emotions for one minute would never utter that dogsh*t nonsense ever again!

Wiggins closed the distance and leaned very close toward Lee Hyeon-Su sitting behind his desk. “There\'s something I\'d like to confirm, if you don\'t mind. Just what exactly is Mister Jin-Ho\'s position in the Martial Assembly?”

“...Uhm, he\'s an adviser?”

When he heard that reply, Wiggins grandly facepalmed, his expression distorted even further. And Lee Hyeon-Su could think of only one thing at that moment.

\'Holy cow!\'

How could a person vividly express their dismay with their facial muscles alone like that! Maybe Wiggins should seriously consider finding a new career in Hollywood? He was almost at the level of \'There Can Be No Substitute!\', now wasn\'t he!

“Fine. Fine! Okay, Mister Lee,” Wiggins sighed grandly. “It doesn\'t really matter what my lord\'s job title is in this organization. However, you and I both know full well that he\'s the actual leader of the Martial Assembly. You agree with me on this, I hope?”

“Of course. No one can dispute that.”

“Good. Then, why does it look like my lord is not receiving treatment befitting his station? Just what have you been doing, Mister Lee!”

Lee Hyeon-Su\'s cheeks twitched at that. Why was he being rebuked for this? Why?

“Excuse me... uh, Knight Wiggins?”

“Just call me Wiggins. I\'m no longer a knight, after all.”

“Okay, fine. Doesn\'t matter. Mister Wiggins, I get what you\'re saying. And I totally agree with you on this subject. Unfortunately, I do not have the authority to fix this situation. In my honest opinion, you should speak to the Assembly Master if you\'re serious about…”

“Do not try to avoid your responsibilities, Mister Lee!” Wiggins suddenly raised the volume of his voice. “A person should receive the appropriate reward for their work. Do you not agree?”

“N-no, I do agree.”

“However, I don\'t see my lord receiving the appropriate compensation for all the work he\'s done so far! Doesn\'t your duty involve managing and fixing matters like this!”

\'Like, how! Is that! My work?!\'

Lee Hyeon-Su wanted to cry right about now. Obviously, he understood what Wiggins was saying. And he also understood why this debonair gentleman was biting his head off, too.

When Kang Jin-Ho, Bang Jin-Hun and Lee Hyeon-Su were present together during the negotiation, it was Lee Hyeon-Su who dealt with all the administrative side of things. So, it was unsurprising to see Wiggins seeking Lee Hyeon-Su out to express his dissatisfaction like this.

However, Lee Hyeon-Su really was not in any position to fix Kang Jin-Ho\'s employment status!

\'I mean, seriously! I was in the Yeongnam Group not too long ago, you know!\'

Lee Hyeon-Su was a \'victim\' of a hostile takeover, wasn\'t he! And he was still minding his manners to prevent the proverbial guillotine from falling on his head, too!

“Mister Wiggins, I get what you\'re trying to say. I really do. However, I\'m being honest here. I\'m not in any position to...”

“Mister Lee, you must stop avoiding responsibilities like this.”

“No, I\'m telling you the truth! I don\'t have the authority to do this! Please listen to me for a second!”

“Mister Lee... No one here has that authority you speak of. So, the question now is, who will step forward to make the suggestion first? Even if your position in the Assembly is worse than I expected, you still can submit reports and recommendations to the Assembly Master, yes?”

Lee Hyeon-Su clamped his mouth shut.

Wiggins was right about this, though. Lee Hyeon-Su\'s standing in the Assembly still being a bit precarious was indeed true, but that didn\'t mean he was forbidden from recommending things to Bang Jin-Hun.

“Mister Lee, you\'re a shrewd man. Pragmatic and obviously rational, too. Others might not have raised this issue until now since they haven\'t thought about it yet, but you\'re different. You must\'ve seen the problem with this situation yet remained silent about it,” said Wiggins while narrowing his eyes. “You and I both know this is not a good look. Mister Lee, do what you\'re supposed to do. Appropriate compensation for one\'s labor. An appropriate position boasting the appropriate authority... Isn\'t that what you should\'ve provided to Mister Jin-Ho by now?”

“Uhm... Mister Wiggins, you do know that Mister Jin-Ho can utilize the Martial Assembly as much as he wants, right?”

“You must not make him say out loud what he wants first. A company is supposed to fulfill the needs of its employees first before they demand for it. Only then would it be possible to bring out the best of its workers. A company needs to be run rationally. No one would want to be a part of a company that doesn\'t reward its workers properly for all the work they did for it. Do you understand what I\'m trying to tell you, Mister Lee?”

“...Yes, I do hear you. I really do,” said Lee Hyeon-Su as his body began trembling in indignity. Was this a demonstration of the Westerners\' famed rationality?

“You must immediately arrange the appropriate position and corresponding authority for Mister Jin-Ho. And set up his personal office space, as well. A vague state of affairs like this is beneficial to no one. Mister Jin-Ho is not the type to be proactive unless his switch is flipped. So, you must create a position for him and force him to be a part of the Assembly.”

“Eh... Well, Knight Wiggins?”

“It\'s Mister Wiggins.”

“Yes, of course. Mister Wiggins, I think I need to confirm something first. Knowing this will be crucial for me in deciding how to address you in the future.”

“I see. Please, go ahead. Asking questions and providing answers is an indelible part of human conversation. And I\'m always open to conversing with you.”

“Got it. From what I understand, you decided to serve Mister Jin-Ho. And from what you\'re advising me to do... It sounds like you want me to create a position for Mister Jin-Ho so his strength can be used for the good of the Martial Assembly.”

“Yes, you\'re correct.”

“Doesn\'t that run contrary to your goal? From your perspective, shouldn\'t it be Mister Kang Jin-Ho using the Martial Assembly, not the other way around?”

“What a strange question that is,” Wiggins slowly shook his head. “You\'re not looking at this rationally, Mister Lee.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Knights pledge their loyalty to their monarchs. To be able to give their all for the crown, that is a knight\'s mission, their reason for existence. However, does that mean a monarch exists above their nation?”


“If I am the knight in this scenario, then Mister Jin-Ho is the king. And the nation is the South Korean Martial Assembly. The two parties cannot be separate entities anymore. All knights wish to see their kings excel and be wise rulers. And the nation\'s systems and frameworks exist to ensure that. I hope this will be a sufficient enough answer for you, Mister Lee.”

“No, I get it. I understand.” Lee Hyeon-Su nodded in affirmation. \'Yeah, Wiggins is right. For sure, things have been a bit too vague until now.\'

Even before a position or a role for Kang Jin-Ho could be decided, he ended up doing a lot of work for the Assembly. And that meant no existing position was deemed suitable for Kang Jin-Ho.

\'It\'s about time we deal with this.\'

Wiggins\' argument hit the bull\'s eye. An uncertain, undefined relationship would benefit no one. It was time to properly define what Kang Jin-Ho was to the Assembly.

“Thank you for your help, Mister Wiggins.”

“It was my pleasure,” Wiggins smartly nodded.

Lee Hyeon-Su looked at the Englishman in a renewed, much more appreciative light.

\'He must\'ve seen it because he\'s on the outside looking in.\'

Someone on the inside should be able to perceive issues like this. But an insider—like Lee Hyeon-Su—was bound to postpone finding suitable solutions since... Well, since they\'d think the matter wasn\'t urgent enough.

An insider would be aware of the gradually festering wound on the leg. However, since it wasn\'t grave enough to cut off the leg just yet, they would focus on more pressing matters first. Eventually, the insider would forget about the festering wound, and by the time they realize what\'s happening... The leg would have to be amputated.

Lee Hyeon-Su was that insider. He knew all this yet failed to respond appropriately. Now seemed like a good time to reflect on himself.

\'Is this why Mister Jin-Ho accepted an outsider?\'

Lee Hyeon-Su could also be seen as an outsider, as he originally hailed from the Yeongnam Group. However, both the Martial Assembly and the Yeongnam Group were similar organizations based in South Korea.

Meanwhile, Wiggins used to be a member of the Round Table, which operated under a completely different framework. It was probably easy for him to spot irrational and antiquated ways of the Assembly.

Lee Hyeon-Su was encouraged by the fact that Wiggins could assist the Assembly not just with the teaching of new martial arts techniques but in administrative matters like this.

“Mister Wiggins. In that case…” Lee Hyeon-Su, his eyes now full of anticipation, stared at the former knight. “Does this mean you also see yourself as a member of the Martial Assembly?”

“Of course. Since the one I serve has changed, I should switch the nation I\'m affiliated with as well.”

“Then... Can you assist me in my duties? I was actually panicking somewhat at the extreme amount of unresolved administrative work piling up at my desk, you see?”

“Hmm. That sounds interesting. Actually, I was getting a little bored with comparing my martial knowledge with what this place has to offer, so this change of pace might do me some good. Any work you think is fine for me to handle, allow me to take a look. I assure you, I\'ll do an impeccable job.”

Lee Hyeon-Su wordlessly tugged at his tie and loosened it. Finally, it felt like he could breathe a lot easier now! “That\'s the best thing I\'ve heard the whole day.”

Lee Hyeon-Su\'s spirit was reinvigorated at the sight of Wiggins.

\'Yes, the winds of change are sweeping through the Assembly.\'

The Martial Assembly had been changing nonstop for a while, but things seemed to have ground to a halt recently. But the former knight Wiggins joining the fray seemed to have broken through the dam\'s walls to let the stagnating water flow again.

\'Looks like I need to put in more effort now.\'

By repeatedly doing the exact same thing over and over again, humans would get stuck in a rut. Lee Hyeon-Su was well aware of this fact.

“Well, then. Why don\'t we start with...”

Just before Lee Hyeon-Su could finish, his and Wiggins\' heads snapped toward the office\'s window.

“What\'s going on?”

They could hear a loud commotion outside the building.

“...Something must be happening outside, then?”

The two men hurriedly walked over to the window and opened it wide. And then... they saw it.


What did they see? It was a large black van... And a literal giant standing in front of it!

Wiggins muttered in puzzlement. “Is that Vator?”

“What is that man doing here?!” Lee Hyeon-Su freaked out and tried to rush outside the office. However, Wiggins suddenly reached out and grabbed Lee Hyeon-Su\'s shoulder. “Why are you stopping me? That\'s an enemy, Mister Wiggins!”

“Calm down, Mister Lee. Take a look again.”

“Sorry?” Lee Hyeon-Su\'s expression stiffened, but he still looked out the window again. And when he focused his glare on Vator... “Mm?”

He didn\'t sense any hostility from Vator. Back when he saw the big man in the dog-fighting arena, Vator was overflowing with intense fighting spirit. But now? He seemed utterly relaxed and at peace. Someone barging into the Assembly looking for revenge wouldn\'t behave that way.

“...Why is he here, though?” Lee Hyeon-Su cocked an eyebrow in suspicion.

However, the smile etched on Wiggins\' lips was a bit more crooked than usual. “It seems the title of a sorcerer was invented just for my lord, then.”


“Turning an enemy into your ally is never easy, Mister Lee. Especially so when you\'re dealing with a martial artist like Vator. Making a warrior of his caliber surrender should\'ve been incredibly hard, yet my lord managed to pull it off with a snap of his fingers. So, how can I not call him a sorcerer?”

Lee Hyeon-Su only needed a second to realize what Wiggins meant.

\'What? Vator is our ally?\'

That giant brute of a man was?

Lee Hyeon-Su\'s thoughts became a messy tangle just then. Not too long ago, Vator bitterly fought against Kang Jin-Ho to the death. But now, that man had become their ally. How was this even...

“I... I don\'t understand what\'s what anymore...!”

Despite Lee Hyeon-Su possessing a keen intellect, it was still impossible for him to comprehend this situation.

“If you can\'t figure out what\'s going on, you should simply ask. That is what having a conversation is all about,” said Wiggins. His attitude was refreshingly straightforward. “It seems we need to speak to my lord as soon as possible. So, what say you, Mister Lee?”

Lee Hyeon-Su dazedly nodded, unable to think of anything else to say.

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